Paste for sensitive teeth Sensodin: a review of popular series and reviews

Most people at least once in their life have experienced the problem of sensitive teeth. With increased sensitivity of teeth a person can not normally eat hot food and drink cold drinks.

Cold air, brushing teeth and eating hard or sour food also causes discomfort. Solve the problem can toothpaste Sensodin, which is made according to a specially developed formula.


  • Contents
    • Contents
      • Specially for sensitive teeth
      • Classical toothpaste
        • Customer's opinion
      • Features of the paste Sensodyne F
        • The word for consumers
      • Comprehensive protection
        • Practice and practice
      • Sensodyne Rapid Action
        • Thoughts of people
      • Whitening - quality whitening
        • They are satisfied
      • For protection against acid corrosion
      • Products from other manufacturers
        • Found on forums

About the manufacturer

Manufacture of toothpaste Sensodynetsya GlaxoSmithKline company that is now known worldwide. The manufacturer has a good reputation, its representative offices are located in 115 countries.

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To date, GSK owns 70 pharmaceutical plants. In addition, the company has 20 laboratories, which constantly develop new products.

The company thoroughly studies the needs of its customers and produces goods that are of high quality.

Specially for sensitive teeth

Since GSK treats its customers with care, a whole range of Sensodin toothpaste for sensitive teeth has been developed to date.

Different types of pastes differ in composition and formula. A wide selection of Sensodyne pastes helps to get rid of excessive sensitivity and solve other problems of teeth and gums.

The ruler includes the following types of toothpaste:

  • classic;
  • with fluorine;
  • for complex protection;
  • whitening;
  • high-speed;
  • for protection against acid erosion.

Application of toothpaste Sensodin, regardless of the kind, helps to eliminate the painful sensations of the teeth, removes the plaque well, destroys bacteria and prevents the development of caries, makes breathing fresh for a long time.

Classic toothpaste

Sensodyne Classic does not contain fluoride, so it can be used to treat and prevent the occurrence of sensitivity of teeth for a long period. It is allowed to use this kind of pasta and children from 6 years old under the supervision of adults.

To make the result of the paste felt, brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day.

Classic Sensodin toothpaste provides:

  • gentle care for gums and teeth;
  • soft cleansing;
  • fresh breath;
  • reduced sensitivity.

Opinion of consumers

From the opinions of people about paste Sensodin Classic.

Suffered sensitive teeth, and the gums sometimes bleed. Decided to try Sensodin Classic and was pleasantly surprised by the result. A week later, the gums forgot about the bleeding, and my teeth stopped reacting sharply to the cold and hot.

Now this pasta is enjoyed by the whole family. The undoubted advantage is that the child can clean it with teeth.

Ekaterina, 30 years old

Accidentally in a supermarket I came across a Sensodyne paste. Since the price is affordable for me, I decided to try. Excellent pasta, relieves sensitivity and provides for a whole day fresh breath. In the future I plan to try other kinds of this toothpaste.

Michael, 35 years old

Features of Sensodyne F

Under the name Sensodyne F, a toothpaste containing sodium fluoride is produced. This type of paste is more used for medicinal purposes, although it can also be used for prevention.

Due to the special composition, Sensodin F not only reduces the threshold of sensitivity to external stimuli, but also has anti-carious properties.

Low abrasiveness provides gentle removal of plaque from teeth and necks. Has no destructive effect on dentin. Regular application guarantees a reduction in sensitivity, protection from caries and fresh breath.

The word to consumers

Earlier could not eat acidic foods, as the front teeth had high sensitivity. To forget about the problem, Sensodyne toothpaste with fluorine helped me. I am glad that I can enjoy the taste of all products.

Oksana, 27 years old

Pasta Sensodin with fluoride was advised by a dentist. I noticed a decrease in sensitivity on the second day, and a week later could calmly eat both cold and hot, as well as sour.

Victoria, 38 years old

Integrated protection

The special feature of Sensodyne Total Care toothpaste is its unique composition.

The main components are:

  • potassium chloride blocks the nerve impulse, thereby reducing pain;
  • fluoride strengthens enamel and provides protection of exposed areas from the development of caries;
  • zinc citrate prevents the reproduction of bacteria;
  • vitamins B5 and E strengthen the gums and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The components of the paste remove the inflammatory processes of the gums, and also eliminate the painful syndrome arising as a reaction to the external stimulus. It is recommended to use for problems with teeth and gums.

High efficiency of the paste is guaranteed only with daily use.

Practice, practice and only it.

. Thought of consumers.

Upon the recommendation of the doctor, I bought Sensodin Integrated Protection. Due to the content of the necessary minerals, the paste really provides protection of the teeth against corrosion and helps to solve problems with the gums.

Victor, 40

Sensodyne toothpaste helped me to get rid of the sensitivity and bleeding gums. The high cost of the paste fully justifies itself.

Nina, 31 year

Sensodyne Rapid Action

The Sensodine toothpaste "Instant Effect" has a unique feature - it creates a protective film on the teeth surface, which allows solving the problem of sensitive teeth.

Due to this, the paste is characterized by a quick action. Already after the first time, it reduces sensitivity, but to achieve high efficiency, teeth should be cleaned daily for a long period.

The manufacturer recommends brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day, and it is always good to rinse your mouth after the procedure is completed.

The characteristics of high-speed paste can also be attributed to the fact that it can stop the pain caused by the food-irritant. To do this, a small amount of paste must be applied to the teeth and massaged for a minute.

After that, you can safely eat any food without fear of pain.

Thoughts of people

What consumers think about Sensodin toothpaste Instant effect can be learned by examining numerous reviews.

During the second pregnancy, she encountered severe tooth sensitivity. I complained to a dentist who advised to buy Sensodyne Instant effect. At first I thought that this was another advertising move, but decided to try it. Soon, the pain when eating cold and hot food retreated.

Vera, 32 years old

I usually do not believe in television advertising, but recently decided to buy Sensodyne Instant effect. The result was satisfied, because the very next day the sensitivity, which I have suffered for a long time, has decreased.

Tatiana, 37 years old

Whitening - high quality whitening

You can use bleaching Sensodin for a long time, as it does not contain rough abrasive and does not damage dentin. A specially designed formula allows you to get rid of plaque and dark spots on the teeth.

Visible results of whitening buyers note after 2 weeks of regular use.

The unique composition and daily application allows you to see the following results:

  • reliable anti-caries protection provided by sodium fluoride;
  • feeling fresh all day long;
  • decrease in the occurrence of pain on stimuli;
  • whitening effect.

They are happy with

. Friends advised Sensodyne with a whitening effect, decided to test the effectiveness. At first I did not notice any visible results, but after a month my teeth became really whiter. Of course, I did not become the owner of the Hollywood smile, but the sensitivity of the teeth decreased and they became lighter.

Vladimir, 21 year

I, as a girl, always wanted to have a beautiful smile, but yellowness on the teeth made me hide them from prying eyes. After prolonged use of Sensodyne Whitening, my teeth became whiter and more beautiful, and now I can smile broadly. All my complexes in the past.

Marina, 25 years

For protection against acid corrosion

Sensodyne ProNamel is designed specifically for protecting teeth from acid corrosion. The peculiarity of this paste is that it remineralizes the weakened areas of the tooth enamel. In addition, it includes fluoride, which provides restoration and strengthening of tooth enamel.

The content of potassium nitrate reduces the sensitivity of teeth. The paste does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which contributes to the destruction of dentin.

With regular use on the surface of the teeth, a strong film forms, providing reliable protection against the corrosive effects of food acids.

For more than a year I have been using Sensodin Pronamel, and I am very pleased with the results. I forgot about the sensitivity of the teeth and bleeding gums. Recommend it to all friends.

Anastasia, 18 years

Means from other manufacturers

Other companies also produce toothpastes for sensitive teeth. Particularly popular are the following:

  1. Lacalut Sensitive is a product of a German company. Paste is highly effective because it contains all the necessary minerals that create a protective film on the teeth. But it has a high cost.
  2. Presedent Sensitive is also a German product, but has a more affordable price. Well reduces pain, for which he was recognized as one of the best.
  3. SILCA Complete Sensitive contains potassium citrate, which blocks nerve impulses. Pasta from the Italian manufacturer promotes mineralization of tooth enamel.
  4. New pearls for sensitive teeth - development of the domestic manufacturer. It has an affordable price, but to feel the effect it is necessary to use the paste regularly and for a long time.

Found on forums

Lacalut Sensitive pasta helped me to get rid of tooth sensitivity. And although its cost is high, the results were not waiting, so I'm glad that the choice fell on this kind of toothpaste.

Андрей, 28 years old

After the birth of the second child, problems with teeth began. The sensitivity was so high that some products had to be discarded. In addition, the gum began to bleed. On the advice of a dentist, she acquired Presedent Sensitive, and over time forgot about her problems. Now I'm not bothered by pain, and I can safely drink tea or eat ice cream.

Raisa, 26

Thus, toothpaste from Sensodin solves the problem of sensitive teeth, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of satisfied consumers.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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