Quince for the winter

Quince is a fragrant fruit known since ancient times. In legends and myths there is a mention of a golden apple. This name is not quaint, it looks like a large yellow apple and a little pear. In fresh form the fruit is hard to enjoy it, from it prepare various dishes. But the smell - a mixture of pineapple and roses, contributes to mental relaxation.

Growing fruit in the Caucasus, the Far East, in Asian territory. And in central Russia is found only on the shelves of stores. To have the opportunity to taste the golden apple as often as possible and the fragrance of its aroma on the table, you can prepare a quince for the winter. There are many options for harvesting, from frost to jam.


  1. Quince benefits and harms
  2. Quince preparation methods for the winter
    • Freezing
    • Drying
    • Jam
    • Compote
    • Juice

Benefits and harm of quince

The most interesting is that the product has no significant contra-indications. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

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As for the useful qualities, there are a lot of them. If you have a shortage of vitamins or just a breakdown, feel free to include the quince in the menu. It is often shown to ill children, and adults.

Quince preserves reduce body temperature. Favorably affects the mucous membrane of the stomach, it is recommended to use in poisoning and intoxication. Having many useful substances and rich aroma of fruits are useful for men and women to improve their sexual life. The most important quality is the ability to purify the body of harmful elements that come from outside.

How to prepare a quince for the winter

There are many ways of harvesting quince for the winter. Let's consider the main ones.


If you consider all types of blanks, then freezing is in the first place. With this method, the products retain maximum benefit. The main thing is not to freeze several times.

Proper defrosting should be gradual, do not defrost, for example, in a microwave. Shelf life, with proper storage, reaches 12 months. It just happens before the next season.

How to freeze the quince for the winter

It's better to freeze the fruit in the form of shavings. Later used in the preparation of pies, desserts, as well as add to salads and cereals.

What you need: directly quince, grater( better large), packages for freezing.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the fruits. The peel is covered with fluff, it must be disposed of. Remove the places of decay and dents, if any. Cut the fruit into 4 parts and cut the core.
  2. Then chop everything into small shavings.
  3. Pack by packages and freeze.

Tip. During cooking, do not tighten the process so that the product does not have time to darken.


You can dry the quince in the sun, in the oven and in special electric dryers. This type of treatment retains almost as many vitamins as frost. But to use dried fruit is better in the course of six months, because with time the amount of vitamins decreases.

Proper storage is very important! Away from sunlight, in a dry place. Make sure that no harmful insects start.

Drying rules: first prepare the fruit, cut into small pieces. It is recommended to boil in the water for 1-2 minutes with the addition of citric acid. Spread on a grate and dry until completely dry in an electric dryer.


This way of harvesting does not allow to save all vitamins. But some mineral substances persist. People appreciate jam not for vitamins, but for flavoring qualities. And jam from quince will please not only taste, but also aroma.

Classic recipe for jam from quince

For 800 grams of quince you will need 500 grams of granulated sugar and 2 cups of water.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the fruit. How to do this is described above. When you cut all the excess and cut the fruit into small slices, you will get about 500 grams of quince.
  2. Then you need to make a sweet syrup. To do this, mix the water in the pan with sugar and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the pre-prepared slices with a sweet syrup, cover with a lid. Leave for a couple of hours.
  4. In the evening, boil slices in syrup for 10 minutes, cover with a lid. Do not touch until morning.
  5. In the morning again boil 10 minutes and leave until the evening.
  6. In the evening, boil 10-25 minutes, depending on the softness of the fruit. When the lobules become soft, expand into jars.


The compote from this healthy fruit is very fragrant and goes away quickly. A cooked lobes of quince in compote is better digested. To prepare a compote from quince for the winter is simple. Quantity increase at your discretion.

A simple compote of compote from quince

For 500 grams of quince you will need 150 grams of sugar, 1 bag of citric acid( 5gr), 1.5 liters of water.

  1. Prepare the fruit, remove the moss. Do not cut the peel, cut into thin slices.
  2. Put them in pre-prepared cans, then pour boiled water to the top there, wait until it cools down. Drain the water in a saucepan, boil it and pour more lobules.
  3. After the water has cooled down a second time, pour it into a saucepan. Pour out all the sugar and citric acid. Cook the resulting syrup for 8-10 minutes.
  4. Pour the syrup into our slices. Roll up the banks. The compote is ready.

Procurement of juice

If you decide to roll up the juice in a bank, boiling it beforehand, you will lose most of the useful substances( ascorbic acid, for example, is destroyed completely).It is best to freeze the freshly squeezed juice in plastic cups so that in winter, after defrosting, get the maximum benefit.

Juice from quince can be made only from certain species, not all varieties will do. In addition, quince should be fully ripened. Juice should not be drunk fresh immediately, because over time the product will increase the useful qualities.

Multifruit juices are good, for example, with the addition of apple and carrots. Replace sugar with natural honey. After you have drunk the juice, rinse the mouth with water, because the acids destroy the tooth enamel.

To taste, quince juice resembles pear juice with the addition of honey. Aivu, thanks to her useful qualities, you can safely include in the course of recovery. Ivy juice was given to people affected by radiation in Japan. It has been proven that such juice therapy can purify the body of harmful elements. And if you plant a quince on the site, it will purify the environment.

Useful and tasty pieces of quince will delight you all winter. Bon Appetit!

Blanks for the winter
  • Mar 20, 2018
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