Causes of pain and burning in the mouth, diagnosis and therapy

What is meant by burning sensation and pain in the oral cavity is known to everyone who has ever burned his mouth with a hot drink. Especially hot milk. There is even a proverb: burned in milk, blowing on the water.

The body feels the sensation of a burn with the strongest - the painful receptors of the oral mucosa are especially rich. Having arisen on the surface of the tongue or the entire lower half of the mouth, electrical impulses along the leading nerve fibers rapidly reach the pain centers.

First - in the thalamus, then - in the postcentral gyrus in the parietal lobe of the brain, where the sensation is realized. Here it acquires its due emotional color.

Then comes the reaction of the motor response to the stimulus: the muscles of the tongue, palate, lips, and cheeks are contracted in order to move away, isolate themselves from the source of pain, and a hot outflow occurs.

So the arc of the unconditioned reflex closes-an arc not only of pain, but of resentment, rage and fear. The same applies to burning, because it is one of the types of pain.

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  • Diseases and causes of burning
    • Dental causes
    • Other disorders
  • Causes of pain in the mouth
  • Concomitant symptoms
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Methods of treatment and prevention
    • Folk methods of treatment
    • About prevention of

About diseases and causes of burning

Without taking into account the sensations,passing on their own and for a certain reason( spicy food), the syndrome of burning mouth speak in cases of the disorder:

  • with sufficient regularity as in the wholemucous, and in its individual zones;
  • with a constant, or undulating, or accruing character;
  • with accompanying sensations( numbness, tingling).

Dental causes

Irritation of the internal surface of the mucosa, regarded as a burning sensation, appears for dental reasons:

  • tartar( tearing off hard particles which methodically scratch and irritate the mucous membranes);
  • of stomatitis;
  • candidiasis( fungal infection);


  • of leukoplakan degeneration of the integument of the mouth;
  • herpetic erosion;
  • diseases of the category of folded tongue and desquamative glossitis;
  • formation of erosions with red flat lichen;
  • xerostomia( diseases with pathological dry mouth leading to the formation of cracks in the mucous lips and tongue);
  • bruxism( reflex, resulting in involuntary gnashing of the teeth in a dream);
  • allergic response to the use of dental equipment or materials from which the prosthesis is created.

Other disorders

Other causes for discomfort in the mouth and tongue( burns, burns, hurts, as if knits), there may be the presence of general somatic conditions:

  • disorders in the immune system;
  • blood diseases;
  • deficiency of trophism( in particular, micronutrient deficiency);
  • neurological pathology;
  • hormonal disorders( especially diabetes, less often hypothyroidism);
  • diseases of the liver and stomach.

There may be side effects from the use of medications. The feeling in the mouth as if burned by smokers is due to the effect of nicotine on the capillaries of the zone with tissue disorder and the direct effect of tobacco smoke on it.

Causes of Pain in the Mouth

Etiology of the reasons why the oral mucosa hurts is different.

This may be due to:

  • mechanical injuries( cuts, burns, abrasions), including dental plan( injuries of chipped, carious teeth or orthodontic appliances);
  • defects of the mucous membrane( ulcers, tissue degeneration);
  • excessive sensitivity of the integument of the mouth.

The latter refers to the temperature of the food intake. Digestive juices( bile, gastric juice) or aggressive chemicals( acetone categories) should not lead to unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity. Including the pain, because their impact is equivalent to a burn.

To the onset of rebirths and mucosal defects, disorders of its biochemistry are caused by metabolic disorders due to:

  • dystrophy( including due to adherence to diets, irregular or monotonous nutrition, inactive nature of life);
  • genetic features of the digestive system( lack of necessary enzymes, pathology of structure and arrangement of organs).

Separate, the third group of reasons exists due to the presence in the body of diseases - psychopathology and obshchesomaticheskogo nature( in the form of endocrine disorders, blood diseases, disorders in the circulatory system, respiration and the like).

The category of infectious diseases, usually classified as a separate cause of burning in the mouth, is only a special case of general weakening of the body's defense systems due to somatic pathology.

In general, the same reasons for burning pain in the oral cavity are the same as for burning.

Concomitant symptoms of

Other symptoms include both visible evidence of the existence of these sensations, as well as those felt by the patient alone, and their undetectable and unprovided manifestations.

Visible causes include the presence of:

  • of degenerative changes in the tissues: ulcers, aphtha, erosion, hemorrhage in the tissue, edema and hyperemia of the structures of the oral cavity( gum, palate, lips);
  • inflammatory manifestations in neighboring regions( lymphadenitis, active fistula) or their consequences in the form of scar regenerations and other skin changes;
  • of an allergic or other general body reaction: fever, itching, discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes in this and other areas.

The second group is represented by subjective symptoms in the form:

  • of nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • pain in the heart or in another area;
  • local signs in the form of dryness, numbness or tingling in the tongue, the presence of bitterness or metallic taste.

The existence of these symptoms can only be proved by conducting laboratory tests or not confirmed by existing research methods.

An example is the clinical case with candidiasis. In addition to pain and burning, the patient can complain of pain throughout the body, weakness, drowsiness, malaise, headaches. But the presence of these symptoms can not be neither proven nor rejected.

At the same time, the existence of mycosis colonies on mucous membranes is confirmed both by visual inspection and by identification of the fungus pathogen after seeding on the nutrient medium. Other body parameters( temperature, pulse and the like) can also be measured and recorded.

Diagnostic methods

There is no specific diagnostic method for recognizing the pain syndrome, or burning, or a combination of them.

Confirmation of its existence is possible by performing a certain sequence of actions:

  • physical examination( examination of the area with a visual assessment of its condition) and making a preliminary judgment about the nature of the pathology;
  • assesses the general condition of the body and the disorders of its basic systems;
  • instrumental diagnostics;
  • laboratory examination of the material collected during the initial inspection;
  • compares the obtained data with the available criteria specific for this state.

In addition to examination by the dentist, studies are conducted to study the indices and properties:

  • of blood and urine;
  • saliva;
  • of gastric juice;
  • bile.

The method of scraping, smear-imprinting, puncture( if necessary) involves the selection of tissues, followed by a study of their structure and properties( histology and biochemistry).

The composition of the microbial, viral and fungal flora is identified, seeding on nutrient media is carried out, followed by determining the sensitivity of the microflora to the effects of various groups of drugs.

Suspicion of the presence of systemic diseases, oncological, endocrine and other pathologies may require carrying out both instrumental studies of the structures of the oral cavity and testing the state of the main body systems.

In addition to mandatory for all radiographs of the lungs( chest), ultrasound, MRI( CT) examination of the mucosa is performed, the structure of the teeth, jaw bones and other formations, including the salivary glands, is examined.

Due to the condition of the oral cavity state of the digestive organs, the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines are examined. The parameters of acidity of gastric juice, properties of bile are investigated, if necessary, it is sown for sterility.

The state of the esophagus, stomach and intestines is checked by the use of X-ray techniques( including contrast) and fiber optic equipment: a colonoscope and a fibrogastroscope( conducted by EFGDS - esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy).

In the presence of endocrine, neurological or other pathology, it is necessary to involve the relevant specialist physicians in the diagnostic process:

  • of a gastroenterologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • of the oncologist;
  • of a psychoneurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

To exclude HIV infection, syphilis and other infectious diseases, a study of blood and other biological fluids for the presence of an appropriate pathology is used. Diagnosis is conducted under the guidance of physicians of the appropriate profile: an infectious disease specialist, an immunologist.

The consultation of a gynecologist is obligatory for female patients, regardless of age and condition.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Approaches to the elimination of these two problems depend on the process by which they are conditioned - from their etiology.

The oral cavity is not a separate area of ​​the body - changes taking place in it reflect the general state of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to speak about the restoration of the disturbed metabolism and the course of biochemical reactions in all its tissues.

The modern way of life and nutrition can not be more conducive to acidification of the internal environment of the body( the pH of blood and other biological fluids demonstrates the figures of their dangerously acidic level).

Therefore, on a par with the more thoughtful nutrition issues, it is advisable to produce:

  • intravenous infusions of sodium bicarbonate( soda) solution under the control of blood pH;
  • mouth rinses with the same composition.

In addition to reducing the acidity of soda has a disinfectant and bactericidal effect, which helps to suppress the pathogenic microbial flora of the mouth and promotes its hygiene.

A soda solution can be rinsed only by coordinating this procedure with the dentist - in accordance with the state of the teeth, other versions of rinsing solutions having an alkaline composition can be offered to them.

Introduction of a soda solution intravenously - procedure unsafe, therefore the decision on its or her appointment also is accepted by the doctor.

Knowing that the pain and burning sensation in the mouth and tongue are caused by a single throwing of acidic gastric juice into it, it is possible to alleviate or completely eliminate symptoms by the intake of regular milk - it, like soda, has an alkaline reaction. But if the situation is repeated again and again, the question should be given the competence of a dentist.

The reason for an urgent visit to the dentist is not only persistent, methodically repetitive unpleasant sensations.

This may be the presence:

  • of problem teeth( swinging, protruding from the dentition, with chips, carious cavities with sharp edges, tartar);
  • obsolete prosthetics and poorly fitted orthodontic structures, injuring soft tissues and gums;
  • friability and light bleeding gums;
  • changes in the mucosa( the appearance of cracks, erosion, changes in its color, the appearance of neoplasms or persistently not healing lesions, non-removable plaque in the tongue and other areas, and the like).

Problems with the throat( throat) are also a matter of the competence of a dentist.

Pain and burning( combined with dryness or as a separate problem) can be caused by a change in salivary gland function( due to blockage of ducts, formation in mucous stones, decreased volume and increased saliva viscosity).Elimination of this pathology is also handled by a dentist.

The syndrome of permanent unpleasant sensations, caused by the existence of a general somatic disease in the body, is the reason for treatment with the therapist. When diseases of the digestive system - the gastroenterologist, with diabetes - in the endocrinologist, with another pathology - with a doctor of the relevant specialty.

Traditional methods of treatment

The use of decoctions, teas, spirits extracts from natural medicinal raw materials, which provide antiseptic-disinfectant, hemostatic, tanning and astringent effect, is a good help in treating problems in the oral cavity, leading to a feeling of pain and burning in it.

Rinsing with sugary, chamomile, calendula decoction can soothe irritated mucous membrane, and radish, horseradish juice and other tanned, cauterizing vegetables - tighten the structure of the gums.

Regular use in food of root crops: carrots, turnips in raw form also returns elasticity( turgor) to tissues.

But all these methods of restoring health can serve only as auxiliary, in no case replacing a qualified medical care.

About prevention

Getting rid of the problem with pain and burning in the mouth is not a one-off action. It requires the patient to revise the entire way of life: nutrition( relationship with food), work, leisure.

Negligent attitude towards food( eating on the run, without looking up from the phone or TV), inappropriate product combinations or fashion diets for weight loss do not contribute to health.

To his frustration leads and closed, lonely existence with self-restrained resentment and anger at the nearest and distant environment. Hence the second name of the state - the syndrome of "flaming" language( or lips).

To solve the problem with the oral cavity neither the dentist, nor any other specialist without real participation of the patient himself can not. It can only be overcome by joint efforts. But in order for the dentist to perform his work qualitatively, the patient must take into account all the problems of his own life and, if possible, correct them. Only in this way can he expect to get rid of such a painful state.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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