Three effective ways to beat the appetite

People who suffer from obesity or just have a few extra pounds are not so few. And to lose weight, you need to reduce your appetite.

Why do we overeat? Hunger is one of the reasons for increased appetite, but it is by no means the only one, and today's life is far from the main one. Most often we are forced to overeat and gain extra kilograms of circumstances, not related to the lack of food, that is, with a true hunger.

When something tasty is prepared in the kitchen or you pass near the bakery, which smells of fresh baked goods, you want to eat both, and the third. And to get rid of this desire is not so easy. Specialists and nutritionists are constantly working to help people who want to lose weight and control their gigantic appetite, which occurs not only when we are really hungry.

Increased appetite is a very strong feeling. It's hard to win by pulling yourself together. But there are several effective ways to reduce your appetite, the source of which is not real hunger, but other circumstances.

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Aromatherapy versus appetite

One of the most effective ways to combat appetite is aromatherapy. For example, the smell of delicious food causes a brutal appetite, but there are also smells that dull the feeling of hunger.

Specialists offer several flavors that help to win the appetite. For example, the smell of vanilla, mint, the aroma of blossoming roses, the smell of strawberries. If these products you can not find fresh, you can also use essential oils based on them. But here roses are needed fresh and every day. An experiment was conducted when fresh roses were brought to the room where the girls lived. Roses not only lifted the mood of ladies, but reduced the appetite.

Water will help reduce appetite

Sometimes people confuse hunger and thirst. In this case, by the way, fairly common, will help ordinary water. Did you feel hunger? Drink a glass of water. If half an hour later you still want to eat, then you are really hungry, and it's time to eat.

But much more often soon after drinking a glass of water the feeling of hunger disappears without a trace. This technique will help reduce appetite for several hours, and during the next meal you will eat half as often as before.

It is believed that water is the most harmless way to win the appetite. This method does not hurt your health.

Fractional food

Another way to reduce appetite and satisfy hunger with a small amount of food is a fractional food. This system consists in the fact that you need to eat every three hours, and portions should be small. The body will quickly get used to this schedule, and your snacks will be reduced to a minimum. This method is also harmless to the body, moreover, it is recommended for many diseases.

These methods are very effective in reducing appetite. They also do not do any harm to the body and help to lose those extra pounds. If you use these three methods together, you can achieve excellent results. You can control your appetite yourself, not letting it take over, when in fact there is no hunger.

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  • Mar 20, 2018
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