Why there is and how to treat reddening of the head and foreskin

Redness of the scalp and foreskin in men is an alarming phenomenon. There are many reasons that can cause such a condition - from non-observance of personal hygiene to trauma and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. In the event of a change in the appearance of the genitals, the appearance of itching or pain, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Causes of In male
  • Allergic manifestations of
  • Physiological factors
  • Inflammatory diseases
  • In adolescent
  • Child
  • Treatment

Causes of

Skin on the head of the penis is very sensitive, which is important for certain physiological functions. The foreskin protects the head from external influences and has a unique structure that allows reacting to the slightest touch, changes in pressure and temperature.

Redness may be due to 3 factors:

  • Short-term redness of - may be caused by blood flow due to increased vascular tone or appear on the nerves.
  • External factors - mechanical or temperature effect, reaction to allergens.

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  • Inflammatory process of , caused by diseases of internal organs or skin pathologies.

Redness can be accompanied by pigmentation spots, rashes, blisters in the form of acne or bubble papules with watery filling, erosions and ulcers.

Constant temperature regime, humidity, sweat secretions make the male genitals quite comfortable environment for the life of various microorganisms. The danger is that at any time an infection can join the skin anomaly, and reddening caused by usual physiological factors, is transformed into an infectious lesion.
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In male

The most common causes of redness are:

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Allergic manifestations of

Caused by skin contact with irritant environment:

  • underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • personal care products;
  • condoms and other local contraceptives;
  • medications taken by a man;
  • local cosmetics used by a woman.
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Physiological factors

  • close underwear;
  • neglect of hygiene in everyday and sexual life;
  • increased sexual activity;
  • lack of intimate lubrication during sexual intercourse( leads to trauma and rubbing of the penis);
  • increased urine chemical activity - changes in its composition are affected by alcohol consumption, malnutrition;
  • exposure temperature - hot or cold shower, sitting on a cold surface.
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Inflammatory diseases

Balanoposthitis - inflammation of the head( balanitis) and foreskin( postitis), is the most common disease of the genitourinary sphere in men. In addition to redness, swelling, burning sensation, itching, ulceration and cracks, as well as the formation of infiltration and pus causing an unpleasant odor can be observed. Perhaps increased sexual arousal, frequent erections, pain during intercourse.

If the disease is not treated, hyperemia and swelling spread to the entire organ, lymph nodes increase, inguinal lymphadenitis and lymphangitis may occur, in rare cases necrosis and gangrene of the penis.

Factors contributing to the development of balanoposthitis are:

  • Infection with infectious agents - fungi, bacteria, viruses. When candidiasis( thrush) redness is often accompanied by a white bloom. The causative agents of venereal diseases( syphilis, gonorrhea) often contribute to the burning sensation in the urethra( urethra).
  • Local factors - poor hygiene, irritation of the skin with urine, narrowing of the foreskin( phimosis), increased sexual activity, frequent masturbation and partner change, contraception neglect, dryness of the partner's vagina.
  • Urinary tract infections ( urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis), hydronephrosis, urolithiasis.
  • Autoimmune and endocrine diseases - diabetes mellitus, anemia, vitiligo, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, alopecia, rheumatic polymyalgia, primary biliary cirrhosis, thyroid diseases.
  • Skin lesions - red flat lichen, dermatitis.
  • Heredity.
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In adolescent

During puberty, when hormonal changes occur, the intimate zone of adolescents needs special attention. At this time, the inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the head, which looks like a pink rash, is possible. To eliminate the problem, it is usually sufficient to treat with iodine and regular rinsing with warm water.

At the age of 15-16 years in boys the foreskin should move freely from the head, but sometimes in some places the fixation zones - spikes are formed. They accumulate various substances that can cause irritation and inflammation. Usually spikes are destroyed by themselves by the age of 18-19, before this period it is recommended to pay special attention to hygiene and use special creams.

Read also what spikes are, why they appear and how to fight them with medication and other methods. Http://woman-l.ru /spajki/
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The child

Reddening of the genital organ is often observed in infants. When the diapers are not changed frequently, stools corrode the skin, causing irritation. In this case, it is recommended to use children's ointments and powders, baths with soothing herbs( alternate, mint), make air baths.

Since birth, the smogma( sebum) is produced in boys - an off-white discharge that appears on the head of the penis and contains the secret of the sebaceous glands, moisture, dead cells of the epithelium. If the smegma is synthesized too much, it can accumulate and become a medium for the multiplication of bacteria. In this case, the head and foreskin become inflamed, redden and swell.

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For optimal treatment, consult a specialist. Depending on the causes that caused redness, the drugs of different groups are used:

  • antibacterial ( antibiotics-macrolides, penicillins, fluoroquinolones) - effective in the bacterial nature of the lesion;
  • antiviral ( Acyclovir, Valaciclovir) - used in herpes viruses;
  • antimycotic systemic and topical application( Lamisil, Miconazole, Nizoral, Nystatin ointment, Fluconazole) - serve to eliminate fungal lesions;
  • antiprotozoal ( Metronidazole) - are necessary for the detection of protozoa( trichomonads);
  • antihistamines - eliminate allergic reactions, as well as side effects from antibiotics;
  • immunostimulants and immunomodulators ( Cycloferon) - prevent relapse and improve the effectiveness of treatment;
  • preparations for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system ( in particular, urethritis);
  • remedies for autoimmune diseases ( eg, psoriasis);
  • external preparations of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects ( potassium permanganate, zinc oxide-based products, Levomekol, Metuluracil, Furacilin);
  • herbal preparations for baths( infusions and decoctions of calendula, chamomile pharmacy).
Complications of balanoposthitis may require surgical intervention with dissection or circumcision.

Also remember about the methods of preventing relapses:

  • thorough hygiene of the genitals;
  • with dry skin - use of creams that moisturize the skin and protect against fungal and bacterial pathogens;
  • timely treatment of any diseases;
  • an active way of life, allowing to maintain immunity;
  • is a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • limited consumption of alcoholic beverages, non-smoking;
  • care in choosing a sexual partner, the use of contraceptives in case of accidental sexual contact.
  • Mar 20, 2018
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