Many parents dream that it is possible to choose at least the sex of their future baby. After all, someone wants some girls to surround themselves with care and warmth, others - only boys, "heirs", and someone give a variety - and those and others. American scientists have long, but only doing IVF, give parents this opportunity. But what about the rest of the parents? Are there techniques that will help determine or predict the sex of the child, according to the last monthly, for example?
- 1 Determine the sex at the beginning of the monthly depending on the age
- 2 Calculate for the last menses
- 3 We make the assumption on ovulation
- 4 Tactics of the determination of sex from the neighbors
- 4.1 Chinese technique
- 4.2 Japanese methodology
We determine the sex at the beginning of the monthly depending on the age
Alreadyduring pregnancy, you can find out the sex of the future baby, if you conduct an ultrasound examination of the fetus.
And with 90% certainty it can be said already in 12 weeks, without waiting for the generally accepted term of 20. But many parents still want not only to learn, but also to plan either a boy or a girl.It is known that in Japan it is not accepted to have many children, that's why their scientists found one regularity that allows one to assume the sex of the child. So, they argue that this is seriously affected by the age at which a woman has menstruation.
We calculate according to the last menstruation
You can try to determine the sex of the future child by the last monthly. For this, certain data are needed:
- should know exactly the date at which the conception occurred,
- the number of full years of the woman at the time of conception.
Further by simple actions it is possible to determine the primary birth of a boy or girl in this family in such a situation. To do this, do the following:
- Add the figure of the future mother's age to the number that corresponds to the month of conception. For example, if the girl was 23 full years old, and fertilization occurred in February( 2 months), you need to do the following: 23 + 2 = 25.
- To the resulting value, add one( 1).In our example this is 25 + 1 = 26.
- We interpret the result: an even number indicates the birth of a girl, an odd number indicates a boy.
We recommend reading the article on how to calculate the date of birth by monthly. From it you will learn about the methods of determining the birthday of the baby, as well as how to find them by the last menstruation.
Doing an assumption on ovulation
Can I determine the sex of the child on the last monthly as something else? You can, for example, use the following method( some information will also be required for the determination).
Spermatozoa are known to carry the X or Y chromosome, which determines the sex of the child in the future. Having met with the egg, which always carries female genetic material, fertilization takes place. The result is XX - the future girl, or XY - the boy.
There is an assumption that spermatozoa have different lifespans, which depends on which genes they are saturated with. Those that have the X chromosome are more viable. They can stay active for 72 hours or more. And spermatozoa with Y chromosomes are subject to various influences, as a result of which they are mobile only during the day after ejaculation.
Based on this, it is considered that if the sexual act was directly on ovulation, and the male reproductive cells did not have to "wait" for the egg, more often the boys are born. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa with the Y-chromosome are more active and quickly reach the goal. But the duration of their existence is small. Similar will also be if the intimate relationship will be after ovulation. In this case, the female reproductive cage will "wait" for the masculine cell. Those who are more active with the Y-chromosome, they will impregnate with greater probability.
Thus, it is possible to determine the sex of the child by the last monthly if you calculate ovulation. Fertilization during or after it is likely to lead to the boy, and a day or two before - to the girl.
Look at the video about the definition of a child's gender:
Tactics of sex determination from neighbors
There are a lot of signs based on long-term observations in order to "get" into the right gender of a future baby. Chinese and Japanese medicine is popular with many, there are ways to solve this problem.
Chinese technique
An ancient Chinese tablet on which you can determine the gender of the future baby has reached our days. In order to use it, you need to know the date of the alleged conception( only a month is enough) and the age of the woman at the time of fertilization. The first data is located horizontally, the second - vertically. If we reduce them at one point, at the intersection you can see the notation - d( girl) and m( boy).This is the supposed sex.
Japanese technique
There is a similar Japanese technique. Similarly, the data is reduced to tables, there are two of them. In order to know the sex of the child at the last month, you need to know the exact age of both future parents at the time of conception.
You should proceed as follows:
- First you need to use the first table. In it you need to compare in figures the age of the future mother and father. The result should be remembered.
- The figure from the first table must be compared with the month in which the conception occurred, in the second. In the place of their intersection, a horizontal line should be drawn up to the graph "boy, girl".They will also indicate the probability of the birth of a baby of a certain sex - the more crosses, the higher the percentage.
We recommend to read an article about why the term for ultrasound is more than monthly. From it you will learn about the reasons for the difference in the definition of the date of birth, the allowable difference, and also by what time for the woman to be guided.
Calculate the sex of the child for the last month's can, but there are doubts about the reliability of the results. Despite the fact that science today has enough extensive knowledge in this field, there is no method to predict this for certain, with the exception of the special forms of IVF when certain embryos are being selected.