Chokeberry or aronia is a common plant of North America, where there are about fifteen species, whereas in our latitudes there are only three. This is a very useful berry. It is widely used by winemakers, and from our article you will learn the recipe for wine from black chokeberry at home. In addition, it is used in medicine for the preparation of vitamin complexes, therapeutic syrups. Black chokeberry lowers blood pressure. However, this berries and products from it can not be used with increased blood clotting, gastritis, ulcers.
How to choose the right berries for wine preparation
The most important thing when using black chokeberry for cooking wine at home is to collect a mature berry. By the end of August, aronia begins to darken, but this does not mean that it is already ripe. It is necessary to wait for frosts in October, after which the chokeberry has a sweetish taste. To test maturity, you can use another trick: if berries crush, then the juice should have a rich ruby color.
It is important to pay attention to the appearance of chokeberry ash. It should not be wrinkled, spoiled or rotten. The berries should be large, shiny, not too hard. If you lightly press on the aronia with your fingers, it will be a bit soft. Before cooking, berries need to be treated - removing twigs. Observing such rules when choosing an aronia tree to make home wine, you will enjoy its sweet taste.
What utensils will be needed
For winemaking at home it is important to choose the right dishes for preparation of wort and fermentation. It is better to give preference to wood, glass, enameled without damage, as well as dishes made of food plastic. For fermentation, it is more convenient to use the first two types, and for the intermediate overflows, two others. If you want to use a wooden one, it must be made of oak. For winemaking, containers of pure metals - iron, copper, aluminum - are not suitable.
Glassware makes it possible to observe fermentation through transparent walls, but it has drawbacks: fragility, impermeability of the walls for air, and in fact to speed up the ripening of the drink, a small amount of air is necessary, compliance with temperature changes. To eliminate the effect of these disadvantages on the preparation of wine at home, glassware is wrapped in felt, a dense cloth, put inside a wicker basket.
Traditional in winemaking is wooden utensils. In it the temperature fluctuates insignificantly, the must is protected from the influence of light, air penetrates through the pores of the material in small quantities sufficient for the work of yeast. Wine in barrels ripens more fully, faster, and the oak gives a drink of tannins and those qualities that are not available when made in glass and other utensils. However, in wooden containers it is impossible to follow the course of fermentation.
The best step-by-step recipes for home wine from the chokeberry ashberry
In the circle of winemakers, aronia is highly valued. The wine from the black chokeberry leaves extractive, thick with a rich ruby color, which can be seen from the photo. If the fruits are harvested in the middle of September, when the berry is very juicy, then the drink is well lightened. Chokeberry ashberry is suitable for the preparation of wine of any sort, but table canteens are rarely prepared because of their heavy taste, astringency. It is better to cook strong, dessert kinds. In many recipes of wine from black chokeberry berries mixed with other juices to get a less tart taste.
Classic recipe
There are a lot of recipes for wine from black chokeberry, as well as drinks from other fruits. First, consider classical technology. The resulting wine is distinguished by a sumptuous bouquet of flavors and flavors. Required components:
- sugar - 2 kg;
- chokeberry - 5 kg;
- boiled cold water - 1 l;
- raisin unwashed - 50 g.
Step-by-step recipe for wine from black chokeberry:
- We knead unwashed berries with a wooden pusher or hands.
- We put the resulting mashed potatoes in a container, we interpose 1 kg of sugar, pour raisins. Stir, cover, leave for a week in a warm place. We mix the workpiece daily.
- Collect the mash, squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth. We filter the juice, we pour into the container for fermentation. From above we put on a rubber glove.
- The remaining cake is filled with warm water, sprinkle the remaining sugar, mix, cover, leave for a week in a warm place.
- Pellets are filtered. Remove the glove from the bottle, pour the juice from the spin, put the glove back on.
- Every two days, the wine must be filtered, draining through a thin hose into a clean container and putting on a glove. This process is repeated until the fermentation stops.
- The finished wine is bottled, clogged, sent to a dark, cool place for 2-4 months to ripen.
Homemade wine from the juice of chokeberry through the
juicer The chokeberry contains enough sugar to form alcohol, fermentation, so it's easy to make wine from it at home. The recipe uses the juice of aronia. To get it, you need to use any type of juicer. Necessary ingredients:
- juice of chokeberry blackberry - 1 l;
- sugar - 250 g;
- water - 400 ml;
- yeast - 30 grams per 1 liter of wine.
Step-by-step recipe of wine at home from chokeberry:
- Mix water, sugar and juice. Add yeast to accelerate the fermentation of wine from the black chokeberry.
- We fill the wort into the prepared dishes, plug up the cotton stoppers.
- By the end of intensive fermentation, it is necessary to ensure the release of carbon dioxide. To do this, put a rubber glove on the container.
- After the fermentation is over, it is necessary to express the wine, pour into bottles, insist for a couple of months in a dark cool place.
Homemade Cherrywood Pouring with Cherry Leaves
Pineapple from Aronia is prized for its unrivaled aroma and tart taste. Such a drink will be an ornament of any table. According to the recipe, cherry leaves are added to enhance the taste and aroma. Required components:
- cherry leaves - 100 g;
- chokeberry - 1 glass;
- sugar - 1 cup;
- water - 1 l;
- vodka - 0,5 l;
- citric acid - 1 tsp.
Step-by-step recipe of tincture from black chokeberry at home:
- Leaves, berries fill with water, put on fire, boil for 15 minutes. Cool, squeeze the leaves.
- Add citric acid, sugar, boil for 20 minutes over low heat, not allowing a strong boil.
- It is necessary to cool, filter, pour in vodka, mix. After 6-8 hours you can try.
The tinctured tincture of the aronia on the vine
The process of preparing the tincture takes a long time, as the black chokeberry is extremely reluctant to give the juice. For a drink you must choose only juicy, ripe berries. Before preparing the fruit you need to sort out, discarding spoiled, small, unripe specimens. Instead of vodka, you can use alcohol, diluted to a value of 40 degrees. Necessary components:
- sugar - 800 g;
- blackberry fruit - 2 kg;
- vodka - 1 liter.
Step-by-step recipe of tincture from black chokeberry at home:
- Berries are covered with boiling water.
- We pass the chokeberry through the meat grinder, squeeze juice through the gauze.
- Juice is mixed with sugar.
- Dilute the resulting syrup with vodka.
- A ready-made drink is bottled in dark glass bottles, clogged with a stopper. We store in a cellar or a refrigerator.
A simple wine recipe with the addition of raisins to a 3 liter jar
Wine from chokeberry at home is prepared according to the principle of grape. This drink is curative, has a unique property of lowering blood pressure. The recipe uses raisins that do not need to be washed, like the black chalk, otherwise you will wash away the natural bacteria that cause fermentation. Required components:
- raisins - 100 g;
- chokeberry - 1 l;
- sugar - 700 g.
Step-by-step recipe for wine from chokeberry ash:
- Chopped blackberries are poured into a three-liter jar. We pour sugar, raisins. Add water at room temperature, without topping up.
- Close tightly the jar, remove from the light. Every day we mix the wine, not opening the jar, in circular motions.
- After a week, pour 300 grams of sugar, stir.
- After another week, add 300 g of sugar. We leave for a month, periodically mixing.
- After a month, pour 100 grams of sugar. When all the ashberry sits to the bottom, the drink is ready.
Wine from chokeberry and grape with yeast
With the recipe of aronia diluted with the addition of grapes. Due to this, wine acquires a more classical taste, and its astringency decreases. Berries for wine preparation are pre-washed. Required components:
- chokeberry - 5 kg;
- yeast - 30 grams per 1 liter of wine;
- grapes - 2 kg.
Step-by-step recipe for wine from black chokeberry and grapes with yeast at home:
- We knead grapes and rowan, put in a bottle, add yeast. Cover with a light metal cover, mix periodically.
- After 6 days, drain the juice, squeeze the pulp through gauze. Fill the pulp with warm water, squeeze again.
- Mix all the juices, add 200 g of sugar per 1 liter. We leave it for fermentation under the metal cover until it attenuates.
- At the end, close the bottle with gauze, on top - with a metal lid so that a little air passes.
- After the end of fermentation to taste, pour sugar. Let's stand up to the transparency, we pour on the bottles through the siphon. We store in a dark place.
Dessert wine from black cherry with apples without yeast
Wine from apples and chokeberry differs with a high sweetness, which will appeal to fans of dessert wines. Apples balance the astringency of the aronia, thereby making the taste softer. This recipe does not require the addition of yeast. Required Ingredients:
- apples - 1 kg;
- chokeberry - 2 kg;
- sugar - 3 kg.
Step-by-step recipe for dessert wine from black chokeberry with apples at home:
- Chop the apples, mash the berries, mix, and fall asleep with a kilogram of sugar.
- Put the whole mass in a 10 liter bottle. Fill two-thirds with water, mix. We tie the neck with gauze, leave it for a week in a warm place. Mix each day.
- A week later, add 1 kg of sugar. Leave for 7 days, stirring daily.
- Pour the last kilogram of sugar. We are waiting for a week, mixing every day.
- Another couple of weeks the wine will wander, but you do not need to mix. When the precipitate sinks and the contents rise, the wine is ready.
Homemade wine from berries chokeberry without sugar with the addition of honey
How to make wine of chokeberry at home? Adding honey instead of sugar makes it more useful. In addition, such a sweetener gives an unusual bouquet of flavors and flavors to a ready-made drink. Wine for this recipe is prepared very easily and quickly. Necessary ingredients:
- honey - 1 glass or more to taste;
- water - 1 l;
- ashberry blackberry - 1 glass;
- cherry leaf - 80 pieces;
- citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
- vodka - 0,5 liters.
Step-by-step recipe of wine from berries of chokeberry without sugar with honey at home:
- Boil berries and leaves on a quiet fire for 10 minutes. Cool, filter.
- Add citric acid to the drink and honey.
- Cook for 15 minutes on a quiet fire.
- Cool, pour in the vodka. We pour out bottles, plug bottles. We put for a couple of weeks in a dark place, protected from sunlight.
Aromatic tincture made from chokeberry ash and plums on alcohol
Chokeberry is perfect for making tinctures. The drink comes out extractive, thick with a delicious ruby color. Tincture refers to the old Russian beverages, which have healing properties. It is important to observe the proportions, otherwise the drink will be bitter. Required components:
- chokeberry - 700 g;
- plum - 300 g;
- alcohol - 1.5 liters.
Step-by-step instructions for the prescription of tincture from black chokeberry at home:
- Berries should be washed with water.
- Fill the black ashberry and plum with alcohol.
- Let the mixture infuse for 2-3 weeks.
- It is necessary to express the tincture. Before use, we dilute to the concentration of vodka.
What to do if the wine does not ferment
Accurately following the recipe does not guarantee that the wine from chokeberry at home will normally wander. In some cases, this process does not begin or suddenly stops after a few days. However, do not panic because the situation is fixable. Below, the reasons for the absence of fermentation and how to eliminate them will be discussed:
- Lack of sealing - if the container is closed leaking, there will be no bubbles in the water seal, as carbon dioxide leaves through other ways. In this case, home-made wine plays, but you do not see it. If the intensity of the fermentation reaction decreases, air can enter the container, provoking the acetic souring of the wine. To solve the problem, check the tightness, for reliability, cover the joints with a test or other natural adhesive.
- It's not enough time - yeast takes some time to activate. Can pass from several hours to three days, depending on the temperature, sugar content, raw materials used. If all conditions are met, it is worth waiting for 3-4 days, after which to draw conclusions.
- Unsuitable temperature - yeast shows activity at 10-30 degrees. At a higher temperature, they die, cold - fall asleep. It is important to avoid even small drops. If the wine is fermented at 20 degrees, then this value should be maintained. If the temperature values do not match the recommended parameters, you should transfer the container to a suitable place. If the wort was at a temperature above the maximum threshold, then add the wine ferment.
- Too thick consistency, which as a result prevents wine fermentation. In this case, it is necessary to dilute the wort with sour juice or water, adding no more than 15 percent of the initial volume.
- High or low sugar content - 10-20% is considered the optimal amount of sugar for a must. At low sugar content, there is no product for processing, with high sugar becoming a preservative that inhibits the work of yeast. If the wort is too sugary, then dilute it with water or sour juice, pouring no more than 15 percent of the original volume, and if the sugar is low, then add it at a rate of 50-100 g per liter of juice.
- Wine can become moldy - in the initial stages you can try to get rid of it by removing the film, and also pouring the wine through a tube into another container. This happens when using rotten wine materials, poorly washed containers and other devices.
- Poor quality yeast - wild yeast strains are unstable, so at any time they can stop working. To resume, you need to add store wine yeast, homemade ferment, quality raisins( 20-30 g per 5 liters) or crushed grapes( 5-6 pieces per 10 liters).
- End fermentation - yeast with an alcohol concentration of 10-14 percent perish. Natural fermentation does not give you a stronger wine at home, so add alcohol to increase the degree. Drink on average wanders from 14 to 35 days, after which the process gradually comes to naught. Low-alcohol wine after aging is clarified, a sediment appears on the bottom, the hydraulic shutter no longer allows bubbles.
Benefit and harm of house wine from the chokeberry
Chokeberry is created by nature to give a man his tart taste for maintaining health. Wines from this berry have a specific, viscous taste, use under reduced pressure, for digestion. Drink increases the outflow of bile, improves liver function. Wine from aronia blackberry - thick nectar with rich noble color of dark ruby. It is useful to drink to the inhabitants of megacities, because it protects the body from radioactive radiation. In addition, wine is recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland.
However, wine from black chokeberry can harm a person with certain diseases. This is hypotension, varicose veins. Do not abuse the drink with gastritis with high acidity, ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. Wine from black chokeberry can damage with increased blood clotting because of the high content of ascorbic acid, with thrombophlebitis.
Video: how to make wine from chokeberry at home
Making wine from chokeberry at home is not more difficult than other fruit and berry. The flesh of the fruit has sweet and sour taste, astringent properties, dark ruby color with vitamins C, B, P, A, glucose, sucrose, fructose, organic acids, iodine, manganese, iron, magnesium. The unique properties of the black chokeberry grow into wine, turning it into a medicinal remedy with low immunity, increased cholesterol, flabbiness of the vascular walls, and jumps in blood pressure.
To drink a drink, it should be drunk at moderate doses of not more than 100 ml per day. Wine from black chokeberry at home is not difficult to prepare. Stages of its preparation are identical to cooking from other berries and fruits: picking of chokeberry, preparation, obtaining juice, fermentation, filtration, maturation. However, there are a number of nuances and subtleties, without which instead of a tasty, fragrant drink you will get a dubious taste. To see them, see the video below.