The first stage of hemorrhoids: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhoids of stage 1 Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease that many people suffer from, diseases that affect both women and men.

The disease represents varicose veins of the rectum and is accompanied by certain symptoms. As a rule, the disease can be an independent pathology, and it is the result of any violations in the body.

Depending on the development, hemorrhoids are divided into 4 main stages, each of which has its own characteristics and a specific treatment methodology.

The lung itself is considered to be hemorrhoids of stage 1, but if not treated, the disease progresses over time and passes from one stage to the heavier one.

Contents of

  • Features of the first stage of the disease
  • Acute and chronic form of the disease
  • Variety of disease in the localization of nodes
  • What can cause pathology?
  • Clinical picture
  • Approach to therapy
  • Experience of the centuries
  • Possible risks, complications and consequences

Features of the first stage of the disease

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Hemorrhoids, like any disease, develops gradually. The first stage is the initial stage of hemorrhoids development.

Often this period is very difficult to identify, because the first symptoms of the disease are almost not detected, sometimes only a patient can experience some discomfort.

For the most part this is due to the fact that the ailment is in remission, and does not manifest itself too brightly. The first stage of the disease can last several years.

But if you can detect the pathology at this stage and take time to treat it, then thanks to a correctly selected course, you can quickly achieve positive results.

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4 stages of hemorrhoids

How the first stage of hemorrhoids looks and the rest on the photo

Acute and chronic form of the disease

The first stage of the disease, as well as all the others, can be acute and chronic.

Chronic hemorrhoids of the 1 st degree can for a long time not manifest themselves in any way and do not cause trouble for the patient.

It is possible to detect a malaise only at inspection. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids is often caused by malnutrition, heavy physical labor.

Initially, itching occurs in the anus, discomfort after defecation, irritation around the anus. Sometimes, when emptying the feces, small bleeding is possible.

Usually bleeding is insignificant, hemorrhoids do not fall out.

The acute form during the initial stage of the disease also proceeds insufficiently pronounced and intensely, however, the clinical manifestations increase, the patient feels deterioration.

Increases discomfort in the anus, pains appear, bleeding increases.

A variant of the disease according to the localization of the

nodes In addition, the hemorrhoids in the arrangement of the nodes are divided into: internal, external and combined.

Features of each of the hemorrhoid forms of the 1st stage:

  1. The first stage of the disease is most often internal .The nodes are in the lumen of the rectum, forming under the mucous membrane. hemorrhage with hemorrhoids At the initial stage, internal hemorrhoids are difficult to recognize and its symptoms may not be apparent in every patient. Sometimes there is a slight bleeding, in the feces can be seen minor droplets of blood.
  2. For external hemorrhoids is characterized by the formation of nodes outside the rectum, that is, they are located around the anus. At the first degree, the external hemorrhoids phenomenon is quite rare. But if it is diagnosed, the signs of an ailment are minor seals around the anus, discomfort when emptying, after itching and a slight burning sensation.
  3. The combined is characterized by the formation of nodes, both in the rectum and beyond. This type of disease causes more trouble, because with internal remission, there may be an exacerbation of the external and vice versa. It is worth noting that the combined hemorrhoids at the initial stage are also rarely diagnosed.

What can cause pathology?

There are many different factors that contribute to the emergence of both external and internal hemorrhoids.

Most often it occurs in older people, but also quite often occurs in young people.

The main causes that trigger the disorder are: bad stool, inactive work, improper nutrition, sudden lifting of gravity, pregnancy period, childbirth.

More about each factor:

  1. The disorder of the chair is an unpleasant factor contributing to the appearance of hemorrhoids. Slow bowel work leads to a delay in feces and frequent constipation. Accumulated feces presses against the walls, blocking the blood flow. Also constant straining during defecation increases the flow of blood to the pelvis, creating conditions for the appearance of the disease.
  2. Sedentary work, small physical activity of can also cause the first signs of hemorrhoids. Very often the disease appears in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. For example, drivers, programmers, accountants are most susceptible to the disease. Long stay in a sitting position leads to stagnation of blood in a small pelvis, which gradually can cause inflammation of the hemorrhoids. during pregnancy
  3. Work associated with lifting weights or physical exercises contributes to the appearance of external hemorrhoids.
  4. Drinking alcohol, spicy, acidic, pickled foods, abuse of tea and coffee often leads to the development of the disease.
  5. Very often hemorrhoids of the 1st degree in women appear during pregnancy .Especially in recent months, when the uterus starts to press on the vessels of the small pelvis, stagnation can form, which leads to the appearance of the first nodes. The appearance of the disease after delivery is not ruled out.

Clinical picture

At the initial stage of the disease, pronounced signs are not observed.

For external hemorrhoids are characterized by such symptoms:

  • slight burning in the anus, discomfort;
  • discomfort during the stool;
  • spotting;
  • small seals near the anus.

The internal form of the disease is characterized by such signs:

  • pain during defecation;
  • bloating;
  • possible appearance of blood in stool;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the anus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Approach to therapy

In order to remove the symptoms of the disease at the initial stage, it is necessary to adhere to complex treatment.

To cure the first stage of hemorrhoids and prevent further development of the disease, apply:

  • sclerotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • treatment with radio waves;
  • cryotherapy;
  • electrocoagulation.

ointments The doctor selects the appropriate method for each patient individually. The most effective and safe in this case is the method of electrotherapy, also brings good results and treatment with sclerotherapy, in particular this method is suitable for internal hemorrhoids.

The treatment of the first degree of hemorrhoids with the help of special ointments and rectal suppositories is considered successful, they increase blood supply and favorably affect the tissues.

Creams and ointments are more like an external form of the disease. In addition, prescribe generic drugs that increase the tone of the veins and normalize the microcirculation of blood. To eliminate pain, analgesics are used in the form of candles.

Experience of the centuries

Some recipes of traditional medicine are also considered effective methods.

Most often these are sedentary baths made from such herbs as a turn, chamomile, calendula also microclysters from the infusion of medicinal herbs, sea-buckthorn candles, etc.

Moreover, treatment will be successful if a special diet is observed. To do this, you need to exclude from the diet acute, fatty and too acidic food, alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, more eating plant foods.

Possible risks, complications and consequences of

In the case of internal hemorrhoids, the most possible complication is thrombosis of the hemorrhoids. It occurs as a result of stagnation in the nodes and blood clotting. In this case, the patient experiences acute pain during defecation. complications of hemorrhoids

Often, sitting and long walking also bring unpleasant sensations. In this case, you need to immediately seek help from a doctor.

It is often possible to observe the progression of the inflammatory process. With external hemorrhoids, there are also some complications.

There is a thrombosis, severe pain during movement, there is an increase in nodes, a change in their color. Also, hemorrhoids can become inflamed, with swelling and redness appearing.

Disease of the first degree, although considered an easy disease, but still, it is necessary to engage in its treatment in time, in order to prevent the development of the disease and the transition to a more severe stage.

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