- 1
- 1.1 Hypochondria Symptoms and Treatment Causes of hypochondria
- 1.2 As shown hypochondria symptoms and signs
- 2 How to treat hypochondria
- 2.1 Hypochondria how to get rid yourself
- 2.2 Treatment of hypochondria folk remedies
- 3 Diagnostics
hypochondria The psychologists believe that hypochondria - is notjust a depressed state( do not confuse with depression!), but obsessive searches in the body of severe, even fatal ailments, a desire to get rid of them.
Any symptoms of hypochondriac are considered as a manifestation of a terrible, incurable disease. The reasons lie in the personality traits, when the psyche is broken.
Hypochondriasis symptoms and treatment
For the treatment to be successful, the doctor conducts a survey, identifies the causes of neurosis( somatic, mental).Excessive suspiciousness of the patient psychologically exhausts him and deprives him of his strength.
Causes of hypochondria
It is impossible to clearly define the causes of the disorder, when an increased fear of health manifests itself in a too vivid form is impossible.
The psychotherapist treats hypochondria as a panic state due to:
- , a violation of synchronism in the work of the cerebral cortex;
- initial manifestations of symptoms of neuroses, psychoses;
- malfunctioning of organs that send distorted impulses to the brain;
- excessive patient apprehension, which is no longer able to control itself and fight the manifestation of symptoms;
- when people suffer from the onset of old age;
- can be caused by defects in upbringing, physical abuse, severe illnesses.
How the hypochondria shows symptoms and signs
The sufferer of hypochondria is emotional. He accurately names and colorfully represents the symptoms and causes of the allegedly serious illness with which it is necessary to fight, seeks to get rid of it.
He is sure that urgent diagnosis and treatment is needed. The situation is exacerbated by the availability of medical information, the abundance of drug advertising, spectacular telecasts about uncharted diseases that can not be cured, as their symptoms are difficult to recognize.
Sometimes a healthy person, under the influence of stress, begins to search for the symptoms of an imaginary illness, which may not exist at all, without reason, but which must be treated. However, the real hypochondria is a frustration akin to a painful mania.
There are several types of ailment:
1. Obsessive .Presence of constant anxiety about the own organism, to cope with which the person alone is not capable. With obsessive form, the patient does not seek to cure a possible ailment, many of his experiences are characterized as hypothetical.
2. Super-priced .Exaggerated concern for health, the desire to get rid of far-fetched diseases by any method: folk, non-traditional, self-medication. The slightest indisposition is perceived as a dangerous disorder requiring immediate treatment.
3. Crazy .Symptoms: pathological ideas, hallucinations, depression. An attack of health anxiety can lead( rarely) to suicide as a way to get rid of torment.
How to treat the hypochondria
Treatment passes in stages. Appointed psychotherapy, which will help get rid of anxious thoughts, stress. Then drugs are used to combat the neurotic causes of neurosis. Drug treatment means eliminating the causes of the disorder.
For example, drugs against neurosis, antidepressants are prescribed to relieve stress. If severe manifestations, a real threat to health treatment is in the hospital. A specific agent that will help get rid of the disease, no.
Hypochondria How to Get Rid of Self
Treatment at home is reduced to providing comprehensive support, attention, help from relatives. Unbelief in the existence of symptoms of the disease exacerbates the problem, the patient "winds up" himself, falls ill really, or tries to get rid of the invented disease in various ways, not always safe.
It is recommended to avoid viewing medical TV programs, the relevant literature, conversations about the course of illness in friends.
Excellently distracts from the search for new diseases an exciting hobby, so that there is not enough time for complaints. Needlework, cooking, creativity, home pet, sports - choose any occupation that will truly interest the hypochondriac, diversify his life.
It takes time and patience for the hypochondriac syndrome to go away, and the person has stopped constantly being afraid of getting sick.
Treatment of hypochondria with folk remedies
The question is often asked: how to defeat the hypochondria without medication? Help cooked self-soothing infusions with mint, motherwort, anise seeds, eleutherococcus roots, cones of hops. It is advised to make a fortifying decoction of Echinacea.
Recipe for infusion, decoction is described on the packaging or in the enclosed instructions for herbs. Helps fight ice douche in the morning, which is well treated stress. Here, the benefits for the whole organism are obvious, plus the procedure has an impressive psychotherapeutic effect.
Diagnosis of hypochondria
Complaints of the patient are compared with the real state of his health, for which a medical examination is carried out. The main attention is directed to the body, which the patient considers problematic( for example, the heart).
In the absence of pathologies, the therapist diagnoses, offers treatment designed to get rid of the root causes of conviction of a serious threat to life.