List of pictures of edible autumn mushrooms in Russia

Autumn is a time for harvesting, and for experienced mushroom pickers it is also possible to fill your basket with useful and tasty mushrooms. To know which mushrooms are edible, and which ones do not need to carefully study the encyclopedia and it is advisable to use the advice of experienced mushroom pickers. Mushrooms that have the lamellar structure of the caps usually refer to edible, but not all of them have such a structure, so it is better to get acquainted with all descriptions of edible species of mushrooms.

  • Albatrellus sheep
  • auricularia( Uhovidnaya)
  • Cep
  • White boletus
  • White Boletus
  • White steppe mushroom( Eringi)
  • Boletin marsh
  • Borovik
  • Valuy
  • Oyster
  • volnushki
  • hygrophorus
  • Clitocybe
  • Golovach
  • Mushroom Reshetnik
  • Lactarius pepper
  • Mellow Black
  • Oakyard ordinary
  • Blackberry( Yezhovik) yellow
  • Yellowish-brown stubby
  • Yellow and yellowish-brown flywheel
  • Winter mushroom
  • Umbrella mottled
  • instagram viewer
  • alotsibe May( blewits)
  • laccaria pink
  • lyophyllum elm
  • Chanterelles
  • greasers white
  • greasers yellow( Swamp)
  • greasers old grainy
  • greasers larch
  • greasers pepper
  • greasers late
  • greasers gray
  • mokruhu purple
  • Mokhovikov
  • Honey mushrooms
  • cortinarius
  • Cortinarius violaceus
  • Pesta
  • Plythei
  • Plows lion-yellow
  • Drizzle deer
  • Prerresovik obabok black
  • Prerresovozik ordinary
  • PodberezoVic colorful
  • boletus turning pink
  • Podgruzdka
  • Podmolochnik( Euphorbia)
  • aspen upland
  • aspen red( Krasnogolovik)
  • Polevik early
  • semi-white mushroom
  • Polish mushrooms
  • Float white
  • Porhovka
  • Ginger
  • sparassis crispa
  • Russula
  • Amanita Caesarea
  • pholiota golden
  • Mushrooms

Albatrellus sheep

Usually mushrooms are single, but can be fused with a lateral or central leg. The length of the mushroom grows about 7 centimeters and 3 centimeters in diameter, the shape of the cap looks like an irregular circle, in the center it is slightly convex, and later it becomes flat and elastic. The surface of the cap may have a grayish-yellow, pale gray or white color. When the mushroom young hat is weakly scaly, it is almost smooth, then the scales become more pronounced. The fungus has a white flesh, which tends to change color to yellowish-lemon when dried.

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Auricularia( Ear)

A unique fungus in terms of the amount of nutrients. It has an interesting shape that resembles a wrinkled ear, its hat grows 8 centimeters in height, 12 centimeters in diameter and 2 millimeters in thickness. Outside it is covered with a small fluff and has olive-yellowish-brown color, inside is shiny and gray-violet. The mushroom foot is usually difficult to notice, it dries in a drought and is able to recover after a rain. This forest edible mushroom is located on trees and prefers oak, alder, maple and elderberry.

Also find descriptions and names of inedible poisonous mushrooms
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White mushroom

The mushroom has a hemispherical pillow-shaped head, it is happy with fleshy and convex, the breadth of the cap is 20-25 centimeters. Its surface is slightly sticky, smooth, its color is brown, light brown, olive or violet-brown. The fungus has a fleshy cylindrical foot, the height of which does not exceed 20 centimeters and 5 centimeters in diameter, underneath it expands, the outer surface has a light brown or white tinge, there is a mesh pattern on top. The greater part of the leg is usually found in the litter( under the ground).This is one of the many edible mushrooms that are common in the Saratov region.

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White buffalo

The shape of the cap of the fungus is hemispherical, and then pillow-shaped, its diameter is about 15 centimeters, naked and can become mucous. The outer part of the cap can acquire various shades of gray and brown. Leg is solid, cylindrical, diameter is 3 centimeters, length is about 15 centimeters. At the bottom of the foot of the fungus slightly widens, its color is whitish-gray and there are longitudinal dark scales. The tubes of the sporiferous layer are long, its color is white, turning into dirty gray.

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White asphodel

Mushroom belongs to large species, the scope of the hat reaches in diameter of 25 centimeters, the color of the outer part is white or some shades of gray. The lower surface of the fungus is finely porous, white at first growing, with old fungi becoming gray-brown. The leg is quite high, at the base it thickens, its color is white, there are oblong scales of brown or white color. The structure of the flesh is dense, usually it is blue-green at the base of the fungus, at the break becomes blue almost black. This species refers to edible fungi, which are collected mushroom pickers in the Rostov region.

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White steppe mushroom( Yeringa)

The size of the mushroom cap varies between 2-15 centimeters, sometimes 30 centimeters, in the young it is semi-spherical, ripening, becoming concave or flat-prostrate usually has an irregular shape. The structure of the cap is scaly and smooth, the color of the outer surface is usually white, but the old specimens have yellowish-white hats. The mushroom's leg is thick, its height is only 4 centimeters, and the diameter is about 3 centimeters, closer to the base it narrows, the skin of the young is white, becoming slightly yellow with age. The flesh has an elastic structure, the plates of the sporiferous layer are broad, they are white or yellowish-brown.

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Boletin swamp

The diameter of the mushroom cap usually does not exceed 10 centimeters, its shape is flat-convex, pillow-shaped, the center is marked with a tubercle. It is felt-scaly, fleshy and dry, the color of the young is quite bright purple or cherry red, burgundy, with old fungi with a yellowish tinge. The height of the foot reaches 4-7 centimeters, and the diameter is 1-2 centimeters, at the base of the fungus the leg is slightly thickened, sometimes the remains of the ring under which it is red, and yellow from above are noticeable. The flesh has a yellow slightly blue color, the sporiferous layer runs down to the foot, its color is yellow, and then brown, the pores are wide.

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The cap has a rounded shape at the beginning of growth, later it transforms into a plane-convex, its color is dark almost black, the smooth skin is slightly velvety. The flesh is dense in structure, its color is white and it does not change when cut, it has a distinct mushroom flavor. Leg is massive, has a clavate shape, it is strongly thickened at the base, its color is terracotta, and on the top you can always see a grid of white color. If you press your fingers on the hymenophore, you can observe the appearance of olive-green spots.

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The hat in diameter grows from 8 to 12 centimeters, and sometimes 15 centimeters, is painted in yellow or brown-yellow. The young has a globular cap that ripens, opens and becomes flat, it is shiny and smooth, there is mucus. The shape of the leg is barrel-shaped or cylindrical, the length is 5-11 centimeters, and the thickness is about 3 centimeters, its color is white, but it can be covered with brown spots. The flesh is rather fragile, it is white, but gradually darkens at the cut up to brown color. The sporiferous layer is white or dirty-creamy, the plates narrowly adherent, frequent, have different lengths.

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Oyster mushroom

The size of the mushroom cap in diameter varies from 5 to 22 centimeters. There are peels of different colors: yellowish, white, pale, blue-gray, ashy or dark-gray, the shape is shell-shaped round or ocher, its surface is matte and smooth, and the edges are thin. The short leg is cylindrical, its surface is smooth, the base is felt. The fleshy pulp is juicy, white and pleasant to taste with a light mushroom flavor. The plates fall on the foot, they are wide and medium-frequency, the young are white, and then they become grayish. This edible fungus is common in the Kuban.

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wavelet The cone-shaped hat reaches 5-8 centimeters in diameter, it is cream-white in color and darkens towards the middle, the surface is very fluffy at the edges of the cap fluffed. The mushroom foot can grow 2-8 centimeters in length, and about 2 centimeters in thickness, the color of the surface does not differ from the outer part of the cap, tapers closer to the base. The flesh is brittle white, milky juice is released at the break. The plates are freezing, adherent, narrow and frequent; the young are white, the old mushrooms are cream or yellow. This species can be found in the open spaces of the Moscow region.

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The mushroom cap usually does not grow more than 5 centimeters in diameter, rarely grows up to 7-10 centimeters, it has a convex shape, often with a small tubercle in the middle, raises mucus in rainy weather, can be gray, white, reddish or olive color. Leg has a dense structure, its shape is often cylindrical, coloring in the tone of the hat. Plates are rarely located, they are thick, descending and waxy, they are white, pink or yellow.

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The mushroom cap usually has small dimensions only 3-6 centimeters in diameter, its shape is funnel-shaped, the skin is dry and smooth, the cap is very thin, its color is pale yellowish-brown, light-chestnut or gray-ashy. The cylindrical leg does not grow more than 4 centimeters in height and 0.5 centimeters in thickness, the color of the peel is pale yellow, it is always lighter than the surface of the cap. Plates are adherent, infrequent and broad, they are always light-colored or whitish.

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Very unusual and peculiar representative of rain mushrooms. His fruit body is huge, has the shape of bowls or maces, in young animals the color is saturated white. The height of the fungus can reach 20 centimeters, its flesh of white color has a loose structure. The foot of the fungus is considerably larger than the fetal body or much smaller. You can eat only mushrooms that are not completely ripe, they are easy to distinguish from old ones, because those darker and outer surfaces of the cap are in the cracks.

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Fungus grill

The mushroom cap in the span is about 5-11 centimeters, the outer surface can be brown, brown or reddish, sometimes with a red tinge; in the young it is slightly convex, then it becomes more even, flat, smooth to the touch. The height of the cylindrical leg reaches 5-12 centimeters, the color usually does not differ from the cap, it is smooth to the touch, firm and dense, sometimes slightly curved. The pulp of the fungus has a brown or yellow hue, in the place of the cut it becomes slightly pinkish. The tubular layer is always a little lighter than the cap, it is light brown or yellowish.

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Mellow pepper

The hat is convex in young animals and spread out in more mature, funnel-shaped in old, diameter 13-15 centimeters. The skin is dry, matte, its color is white with small spots of brownish-yellow color. Thick, thick, white flesh secretes light milky juice on the cut, it becomes green with time. A distinctive feature of the fungus is its narrow and frequent plates of white color with a cream tint.

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Mellow black

Mushroom usually grows singly, despite the name its color is not black, but greenish-olive-brown. The hat is flat or funnel-shaped with a pit in the middle, its surface is sticky-astringent, the range is 10-20 centimeters. The leg is rather short, only 3-7 centimeters, its thickness usually does not exceed 3 centimeters, at the base it is more narrowed. The flesh has a greyish-white hue and on the cut darkens, secreting milky juice. The lamellar layer is dirty-white when pressed, turning black. The land of the Kaliningrad region is very rich in this kind of edible mushrooms.

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Oak bulldog

A massive hat, the scale of which is 5-15 centimeters, rarely grows up to 20 centimeters, hemispherical in young animals, then opens and transforms into a pillow-shaped one. The velvety surface is gray-brown and brown-yellow colored irregularly. The flesh is dense with a yellow tinge, on the cut it immediately acquires a blue-green color and eventually turns black. The stem is clavate and thick, its height is 5-11 centimeters, and the thickness is from 3 to 6 centimeters, the color is yellowish, but closer to the basement is darker, there is a dark network. The hymenophor strongly changes color with the age of the fungus, first it is ocher, then red or orange, and the old specimens are dirty-olive.

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Blackberry( Yezhovik) yellow

The diameter of the cap varies within 4-15 centimeters, its shape is unevenly wavy, convex-concave, and the edges are curved inward. Slightly velvety skin is dry and can be reddish-orange and light-ocher. The length of the foot is about 4 centimeters, the width is not more than 3 centimeters, the structure is dense, and the shape is round-cylindrical, the surface is smooth, light yellow in color. The flesh is light, fragile and dense, on the cut it acquires a brownish-yellow hue. The hymenophora is a dense spine of light cream color, which descend to the foot.

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Yellow-brown amphibians

The large hat grows about 10-20 centimeters, and sometimes up to 30 centimeters in diameter, its color is yellowish-gray and bright red, the shape changes with age, first globular, later becomes convexor flat( rarely).The fleshy flesh on the fracture acquires a distinct lilac shade, and later almost black. Leg high about 15-20 centimeters, width 4-5 centimeters, has a cylindrical shape, thickens downwards, from above white, from below with a green tint. The spore layer is gray or whitish, the pores are shallow, the tubular layer is very easily separated from the cap.

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Yellow and yellowish-brown flywheel

At first, the cap has a semi-circular shape with an inclined edge, and then becomes cushion shaped, 5-14 centimeters in size, pubescent, gray-orange or olive, over time it cracks, forming small scales,they disappear when ripe. Leg has a clavate shape, its height is 3-9 centimeters, and the thickness is 2-3.5 centimeters, the surface is smooth, lemon-yellow or slightly lighter, brownish or red at the bottom. Pulp is light yellow or orange, hard, in places, it can become blue. Pipe attached to the stalk, the pores are small, grow as they mature.

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Winter mushroom

A small hat can grow about 2-8 centimeters in diameter, in young animals it is convex-rounded, later it becomes convex-spread, the surface is smooth, mucous orange-brown, but in the middle a little darker. Plates are rare, creamy, darkens with age. The leg grows to a height of up to 8 centimeters, in thickness it does not exceed 1 centimeter, has a cylindrical shape, on top usually yellow, and from below it is darker, brown or red. The flesh of the cap is soft, and on the stalk is more rigid, has a light yellow hue.

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Parasol umbrella

The diameter of the mushroom cap is impressive, from 15 to 30 centimeters, and sometimes all 40 centimeters, it is ovoid at the beginning of growth and gradually transforms into a flat-convex, prostrate and umbelliform, in the middle there is a tubercle. The surface of the cap is white-gray, pure white or brown, it always has large flakes of brown color, with the exception of the center of the cap. Plates accrued to the collarium, their color is creamy white, and over time appear red veins. Leg very long 30 centimeters and above, its thickness is only 3 centimeters, thickens at the base, the surface of the skin is brown.

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Kalotzib May( Ryadovka)

Hat in the span is 5-10 centimeters, in the young its form is pillow-shaped or hemispherical, it opens with age and loses its symmetry, the edges may bend. The surface is yellowish-white, dry and smooth, the flesh is dense, its color is white, there is a distinct, powdery smell. The plates are adherent, narrow and frequent, at first almost white in maturity light cream. The width of the foot is 1-3 centimeters, the height is 2-7 centimeters, the surface is smooth, usually a shade identical to the color of the outer surface of the cap.

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Pink rose

The hat changes its shape with age, in young mushrooms it is bell-shaped or convex-impressed, and in adulthood it becomes convex with a hollow in the middle and often cracked with wavy edges. Color depending on the weather conditions is pink-carrot, yellow or almost whitish. Plates are adherent, broad, usually their color coincides with the shade of the outer part of the cap. The length of the cylindrical leg is 8-10 centimeters, it is even, the structure is dense, slightly darker than the cap or has an identical color. The flesh is watery, has no special smell.

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Lyophyllum elm

A cap about 4-10 centimeters, convex in young, fleshy, the edge is wrapped, it tends to mature at maturation, it is light beige or white, there are "watery" spots on the surface. Plates with a tooth attached to the stem, they are frequent and always slightly lighter hued cap. The length of the foot of the fungus is 5-8 centimeters, in diameter usually no more than 2 centimeters, the shape is curved, the shade often coincides with the outer part of the cap.

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Fruit bodies of mushrooms are large and medium-shaped cap-shaped, the head is almost funnel-shaped, fleshy, its edge is thick and blunt, color varies within shades of red or yellow, rarely whitish. The leg is usually short and fairly thick, the pulp is yellow or white, on the cut it becomes mostly distinctly blue or red. The hymenophore is folded, the folds thick from the cap are not separated, but specimens with a smooth sporiferous layer are found.

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Oily white

The diameter of the cap does not exceed 11 centimeters, it has a convex cushion shape in the early stage of maturation, and later becomes flattened or concave, the young surface is painted white and only at the edges the outer part is pale yellow, then acquiresyellowish- or grayish-white shade, which darkens in damp weather. The skin of the cap is naked, smooth and slightly slimy, but when it dries it starts to shine. The flesh has a yellow or white color, it tends to change it on the cut to wine red. The height of the leg is 3-8 centimeters, the thickness is not more than 2 centimeters, its shape is cylindrical, but it is also spindle-shaped at the base.

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Yellowish yoghurt( Marsh)

Mushrooms grow single and in large groups, the average size of the cap is 3-6 centimeters, but it can grow up to about 10 centimeters, the young usually have a globus, the open or pillow shaped mushroom acquires when ripe. Its color varies within the gray-yellow and yellowish-brown, but sometimes it is saturated chocolate. The thickness of the foot does not exceed 3 centimeters, there is an oily ring above which the leg is white, and below the yellow one. In young specimens, the ring is white, in the old one it is purple. The pores of the spore layer are round and small, the flesh is mostly white.

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Summer grease oil

The mushroom gives the impression of being dry, since the surface of the cap is not sticky, its shape is round-convex, it can grow up to 10 centimeters in diameter, initially brownish-brown, red, then yellow-ocher and pure yellow. The thin tubular layer is light in young animals and light gray-yellow at maturity, the tubes are short with rounded pores. The flesh is soft enough, brownish-yellow and thick, has almost no smell, but the taste is pleasant. The length of the stalk is about 7-8 centimeters, the thickness is almost 2 centimeters, the surface is colored yellow.

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Lardful lard

The size of the hat varies from 3 to 11 centimeters, it is conical or hemispherical, elastic and fleshy, ripening, tends to transform into a convex or spread out shape. The surface of the cap is shiny, slightly sticks, smooth and easily separates. The tubes are short, adherent, the pores are small, their edges are sharp, they release a little milky juice. The length of the leg is 4-7 centimeters, the diameter is about 2 centimeters, it is curved or cylindrical, differs in hardness. The flesh has a yellow tint and a dense structure, the color does not lose on the cut.

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Pepper oil

The breadth of the cap is 3-8 centimeters, the convex-rounded shape is inherent in the younger generation, later it is almost flat, the surface velvety, the sun usually shines, becomes mucous in high humidity. The hat is painted light brown or copper sometimes with an orange, brown or red tinge. The length of the leg is 3-7 centimeters, and the thickness of only 1.5 centimeters, mostly cylindrical or slightly curved, tapers closer to the base. Flesh yellowish, loose, ducts descend to the leg, pores large, painted brownish-red.

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Late butterfly

The diameter of the cap is about 10 centimeters, in the young it is convex, then it transforms into a flat one, in the middle one can see a tubercle, it is colored chocolate brown, sometimes there is a purple hue. Surface mucous and fibrous, ducts grown, pores small, pale yellow in young animals, then acquire a brownish-yellow hue. The solid leg is cylindrical in shape, not more than 3 centimeters in diameter, near the hat is colored in lemon yellow, at the base - brown. The pulp is juicy, soft, white with a lemon tint.

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Seedlings gray

Pillow cap in the span of 8-10 centimeters, painted in light gray, there may be a purple or green hue, the surface is mucous. The color of the tubular layer is usually grayish-white or brown-gray, the wide tubes are descending. The flesh is watery, has a strong taste and smell, its color is white, but turns yellow at the base of the leg, turns blue at the break. The height of the leg is 6-8 centimeters, there is a wide felt ring that disappears as it ripens.

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Crimson purple

The breadth of the cap does not exceed 8 centimeters, it is neatly rounded at a young age, ripening, unfolds and even becomes funnel-shaped, its color is lilac-brown with a wine-red tinge. The outer part is smooth, the mullet is slimy, the flesh does not have a strong odor, it is lilac-pink and thick. Wide plates descending to the foot, mauve in mauve, and in adulthood, dirty brown even black. Leg curved, 4-9 centimeters long, diameter - 1-1.5 centimeters, its color usually coincides with the tone of the outer surface of the cap.

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The cap is hemispherical, the surface is brown and velvety, there are cracks, the diameter does not exceed 9-10 centimeters, in mature mushrooms the hat is transformed into a pillow-like shape. Leg thin( 2 centimeters) and long( 5-12 centimeters), at the base narrows, it can be slightly curved. The color of the pulp is red or yellow, a distinctive feature is the acquisition of a blue shade on the cut.

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At a young age the cap is hemispherical, then acquires an umbelliform shape or almost flat, its swing ranges from 2 to 9 centimeters, usually the surface is covered with small scales, but ripening, the mushroom gets rid of them. The color of the cap may be light yellow, cream or reddish, but the center is always darker than the rest of the surface. Mushrooms have a very long leg, it can grow from 2 to 17 centimeters, and the thickness is not more than 3 centimeters. This kind of edible mushroom like to collect mushroom pickers in the Crimea.

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Bottlenecked fruit bodies, growing to different sizes, create around themselves a common cobweb coverlet. In young animals, the cap often has a conical or hemispherical shape, while ripening becomes a convex, usually pronounced tubercle in the middle. The skin is colored orange, yellow, brown, brown, purple or dark red. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, but it can also be clavate, usually its shade coincides with the color of the outer part of the cap, the fleshy flesh is yellow, white, olive-green, ocherous or violet, tends to change color on the cut.

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Spiderweb purple

The breadth of the cap does not exceed 9 centimeters, at the beginning its form is round-campanulate, ripening, it becomes convex with a blunt tubercle of medium size, and then completely prostrate, often with a wide tubercle in the middle. The surface is smooth and glistens, its color is initially whitish-lilac or lilac-silvery, and with age, yellow-brown or ocher middle appears more and more. The plates are narrow, of medium frequency, attached to the teeth, they are bluish-gray in the young, then they acquire a ocher-gray or brownish-brown hue. The web was veiled dense lilac-silvery, and later reddish. The height of the club-shaped foot reaches 5-9 centimeters, the thickness is usually not more than 2 centimeters, the pulp is soft and thick, watery in the stem.

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The mushroom is quite interesting, it does not have a leg either, as such, consists of a sitting fruit body, which in the young forms a bubble, and ripening is more like a saucer, the edges of which are wrapped. The diameter of this saucer reaches 8-10 centimeters, the surface of the fungus is smoothly colored in various shades of brown, glistens in damp weather. The flesh of the fruit body is rather brittle and thin.

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The mushroom has a hat-shaped, fruiting body, the size of which can be completely different. The shape of the cap is campanulate or prostrate, usually in the middle with a small tubercle, the range of hats varies within 2-20 centimeters. The surface is dry, sometimes fibrous, smooth and even scaly, its color varies from white to black, usually brownish brown. The fleshy flesh is yellow, white or grayish, the color does not change. Cylindrical leg slightly widens closer to the base, lamellar hymenophore white or pink, but eventually acquires a brown tint.

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lashes The size of the hat is 2-5 centimeters, at the beginning of growth its form is campanulate, later acquires a flat, convex or convex shape, its skin is matte velvety, smooth to the touch, color honey-yellow or brownish. The plates are broad at first yellow, and in old mushrooms they become pink. The length of the leg is about 4-6 centimeters, it is thin enough only 0.4-0.7 centimeters, the shape is cylindrical, it is even or slightly curved, fibrous, often there is a nodule base, the stalk is yellowish brown, nearer to the base it is always slightly darker. Dense in structure flesh has a pleasant smell.

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Slivers of deer

The caps are usually small, their diameter is from 5 to 15 centimeters, they are convex in the young, then they become more flat, and in the center of the tubercles, the skin is smooth, brownish or gray-brown. Broad plates are often located, their color is pink or white. The leg is thin and long, the flesh is fleshy, white and has a pleasant smell, it is a bit like the smell of radish.

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Brown chewing gum black

The scope of the mushroom cap is 5-10 centimeters, but it can grow up to 20 centimeters, at first it has a hemispherical shape, later convex-pillow-shaped, the smooth skin from the cap does not separate, is covered with a small layer of mucus in moist weather, painted brown-black. A free hymenophore is easily separated from the cap, it is white, with age it becomes gray-brown. The leg is dense, 5-13 centimeters high, the thickness does not exceed 6 centimeters, usually widened at the base, the surface is covered with small scales.

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Prerresovozik ordinary

The cap is hemispherical convex or pillow-shaped, the size is from 6 to 15 centimeters. The hue of the outer part is gray-brown or brown, the surface is silky, usually hangs over the edge of the cap. The hymenophora is light, gray with age, the stem of the young is clavate, beneath thickened, its height can reach 10-20 centimeters, but it is thin, only 1-3 centimeters, covered with scales of dark shades all over the surface. Pulp is almost white, in the stalk the structure is dense, in the cap - loose. This is one of the many edible species of fungi that are found even in Siberia.

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Birch colored multi-colored

The mushroom hat is painted in gray-white color, the unevenness of the color is a distinctive feature, its range reaches 7-11 centimeters, the shape can vary from closed hemispherical to slightly convex and pillow-shaped. The sporiferous layer in the young is light gray, the old fungi are gray-brown, the tubes are finely porous. Leg is cylindrical, high from 10 to 15 centimeters, its diameter is 2-3 centimeters, closer to the base it thickens, it is usually densely covered with scales of dark color.

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Brown-cheeked pink-colored

The hat is colored unevenly, it is a little brownish-yellow, but there are more bright spots. At first the tubular layer is white, ripening, it acquires a dirty gray color. The flesh has a dense structure, its color is white, but turns pink at the cut, and then it gets dark. The foot of the fungus is short, the surface is painted white, but covered with scales of dark color, it is slightly curved, and closer to the base thickens.

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The fungus is large, there are specimens with a diameter of 30 centimeters, its shape is flat-convex, in the center of the fovea, the edges are concave, the surface is colored in light tones in young animals, and darkens with age. The plates are narrow and thin enough, usually white, but there are also bluish-green colors. The foot of the fungus is powerful, usually in the tone of the outer surface of the cap, at the base wider.

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Dummy( Euphorbia)

A medium-sized hat( 10-15 centimeters) is colored brownish-orange, often the surface is covered with cracks, its shape is flat-convex, then becomes funnel-shaped.dense pulp has a creamy-yellow hue, it secrete milky juice on a fracture. The plates descending to the foot, grown, cream-yellow, but when pressed immediately darken. The shape of the foot is cylindrical, the height is about 10 centimeters, the thickness is 2 centimeters, the color usually coincides with the tone of the cap.

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Boletus boletus

The hat is modified with age, at first it is hemispherical closely adhering to the stem, then it acquires a convex-pillow shape, it easily separates from the leg, usually no more than 16 centimeters in diameter. The surface is velvety, red-brown, the recessed hymenophore is easily separated from the pulp, its color is white or cream-gray, when pressed it turns red. The length of the leg varies from 6 to 15 centimeters, the thickness can reach 5 centimeters, it is cylindrical, solid, can be deep enough to land. The flesh is dense, it is painted white, but on the cut it immediately turns blue.

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Red-capped redhead( Red-head)

The hat has a bright red-orange color, its swing reaches 4-16 centimeters, globular at a young age, then acquires a more open form, velvety surface protruding along the edges. The flesh has a dense structure, the color is white, black at the break. The sporiferous layer is uneven, thick, the young are white, the old fungi are brownish-gray. A massive foot about 5 centimeters thick, thickens at the base, the whole surface of the foot covered with fibrous longitudinal scales.

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Fieldman early

Young specimens have a hat of 3-7 centimeters in diameter, it is hemispherical, but ripening, tends to open up to the outstretched form, the skin is vaguely yellow, it can fade and become dirty white. Wide plates are prickly with a tooth, the young are bright, then they acquire a dirty brown color. A leg 5-7 centimeters long usually has an identical color with a hat, but at the base a little darker, the remains of the ring can remain on top. The flesh has a pleasant smell, it is white in a bonnet and brown in a leg.

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Semi-white mushroom

A medium sized hat, from 5 to 15 centimeters, and sometimes grows up to 20 centimeters, its shape is transformed as it ripens from convex to almost flat, the outer part is smooth, painted in a light brown color. Flesh is yellowish, dense, does not change coloring on cut, it has a distinct odor of iodine. The length of the leg is 5-13 centimeters, the diameter is about 6 centimeters, the peel on the foot is rough and slightly fleecy at the base. The spore layer is yellow or olive-yellow, the pores are small and round.

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Polish mushroom

The breadth of the cap is about 5-13 centimeters, but sometimes there are specimens and about 20 centimeters, at the beginning of growth hemispherical, then it becomes more convex and for the old age gets a flat shape. The surface is brownish-red, olive brown, almost chocolate or brownish-brown, smooth, velvety and dry. The tubular layer is adherent, the pores are wide or small, it is colored yellow, but when pressed, it becomes blue. The foot is massive, 4-12 centimeters long, and 1-4 centimeters thick, the shape is usually cylindrical or swollen, the surface is smooth and fibrous. The flesh has a distinct mushroom smell, it is firm in young animals and becomes softer with age.

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Float white

The average size is egg-shaped in youth and opens to old age, but usually there is a bump in the center, the skin is white, the edges of the cap are ribbed. Plates are frequent, loose and painted white. The thickness of the foot is 2 centimeters, the length is not more than 10 centimeters, the entire surface is covered with white scales, the foot thickens at the base. The pulp is white and has a strong odor and taste.

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Fruit body of the fungus egg-shaped or spherical, diameter 3-6 centimeters, the pulp is white and has a pleasant smell, the leg is absent. You can consume the fungus only at a young age, when the color of the outer surface is still white, after it turns black, discarding spores begins.

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The thick-fleshy hat in diameter reaches 4-13 centimeters, it is flat at a young age, later becomes funnel-shaped with the inside wrapped edges, the surface is slightly covered with mucus, painted in a red or whitish-orange hue, but there are concentriccircles of dark color. The plates are notched, adherent, narrow, their color is yellow-orange. The flesh is fragile, blushes on the cut, and then turns green, emits milky juice. The cylindrical leg is usually painted identical to the hat, its height about 4-6 centimeters, diameter of 2 centimeters. These edible mushrooms often collect mushroom pickers Stavropol Territory.

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Sparassis curly

Fruit body is a conglomeration of curly, fleshy blades, on the whole it resembles a lush bush of a spherical shape, the blades are wrinkled or smooth, their edge wavy or dissected. The diameter of the fruit body varies between 5-35 centimeters, its height is 15-20 centimeters, it can weigh 6-8 kilograms. The rhizome is thick and attached in the middle of the fruit body. The spore layer is located on the blades( on one side), it is painted in gray or cream-white color. The flesh is fragile, but fleshy, its smell is completely different from the fungus.

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In youngsters, the shape of the cap is usually campanulate, globular or semi-spherical, later transformed from flat to oblong or funnel-shaped with straight or wrapped edges. The surface is of different colors, matte or shiny, dry, but sometimes moist, from the pulp easily separates. The adherent platelets are notorious, free or descending. Leg is evenly cylindrical, hollow inside, pulp is brittle, dense, white, but tends to change color with age or on cut. The most delicious and common type of edible mushrooms in the Belgorod region.

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Cesar mushroom

The diameter of the cap varies from 7-21 centimeters, at first its shape is hemispherical or ovoid, then it becomes convex-spread, the skin is painted red or orange, naked, with a rugate margin. Plates are frequent, loose, yellow-orange. A strong leg in length reaches 6-18 centimeters, and in thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters, it is cylindrical-club-shaped, painted in a golden or light yellow shade. Pulp is strong, yellow-orange or white.

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Golden scales

Mushroom grows in large groups usually on trees or near them. The breadth of the cap is from 5 to 20 centimeters, the wide-campanulate at the initial stage of growth is later flat-rounded, the shade of the outer part is dirty-golden or rusty-yellow, red scales are present throughout the surface. Plates denticulate, adhered to the stem, wide, wear a light yellow color. The height of the legs is 8-10 centimeters, the thickness is 1-2 centimeters, the color of the surface is yellowish-brown, the skin is covered with scales.

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The size of the fruit body can reach 5-25 centimeters, the massive hat has a dense structure, the young one is rounded, ripening, becoming more flat, the skin smooth, rarely covered with scales, the color is white, brown and brown. The plates are located freely, they have a white color, the color changes to pinkish, and then almost black, as they mature. The foot is flat, central, inside is hollow, there is a ring. The flesh is whitish, it tends to turn yellow or blush in the air.

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