Causes and treatment of pain in joints with menopause

Menopause has many unpleasant manifestations. Some of them carry women quite easily. But when you are concerned about pain in joints with menopause, treatment is required soon and effective. Without taking measures, the sensation can increase, lead to stiffness in movements, injuries.


  • 1 Why does joint pain appear in menopause
  • 2 What should I do immediately to get rid of joint pain
  • 3 Drug therapy
    • 3.1 Calcium preparations
    • 3.2 Chondroprotectors and painkillers

Why menopause has joint pain

Climax is characterized primarily by a drop in the level of sexualhormones. Substances cease to be produced by the ovaries, when the stock of follicles comes to an end in them. Estrogens and progestins are involved not only in the functions of the reproductive system, but also provide many other processes, the development of vital components. And therefore, their quantitative reduction causes changes in the state of health in different parts of the body.

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This is the main cause of pain in joints with menopause, which necessarily treatment. It provokes in turn and other features that bring this sensation:

  • Osteoporosis. This change in the structure of bone tissue, leading to its weakening. Its strength is provided by the predominance of the process of formation of new cells over the destruction of old cells. The fall of hormones makes it all the way back. The bones become more fragile, as a result the load on the joints increases. Pain first comes from unaccustomed pressure, and then the gradual destruction of their tissues;
  • Deforming osteoarthritis. The joints consist of cartilaginous tissue, ligaments, a sac with a fluid that neutralizes the friction between them. The structure of these elements is such that it requires a constant supply of collagen. In menopause, its production slows down and decreases because of the reduction in the volume of sex hormones. Fabrics wear out, becoming thinner. When there is pain in the joints with menopause, difficulty in movement, especially in the morning, dry crackle in this area, there is reason to suspect deforming osteoarthritis;Excess weight. Decreasing estrogen forces the body to resist this, provoking the growth of fatty tissue, because it is it that can produce these hormones. Therefore, many women in menopause get better, which increases the load that falls on the weakening bones and joints;
  • Circulatory disturbance. And it is caused by changes in the balance of substances. Blood supply to the body tissues worsens, muscle pains with menopause appear in many respects for this reason. The lack of collagen and elastin leads to a decrease in the tone of the muscles. The mite contributes to the provocation of the senses and the failure in the work of the nervous system. Muscle tormented by muscle cramps, which also respond to the condition of the joints.

That it is necessary to undertake at once for disposal of joint pain

When at a climax joints hurt, what to do, understand not all women. Most people prefer taking pain relieving medications, but this is not a decision, and postponing the problem "for later" is a temporary measure.

To choose the right treatment, you need to determine the exact cause of soreness, for which specialists( rheumatologist, orthopedist, gynecologist) appoint a test, which includes:

  • Evaluation of hormonal status by appropriate blood analysis. It is taken for general research;
  • Radiography of joints. So it is possible to identify and assess the changes that occurred in them with osteoarthritis, the degree of bone destruction in osteoporosis;
  • Osteodensitometry. This examination can indicate the level of bone density reduction.

All this will allow you to establish a diagnosis, that is, the reason why your feet hurt with menopause.

Drug therapy

Because sensations in the joint region are caused by hormonal imbalance, the introduction of the missing substances into the body is helpful. It will restore the norm of the processes that ensure their health, which will eliminate pain in them and muscle cramps. It's about preparations containing synthetic hormones, especially estrogens.

They will eliminate the causes of painful sensations and pathological structural changes in tissues. The following preparations are used in HRT:

  • Divina;
  • Climonorum;
  • Angelique;
  • of the Climart;
  • Climen;
  • CyclO-Proginova;
  • The Guinodean Depot;
  • Cleiests;
  • Premarin.

These can be injections, tablets, patches. With them, bone tissue will cease to lose calcium, blood circulation in the muscles and the work of the central nervous system normalize. That is, the causes of pain will disappear.

Nevertheless, phytohormones are also able to cope with the causes of heaviness in the legs, convulsions. Specialists offer funds:

  • Climadinone;
  • Remens;
  • Climaxan;
  • Climact-Hel;
  • Estroel.

Usually hormones, synthetic and vegetable, are not unique in the therapy of joint pain. In addition, they will need vitamins, chondroprotectors, pain relievers and some efforts from the patient herself.

Calcium preparations

Osteoporosis always means the loss of bones the most important condition for their strength - a mineral substance called calcium. It is found in many foods, but in menopause this amount is not enough to ensure their normal density. Synthetic agents containing vitamins, calcium, and stimulating cell division of bone tissue are necessary: ​​

  • Aquadetrim, Wigantol, Alfacalcidol. These are drugs with a high concentration of vitamin D, without which the assimilation of mineral matter is unthinkable;
  • Natekal, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Kaltsinov. These drugs contain a mineral in high doses that can normalize the density of bones in menopause;
  • Fosamax, Aklasta, Fosavans. Preparations from the list of biophosphonates, that is, capable of depressingly act on osteoclasts( components that destroy the bone).

We recommend reading an article on the prevention of osteoporosis during menopause. You will learn everything about the disease and the mechanism of its manifestation with menopause, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Chondroprotectors and pain relievers

If menopause has come, joints hurt, and degenerative changes have been detected, this is osteoarthritis. The disease already requires funds that can stimulate the renewal of cartilage. Using them, it is also important to spare the sick joint, not giving it a heavy load. Several groups of agents are used to directly affect all of its areas:

  • Rumalon, Arteparon, Arthron. These chondroprotectors provide the prerequisites for the formation of healthy cartilage;
  • Curantil, Trental. Medicines improve blood supply in the joints, than contribute to their recovery;
  • Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Midokalm, Novokain, No-Shpa, Papaverin. This group of drugs helps to relieve inflammation, affects pain receptors.
It is possible to eliminate the feeling of aches faster, if you accompany the medicine with a massage from a specialist, by other methods of physiotherapy.

The painful joints and menopause are a common combination. And although it almost always requires medical treatment, there are means of preventing malaise. They are also relevant and when a diagnosis has already been made. This food is not obesity, but it contains a lot of vitamins, calcium, phytoestrogens, reasonable physical activity.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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