Sometimes, to know the joy of being a mother or getting rid of a disease, treatment with drugs that have a serious effect on the body is required. One of these unusual drugs is dipherylline. It is used in infertility therapy to get rid of endometriosis, fibroids, even with early puberty. The effect of the drug is so great that the monthly after the dipheline can cause a lot of questions.
- 1 More about medication
- 1.1 Are there monthly periods during treatment with Dipherylin
- 2 Periods for restoring menstrual function
- 3 What explains the delay in menstruation after treatment
- 4 The first menstruation after the treatment
More about the medicine
Menstruation is controlled by the ovaries,stage-by-stage growth and decrease in the volume of sex hormones. These substances are dependent on the functions of the pituitary gland. But some of the female diseases also have a hormonal nature. To suppress the activity of malaise, it is necessary to "disconnect" their feeding with these substances. To do this, the drug is used.
The agent is an analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormones produced by the hypothalamus. There are different concentrations of it, used to stimulate ovulation or therapy of benign tumors. But they all affect the menstrual function, that is, prevent the regular updating of the mucous uterus, giving rest to her and the ovaries.
Naturally, the functions of the authorities will not recover quickly. And the reaction of the reproductive system to the drug may not be the same.
Are there monthly periods during treatment with Diperelin
Dipherylin therapy for the disease should last at least 3 months. Injections are done three times during this time, and if it is decided that this is not enough, then the use of the drug is extended for six months. Accordingly, and injections do six, every 28-30 days.
Diferelin has an effect on the body similar to the onset of menopause. That is, first it is an increase in the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone, then its suppression, just like LH, estrogens and androgens. The active substance accumulates in the body, because the state of the latter during treatment in the initial 3 weeks and beyond this time is different.
The monthly after injection of diphelin can still come, although the therapy is directed at their absence. But this is a variant of the norm, the allocation is meager, lasts not for long. And even after the second injection of the drug, menstruation is possible. Further on throughout the application of the means of excretion cease. Moreover, dryness of the vagina is noticed, which corresponds to the state of menopause.
Timing for the recovery of the menstrual function
Dipherylin treatment itself is given to many women hard. We have to experience all the "charms" of artificial climax, that is, bad mood, hot flashes, profuse sweating, dryness of the vagina. Therefore, patients are eagerly awaiting the arrival of monthly diphenylline after the injection.
The timing of the onset of the first menstruation varies from 2.5 to 6 months with the injection of the drug with the lowest concentration. Ovaries can not recover instantly after their activity was suppressed for several months. This will take at least 4-5 weeks. Accordingly, and menstruation will begin not earlier, than in 2,5 months.
When using dipheline in order to stimulate ovulation, that is, 1 injection of the drug, the critical days can be delayed no more than 14 days. Sometimes this period is only a week.
After how many months after dipherylin begin, depends also:
- From the dosage of the medicine. If this is 11.25, the impact on the reproductive system is even more severe. Then menstruation can come at the earliest in 4.5 months, and even after a year. But the latter is much less common;
- From the characteristics of the body. This refers to the individual reaction to the drug, as well as the age of the woman. The younger persons recover faster. The explanation of the delay in menstruation after treatment with
. Especially prolonged, which causes anxiety is the delay of menstrual periods after three injections of dipheline. In most cases, there should not be grounds for concern. As already mentioned, a strong antigonadotropic drug can significantly suppress the functions of the ovaries, and hence the development of the uterine mucosa. But in the therapy of endometriosis and fibroids is a plus, meaning that the medicine works. The exhausting bleeding stops, as the amount of tissue torn away decreases.
However, if the period without menstruation is prolonged beyond the indicated time, this could mean that the drug caused hypogonadotropic amenorrhea, that is, a violation of the hypothalamic and pituitary functions. The production of FSH and LH remains at an insufficient level. Because of this, there is a slower maturation of the germ cell, its absence from the ovary and, as a consequence, a deficiency of estrogens. LH deficiency leads to inadequacy of the second phase of the cycle, that is, the lack of the required amount of progesterone. All this together means the impossibility of developing the mucous uterus, its rejection, that is, amenorrhea.
To detect it is possible in the analysis of hormones, which will indicate the amount of listed substances, as well as testosterone. If the diagnosis of "gonadotropic amenorrhea" is made, you will need to take medication against her already.
We recommend reading the article on treatment with artificial menopause. You will learn about the reasons for the appointment of such therapy, signs of artificial menopause, the drugs used, the state of the body after treatment.
First menstruation after treatment
The first monthly after dipherylin is usually small in volume, with no apparent manifestations of PMS.This is natural, because the functions of the reproductive system are restored gradually. Ovaries produce sex hormones in the same volume not immediately, therefore the endometrium also does not have the ability to grow to the usual thickness.
Possible and quite strong menstrual discharge after discontinuation of therapy with the drug. This is also a variant of the norm, which is much less common.
In the future, even on the second cycle, the features of critical days roughly correspond to what the woman observed before treatment. Of course, with the correction for a decrease in endometriosis activity and a decrease in the size of fibroids. Diseases provoke profuse menstruation, which now should not be, as well as bleeding in between them.
Monthly after the application of dipheline requires special control. They may indicate the effectiveness of treatment or tell about the insufficient effect of the drug on the reproductive system.With the timely restoration of the ovaries, do not ignore the need for follow-up, ultrasound.