Masks for hands nutritious, for rejuvenation, against dryness and cracks: recipes

Recipes for moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating hand masks.


  • Home Nourishing Hand Mask, recipe
  • Hand Mask for dryness and cracks, recipe
  • Hand Peeling Mask
  • Whitening Hand Mask
  • Night Mask for Gloved Hands, recipe
  • Paraffin hand mask, recipe
  • Mask for handshand with vitamins, prescription
  • Hand mask with aloe, prescription
  • How to make a hand mask with glycerin?
  • VIDEO: Hand Mask at home

Hands are the first thing that gives the age of a woman. With improper care, the skin of the hands wrinkles, dries and becomes flabby. To slow aging, hands need care, for this you need to regularly make masks.

Home Nourishing Hand Mask, recipe

There are many options for nourishing hand masks. They all contain moisturizing and fatty ingredients. This is honey, cream, sour cream, egg yolks and fruit. Recipes of nutrient mixtures:

  • Potatoes. To prepare the product, boil the potatoes in water, removing the skin from it. Rinse the tubers to mash and pour in the milk. You should get a viscous mass. Apply it on the hands and hands. Leave for 25 minutes. After that, wash your hands with warm water, grease with cream
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  • Honey and sour cream. In a small bowl, mix 50 ml of honey with 40 ml of fatty sour cream. You can take cream or fatty yogurt. Blend the mixture with a thick layer over the palms and hands. Lie down for 25 minutes, after wrapping your hands with cellophane. Rinse with warm water
  • Fish oil and parsley. Mask is best done in the spring, at this time there is a young and fresh greens. It contains a maximum of vitamins. Pass the greens through the meat grinder. Spoon the resulting green mashed potatoes with 100 g of fatty cottage cheese and 20 ml of fish oil. The mixture is applied to the inner and outer part of the palm for a quarter of an hour.
Nourishing hand mask

Hand mask against dryness and cracks, recipe

In winter, due to temperature differences, the skin of the hands dries and cracks. She needs softening and moisturizing. For these purposes, vegetable and essential oils are usually used. Recipes for moisturizing masks:

  • With potatoes. Potato tuber clean from the skin and grate. Mix this porridge with 25 ml of warm bees nectar and 10 ml of carrot juice. Apply to cleansed skin of the extremities. Leave the application for a quarter of an hour.
  • With glycerin. This product prevents evaporation of moisture from the hands. To prepare the mixture, mix 20 ml of honey and glycerin. Beef nectar is better to take from acacia. It is liquid and does not sugar for a long time. In the resulting mass, enter 20 g of any flour and 35 ml of warm water. You will eventually get a yellow mixture with a characteristic honey-swing. Dip your hands in it and hold a quarter of an hour
  • With aloe. For a couple of leaves of three-year aloe, peel off the film and mash with a fork. It is not necessary to squeeze the juice. Mix the mass with 25 ml of liquid bees nectar and a few drops of olive oil. Apply a thick liquid on the inner and outer surface of the palm. Leave for 25 minutes
Hand mask

Hand peeling mask

The peeling contains soft exfoliating ingredients. These are oat flakes, sugar or salt. Must be in the mask should be vegetable oils.

Mask-peeling recipe:

  • Mask better done in summer or autumn
  • Peel several grapes from the skin and remove seeds, you need the pulp
  • Using a coffee grinder, grind a handful of oat flakes to the state of flour
  • Mix the grape pulp with flour and evenly grease the hands
  • Leavefor a third of an hour exposure
Hand peeling mask

Whitening hand mask

These whitening products contain lemon or orange juice. Fruit acid helps to remove small pigment spots.

A whitening mask recipe:

  • A quarter of the packaged yeast is poured with a spoonful of warm water and let stand for 30 minutes
  • A typical
  • film should appear on the surface of the mass. Pour in 20 ml of lemon juice
  • Spread the mixture on the surface of the brushes and leave for a third of the hour.
  • Rinse with water and cover with creamor fat lotion
Whitening hand mask

Night mask for hands with gloves, recipe

Night masks are useful for women who want to slow down aging. Such means are best used in winter, when the skin is dry and cracked.

Recipes for night masks:

  • Castor oil. The recipe is ugly simple. Lubricate the skin with castor oil, and on top put on cotton gloves. To quickly fall asleep, you can add a few drops of lavender or sage
  • to the base oil. Egg mask. In the egg yolk, enter 20 ml of warm honey and 10 g of oat flakes. Apply mush on the limbs, put on the gloves and go to rest
Night mask for the hands

Paraffin hand mask, recipe

Warm paraffin helps to clean the skin of the hands. It speeds up the movement of lymph and prevents drying. Paraffin can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is usually mixed with nutritional and moisturizing ingredients.

Paraffin mask recipe:

  • Melt the paraffin wax in a water bath and pour in 20 ml of
  • olive oil. Pre-apply the scrub to your hands and then rinse it off
  • . Brush the palms with
  • cream. In warm paraffin, dip your hands and pull them
  • . Let the paraffin stiffen and then dip againpalms in mass
  • You must make sure that thick paraffin gloves from
  • are formed on hands. Top with polyethylene gloves and leave for 25 minutes
Paraffin hand mask

Hand mask with vitamins,

This mixture nourishes dry epidermis and improves skin condition.

Recipe for mask with vitamins:

  • 25 ml of olive oil, heat a little, pour in 5 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Add 2 capsules of vitamins A and E to the oil mixture
  • Add a spoonful of Panthenol
  • Lubricate with greasy brush mass and put on polyethylene gloves
  • Leave for impactfor 25 minutes
Hand mask with vitamins

Hand mask with aloe, prescription

Aloe is a medicinal plant that will help to get rid of dryness and return the youth to youth.

Recipe masks:

  • Cut the aloe leaf, 10-15 cm long. It is better to take a three-year-old plant
  • Finely chop the plant and pour 10 ml of warm boiled water.
  • . Grind 2 cloves of garlic in a grater or garlic, put into water with aloe
  • . Mix the mass andleave it overnight in the refrigerator
  • Pour the contents into a bottle with a dispenser and apply to the skin every day before going to bed
Hand mask with aloe

How to make a hand mask with glycerin?

Glycerin is a fatty component that is introduced into nourishing and moisturizing hand masks. It promotes the resorption of fine wrinkles.

Mask recipe:

  • 25 ml of glycerol is disposed of with 10 ml of any base oil. It can be olive or sunflower oil
  • Add a fatty mixture of egg yolk and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil
  • Lubricate with palm and leave for a third of the hour
  • Rinse with warm water
Hand mask with glycerin

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin of hands, it is not necessary to purchase expensive creams and masks. Efficient means can be prepared at home from the available products.

VIDEO: Mask for hands at home

  • Mar 20, 2018
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