Telephone Sales Technique

Any company is interested in selling its products or finding new customers who want to use its services.

To this end, entrepreneurs constantly use various marketing tools.

And one of the most popular types of communications for attracting and retaining a customer is the telephone sales technique.

In the hands of a truly sensible specialist, it becomes a powerful weapon, and such people are usually valued for their weight in gold.

The success of using telephone sales can be determined on three grounds:

  • profit they brought;
  • whether the client was satisfied with the conversation;
  • is a specialist's pleasure from work.

And if you want to have the effect of making calls, then continue reading this article.

Technique of phone sales: 3 stages of conversation

In Europe and America, the practice of using phone sales techniques is common.

Clients react quite calmly to calls and always show interest in what they are offered.

Moreover, customers do not hesitate to provide data about their payment cards, because they know that the next day the treasured goods will be already under their doors.

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We have this concept appeared relatively recently, but we will be honest, it has not yet fully developed.

First, calls to private individuals are prohibited, and secondly, not every resident can devote his time to a dialogue with a stranger who( according to the address) offers him any nonsense.

As for working with legal entities, then the phone sales techniques in this case will be the same tool.

And here you can work with your customers, thereby informing them about new products, and to look for new ones.

The very conversation between the sales manager and the buyer consists of three stages.

Let's consider each of them:

  1. Greeting and establishing an emotional contact

    Here you need a positive attitude, it is important that the interlocutor feels it.

    Naturally, the conversation should begin with a greeting and a presentation.

    After verifying that the person on the other side of the wire can talk, it is necessary to say which question will be raised in the dialogue.

  2. Argumentation of the statement

    At this stage it is important to concentrate the attention of the interlocutor, who can be busy with anything - to compose a report, write a letter or even wander through the expanses of the Internet.

    After this, the manager is required to engage in a dialogue with the client, because telephone sales are not a one-way communication.

    The interlocutor should start to ask questions and express his thoughts about what he thinks about cooperation.

  3. Summarizing the

    This could be an arrangement for a meeting to negotiate or a potential client's refusal.

    But despite the result, the conversation must be ended on a positive note.

Rules for telephone sales

The phone sales technique itself is based on the rule of three "P" - to call, overcome failures and sell.

The same sales manager in order to comply with these rules, first of all, must recognize the type of customer.

And there are only three of them:

  • unsure - during the conversation you can see that the interlocutor doubts not only the need to buy the offered goods, but also in its quality.

    In this case, the specialist is required to prove the importance of cooperation without the pressure.

    During the dialogue, it is important to arrange it to yourself, and show that his opinion is important;

  • cool - wants to have the best that is on the market and prefers to cooperate only with popular companies.

    Under the pressure of such a client it is important not to get lost and continue to lead the sales technique and prove that the offered product is unique and in demand among others, thereby emphasizing that the interlocutor may also need it;

  • business - this client always listens and behaves extremely politely.

    Along with this, he knows what he needs, so selling him something superfluous or unnecessary will be extremely difficult.

    Therefore, the emphasis in this technique of sales on the phone is made on the logic and description of the quality characteristics of the goods, while it is not necessary to vaccinate, because the interlocutor, by virtue of his experience, can easily catch a lie.

Taking into account the above, the sales manager using the phone sales technique should prepare in advance to be fully prepared:

  1. Create a database of potential customers

    Open the directory and start calling all in a row - it's a waste of time.

    A well-formed database is already half the success, as already at this stage it is possible to weed out those that are superfluous and leave those who really will be interested in the product.

    For example, a small beauty salon with two masters is unlikely to need a wholesale supply of cosmetics for hair care, but retail stores are just looking for such suppliers.

  2. Find competitive advantages and know how to present them

    Many companies and firms that offer the same product compete in the market.

    Typically, when using phone sales techniques, potential customers say they already have a verified supplier, and they do not need a new one.

    And here in this case the salesman needs to quickly interest the interlocutor.

    This can be a special promotion, more favorable terms of delivery, a new unique product.

    But at the same time, these proposals should be relevant, and not said just for the sake of continuing the conversation.

  3. Identify the decision-maker( AS)

    This stage is extremely important, since negotiations, though on the phone, are best conducted with the person who is involved in the supply and search of suppliers.

    Of course, it is not always possible to find out, since not all companies put all the staff's phones openly.

    When calling the company-buyers, you can often stumble upon a secretary.

    Here it is necessary to find out how to contact the necessary specialist, and then work directly with him.

  4. Write a proposal

    Most often, telephone conversations boil down to the fact that a potential customer wants to get acquainted with the commercial offer.

    This is quite natural, and does not mean that such a request is an excuse to get rid of the caller.

    In fact, this desire to perceive information from the other side, because the ear is not always all you can remember and catch the essence.

    Therefore, the phone sales technique must be accompanied by a well-crafted commercial offer.

    But this does not mean that all the requesters need to send the same electronic file.

    First, in the greeting you must specify the name of the addressee, and secondly, the letter should clarify the issues that were discussed during the conversation.

    The preparatory stage for the implementation of telephone sales techniques is certainly important, but the main goal is to get the effect of the call.

5 rules of successful interview with the customer

  • Compliance with time limits.

    This rule is due to the fact that the employees of the company with whom the supplier intends to work also do not have too much time for empty conversations.

    After the other end of the line is picked up, the specialist has 45 seconds for his opening speech.

    It is desirable to accommodate it in 70-75 words.

    The discussion of the proposal should be highlighted a little over one and a half minutes, and the completion of the negotiations is 30 seconds.

  • Rule 20/80.

    When using the phone sales technique, it is important to observe the proportion in which only 20% will come from the person who makes the offer.

    The rest will have to listen to a potential buyer.

    This emphasizes that it is important for the supplier not only to sell something himself, but also to listen to the wishes of his client.

  • Drawing up a conversation script.

    The telephone sales technique should be built logically and specifically.

    To speak with blurry phrases and jump from thought to thought will not lead to anything good.

    The script should include a greeting, a presentation of the product and answers to common questions.

    You can even write yourself a cheat sheet, but that does not mean that the prepared text should be read in one breath.

  • Find the right moment.

    For this a simple question is asked: "Is it convenient for you to talk now?".

    If the answer is negative, you can ask about the convenient time and do not impose.

  • Do not give the potential buyer a wide choice.

    If, during the use of telephone sales techniques, it becomes clear that there are all chances for face-to-face conversations, there is no need to give free will in terms of choosing the date of the meeting to your interlocutor.

    You need only offer 2-3 days and it's better to hear a specific answer: "yes" or "no" than get blurry in the style of "we'll call you later".

8 key secrets of successful phone sales techniques

Observe the rules - it's certainly good, but you also need to be a bit of a psychologist, and know some secrets of how to apply phone sales techniques.

  1. Smile.

    So what if the interlocutor does not see his opponent?

    But he is able to catch his emotions.

    Sharp tone, boring speech - it really can push away.

    A kind tone and a smile( where appropriate) will be able to set the buyer to talk.

  2. Presentation.

    Commercial offers may be different, but here the presentation of yourself in using the sales technique over the phone should be honed to automatism, but you do not need to sound like an answering machine.

    We remember emotions and a smile.

    In the beginning, you need to introduce yourself: to state your name and position in the company.

  3. Address by name.

    Referring to the interlocutor by name, you have it to yourself.

    But it is important to call a person right.

    This is especially important for a difficultly pronounced name or patronymic.

    If you can clearly pronounce them, then you can consider it a bonus in the "piggy bank."

  4. List of objections.

    It is necessary to have in your arsenal a list of phrases that the opponent will operate as an objection or refusal.

    Then you can prepare speech patterns that can still convince a potential buyer.

    How to increase the average check: 5 tips

  5. Three requests.

    This does not mean that you have to repeat them in a row, or, literally, in a couple of phrases.

    Here it is another matter that the first request will sound during the presentation of the goods, the second, when the interlocutor went to contact, and the third at the end of the conversation in the form of fixing.

  6. No pattern phrases.

    Most often they look like a learned text.

    For example: "Who's in your business. .." can be replaced with "How to contact. ..", "Would you like. .." on "You can. ..".

  7. Focus on the buyer.

    During the use of telephone sales techniques, you need to show the importance and desire to hear the buyer's opinion.

    For example, you can ask about what he wants to see how he assesses the effectiveness.

    Thus, the interlocutor is included in the conversation, and not just listening.

  8. Know your customer.

    Before using the sales techniques by phone, it is necessary to familiarize with the company with which cooperation is planned.

    Thanks to this knowledge, you can "press" and show how and how much it( cooperation) will be important.

Sales techniques by phone with incoming call

Using the sales technique by phone may be needed not only with outgoing calls.

Thanks to advertising, customers will go to the supplier themselves.

And in this case, the sales person should follow these rules:

  • Pick up the phone after 2-3 calls.

    During this time, you can tune in to negotiations, while not forcing the caller to wait for a long time.

  • Enter and name your company.

    This needs to be done so that the caller can see exactly where he got to, and recorded the name of the interlocutor.

  • Find the name of the caller.

    As a rule, many people imagine themselves, but the situations are different, so it's better to ask yourself.

  • Contact the caller.

    Periodically call it by name to show the importance of the conversation.

  • Respond promptly to questions.

    The specialist must know his goods, so various hesitations and hiccups can confuse the customer.

  • Focus on benefits.

    If at the moment there are any actions, it is better to say about them in the course of the presentation of the goods.

  • Take the coordinates of the caller.

    This is necessary not only to agree on a personal meeting, but also to enter the caller in the database.

The video presents case studies of sales by phone:

Telephone Sales Technique: Samples and Scenarios

Now you can go to clear examples of how telephone sales can take place, and also consider what can be done to respond to customer objections:

Customer agrees to cooperate Customer does not agree to cooperate The client has its own supplier
Specialist( C): "Good afternoon, Igor Pavlovich( remember that you need to find a way to find out the name of a specialist).My name is Ivan Vladimirovich. I am an expert of the company "X", engaged in the production of silk fabrics. Is it convenient to tell you now? "
Client( C):" Yes, tell us more in detail " Client( C):" No, silk fabrics are not working " Client( C):" We have our own proven supplier "
C: "Our company has been working in the market for 10 years. We use modern equipment and we are constantly developing to increase strength. .. " C:" Sorry, but it would be an honor for us to work with you, because you are one of the strongest companies in tailoring. Are you not interested in trying something new? " S:" Excellent, then you will have an occasion to compare the quality. In addition, we now have a profitable campaign for new customers: every 20 meter of material is free »
To:" It's interesting. And how are things with the color palette? " In this case, found the pivot point + a nice compliment make the company think about how to experiment.
To: "You know, this is an interesting idea. We will talk with our designer. Leave your contacts »
To:" Yes, the stock is quite profitable. Can you send us samples for review and comparison? "
C:" We can translate any of your ideas. What colors are you interested in? " Here you can immediately offer a meeting, so that the client in case of what has not forgotten about the conversation.
C: "All right. Let's meet on Wednesday or Thursday, so you can see the samples and already start from this when deciding to create a new collection. "
This vagueness needs to be offered a meeting.
C: "Tomorrow around 14.00 I will be near your office. We can meet and we can discuss all the details. Maybe you want to express your wishes. "
To:" Everything depends on the desires of the designer. Could you send your price and detailed description of the material? " To:" Send your price. And then let's go on Wednesday at 14.00 " To:" This is a good idea "
At this stage, you can negotiate a personal meeting so that the customer can compare the price and quality.

The dialogue can always raise objections, so we offer examples of how they can be answered in order to agree on a meeting:

Objection Solution
Discard the price if we are satisfied we will call • The number of our goods consists of morethan 100 units. We do not think that you have so much time to study them. During a personal meeting, I will be able to advise you on the positions that interested you.
• The prices are tailored for each customer, as we work to order.
We are far from • But nobody canceled delivery.
We can drive you by yourself.
No money • But the meeting is not worth the money.
• Perhaps when you have money you will be in search of a suitable option, and this time. And so you will know that there is us.

Technique of sales by phone not everyone can.

But only through careful preparation, practice, patience and knowledge of psychology can it be comprehended by many.

Also, do not forget to analyze every conversation, no matter what it ended.

Thanks to this it will be possible to learn how to react quickly to questions and refusals.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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