Is it always harmful pasta?

Macaroni has long been one of the most familiar and even indispensable for many food products. Despite this, almost always there is information that they are not very useful for health( they can provoke failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cause the processes of fermentation, swelling, provoke the appearance of extra pounds).In fact, many of the well-known claims about the dangers of macaroni are not too close to reality.

Features of pasta

Today on the shelves of shops you can find a significant number of different types of pasta. The most common are those that are made from soft and hard wheat varieties.

The first variant provokes an increase in the level of glucose in the blood and activation of insulin production. One of the most negative effects observed in this case is a significant increase in appetite, which can actually stimulate weight gain.

Varieties of pasta, for the preparation of which use solid wheat varieties, on the contrary, maintain a sense of satiety for a long period, which minimizes the corresponding risks.

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Useful substances contained in pasta

Contrary to common information, in macaroni there are not only such components as carbohydrates and water, but also a number of useful components. In a rather large amount in pasta contain:

  • tryptophan - one of the important amino acids, providing, in particular, the normalization of sleep;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • vitamins of group B.

It is also important that in macaroni from durum wheat there is a sufficient amount of fiber, which provides complete purification of the body and the removal of toxic substances from it.

How to choose and what to eat pasta with health benefits

Of course, it is important to understand that far from the last role in this case is played by the fact with which it is to eat pasta. In Italy, it is not in vain to serve them along with various sauces( made exclusively on the basis of natural substances).Thus, there is a full-fledged work of all digestive organs and assimilation of many useful substances.

It is also necessary to approach the selection of these products competently. Those pasta for the preparation of which only soft varieties are used, are characterized by pronounced color and increased brittleness. In addition to not too positive effects on the body, they are also not very good taste qualities.

Food and health
  • Mar 20, 2018
  • 74
  • 330