Sapphire braces Inspire Ice - inconspicuous correction of teeth

Inspire Ice braces are very popular among patients. These unique sapphire braces are designed taking into account all existing designs for dental correction.

Incorrect bite and crooked teeth cause a lot of discomfort. To smile was beautiful, and teeth are even and healthy, you need to use braces.

The most modern and popular are Inspire Ice. They are developed by the American company American Orthodontics.
These systems are intended not only for correction of bite, but also are an excellent jewelry decoration.


  • General characteristics
  • System design
  • Advantages undoubted
  • Manufacturing and installation
    • Installation stages
  • Wearing and oral care process
  • Customer's opinion
  • Price

General characteristics

Brackets Inspire Ice is the most modern, practical and inconspicuous system for fixingdentition. It consists of artificial transparent sapphires, absolutely safe for human health. Such sapphires are strong and unique, do not cause allergies. They are absolutely not noticeable on the teeth, which is also a big advantage.

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The level of manufacture of sapphire braces is much superior to that of other designs.

The procedure begins with the removal of the impression from the teeth. After that, the results of the scan are scanned in the laboratory and create a virtual image of the system. The whole process is processed in a special program.

With this program it is determined:

  • which correction is necessary for the curves of the front incisors;
  • order of future tooth dislocation;
  • where fasteners are installed;
  • possible ligature configurations;
  • replacement of the handles;
  • treatment term.

The program is even capable of giving out the result of treatment, and create an image of the teeth after correction. The patient can see his perfectly even teeth in advance. And strive for such results.

After this, the system is manufactured.

System design

The construction of the sapphire bracket of the Inspire Ice system is as simple as possible:

  • metal handles;
  • braces;
  • elastic.

The arc is made of an alloy of nickel and titanium, it passes through the braces and shapes the whole structure. Arc plays a major role in the alignment process.

The whole system is made from materials that do not cause allergies. After all, it has to be worn for a long time. It contacts the oral cavity and does not irritate the mucous membrane at all.

Advantages undoubtedly

The main difference between sapphire braces is their imperceptibility. Inspire Ice are absolutely transparent and are not visible against the background of any tooth enamel.

And also:

  1. Sapphires do not lose their color and transparency. They are resistant to any coloration.
  2. These systems are very reliable, all components of the device will serve for a long time, although seemingly fragile. They are not subject to destruction, they do not have to be changed during treatment.
  3. The design base is made in the form of a ball and is coated with a special agent. This provides good contact with the teeth and ease of use.
  4. The design hook is much thinner and slimmer than arcs in other systems.
  5. Does not cause headaches.
  6. Durable and reliable fixation provides good attachment to the teeth.
  7. With the help of the Inspire Ice system, it is possible to produce an individual design for dental repair.
  8. Braces are produced in a foreign clinic only using computer technology.
  9. Use of bracket systems Inspire Ice guarantees a high-quality result.

Manufacture and installation of

In the manufacture of the design, the jeweler's work is performed, the precious stone is processed.

Each pebble is attached to a specific tooth. To fix the lock, silicone caps are made. This completely eliminates the incorrect installation of braces. Ligatures and arcs are painted white, this makes them invisible against the background of the teeth.

Installation of the system is simple. You can paste the locks manually or with the help of cap.

Braces are placed immediately on both jaws. Smooth grooves contribute to good arc slip and rapid correction. The duration of the entire treatment is usually one to two years.

Inspire Ice sapphire braces are almost invisible, which confirms this photo

Steps for installing

Five steps to flat teeth:

  1. is used to study the condition of the patient's mouth .Installation is possible only in the absence of contraindications. It is necessary to make sure that the patient does not have caries, cracks or plaque. They make an x-ray, a cast of a jaw and a photo of a smile.
  2. The dentist performs tooth cleaning to get rid of germs and sediments.
  3. The teeth are treated with a solution, , each bracket is fixed with the adhesive. The place of gluing is blown and lighted with a photopolymer lamp.
  4. The metal handle is pulled through the grooves. Its tips must be removed, so as not to injure the cheeks and gum.
  5. The patient is interviewed about the hygiene and care rules behind the mouth of the during treatment.
At first, after the installation, pain can be felt. Teeth under the influence of the construction change their position, this causes discomfort. But these feelings quickly pass, and the patient gets used to wearing braces.

The first time is best to eat softer food to avoid pain. Mucous mouth quickly adapts to the new design and all the unpleasant moments pass.

The process of wearing and oral care

During the use of Inspire Ice braces, the following procedures should be performed:

  • regularly brushing teeth;
  • change the rubber bands;
  • fix braces again;
  • make an arc change;
  • if necessary, put extra gum.

The patient himself needs:

  • to brush his teeth at least twice a day;
  • rinse your mouth after eating;
  • clean braces with special threads and accessories.

It should be ensured that there is no plaque on the teeth. This can lead to the formation of caries and the development of other diseases.
During the treatment, it is best to refuse foods containing food colorings.

Opinion of consumers

Many patients who used Inspire Ice sapphire braces to correct the dentition share their impressions and the reviews are mostly positive.

Crooked teeth were my constant problem. I was very worried about this. I decided to fix this defect with braces. Has stopped the choice on sapphire braces, they the most imperceptible, after installation it was a little unpleasant, the pain was felt during meal. But practically from the first days of treatment there was a sensation, that the teeth are leveled every day more and more.

As a result, a year and a half passed, and I can boast of an ideal smile, smooth and beautiful teeth. I advise everyone to wear Inspire Ice and forget about the crooked teeth.

Natalia, 22 years old

My friend advised me to wear braces. It was with their help that she managed to get rid of crooked teeth and an incorrect bite.
I went to a doctor - orthodontist, he advised me to choose a sapphire correction system. Because they are the most inconspicuous, durable and practical. Listened to the doctor and began to wear Inspire Ice. The result is stunning! After a year of treatment, my teeth became absolutely smooth, I no longer feel embarrassed at my smile. I am very grateful to the doctor for the result.

Marina, 28 years old

Before and after using sapphire braces


Sapphire braces due to their advantages are more expensive than metal or ceramic structures. The cost of treatment is determined in different clinics in different ways and depends on individual indications.

So the price of a set for correction of all teeth Inspire Ice is 500 dollars. With the installation and maintenance procedures, the cost will increase approximately two-fold. Payment can be made in stages.

The rather high cost of sapphire braces is worthwhile. The result will be qualitative, and the process will not make you feel uncomfortable and constrained.

Increasingly, patients in their desire to have beautiful, even and healthy teeth prefer sapphire braces. Their aesthetics, invisibility and practicality justify the costs of treatment and guarantee an ideal condition of the teeth.

  • Mar 20, 2018
  • 21
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