A few culinary secrets

Many beginners want to learn how to cook delicious. But, of course, not all of the first time you get culinary masterpieces. Dont be upset! Knowing some nuances and small female tricks, each person can easily cook any dish.

These secrets can be used by men, both single and family, who want to give a gift to close women. In order for everything to go perfectly, use the following tips. So, let's start in order.


To prepare a delicious cereal porridge, it is necessary to fall asleep in the pan only in salt water. After the porridge boils, it is necessary to transfer the fire to a small one and cook until swelling. Then put in the oven.

In order to weld porridge, do not use enamelware. If you want the porridge to turn friable, then you need to put a small amount of butter, cream or vegetable.

Small tricks:

  1. When preparing rice, you need to add a small amount of vinegar, this will give the rice a more white color, and the porridge will get much tastier.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. You can also use whipped protein for cooking rice, this is for those who like rice a little sweet, and it is ideal for sushi and plov.
  4. semolina porridge. For its preparation, you must diligently wash the rump under cold cold water, and only after this you can cook. This will allow to get semolina porridge without lumps, and it will melt in the mouth.
  5. For buckwheat porridge it is necessary to add oil to boiled water, while cooking, stir up the porridge with a large fork from top to bottom. This will allow a good loosening of the porridge.
  6. For pearl barley, everything is a little more complicated: she likes it when water is changed twice. The first time that the croup will boil for ten minutes, and for the second time fill with water and cook until ready. This will destroy the blue color of the porridge. Also, it will be cooked much faster if you first soak for two hours in the water.

Dairy products

  1. Inattentive hostesses, who often run away from milk when boiling, you need to spread the pan around the edges with fat. This will prevent the milk from escaping.
  2. When boiling milk, you need to put a teaspoon of sugar, so that the milk boils much faster than usual.
  3. If you bought a sour cottage cheese, you can mix it with milk and defend in a sieve for about an hour. Cover the top with gauze, then drain the milk, and the cottage cheese as new.
  4. If you can not beat up sour cream well, then you can put a raw egg in it. Whipped mass will be thick and lush.
Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 20, 2018
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