Everyone knows that the absence of a period for a young woman is in anticipation of the baby. But this is not always the case. For some, they do not come for a long time for a different, not a joyful occasion. Their absence from six months or more has the name amenorrhea. This condition almost always needs to be studied and treated.
- 1 More about the kinds of ailments
- 1.1 Primary
- 1.2 Secondary
- 2 On the causes of the disease
- 2.1 What can turn into a problem with the pituitary gland?
- 2.2 When the "naughty" uterus
- 2.3 hormone deficiency
- 2.4 Natural causes of non-arrival of menstruation
- 2.5 When amenorrhea helpful
- 3 main symptoms
- 3.1 Can I get pregnant?
- 4 How to detect a syndrome?
- 5 Return of the reproductive system to normal
- 5.1 hormones for healing
- 5.2 Fitoretsepty
- 6 to restore function when treated successfully
Read more about the kinds of ailments
absence of menstrual function in the female body occurs in different circumstances. In accordance with them, the types of amenorrhea are also distinguished. Depending on the belonging to one of them, there are accompanying manifestations of malaise.
Since the absence of menstruation is not considered a disease, but only a syndrome of a disease, condition or developmental peculiarities, the division into species relies also on the listed circumstances. That is, the absence of menstruation happens:
- Physiological or pathological;
- False or true;
- Primary or secondary.
What is amenorrhea in women, there is a chance to learn at any age, from adolescence to menopause. If the menstruation is still expected at the time of the 17th birthday, it is likely that the girl should see a doctor for clarifying the reasons for their absence.
Because of the difference in the causes of the appearance of the syndrome, its signs are also not the same. Amenorrhea in adolescents due to the fault of failure in the hypothalamus, some time later found out that the patient is overweight, almost complete absence of pubic hair and armpits narrowed vagina, the uterus reduced. When the cause is laid in the ovaries, the girl obviously has a general physical underdevelopment.
Secondary amenorrhea differs in that the woman had menstruation, but for unexplained reasons disappeared for a long time. Sometimes the reasons for this are natural, like feeding a newborn or menopause.
In other cases, the loss of critical days is caused by diseases of gynecological, hormonal, psychological nature.
About the causes of the disease
The cause of amenorrhea is as diverse as the range of its species is wide. These are:
Chromosomal abnormalities, that is, detectable at the level of genes, possible due to adverse effects during intrauterine development;
- Failure in the work of the brain region. Incorrect functioning of the hypothalamus is to blame for violations of the regulation of the menstrual process due to a shortage of compulsory substances - hormones;
- Problems in the pituitary gland. Amenorrhea can be caused by a lack of hormones produced by them or their complete absence. This type of syndrome is different in that a woman does not smell. Nevertheless, it is easier to cope with it than with other species;
- Defective development of the reproductive system. Among the likely signs of a narrowed vagina, an infected hymen;
- Gynecological diseases, among which the first place is occupied by polycystic ovaries;
- Damage to the uterus as a result of a surgical operation on it;
- Early extinction of ovarian functions due to heredity.
To provoke amenorrhea are also capable of stress, sudden weight loss, heavy physical labor.
What can cause a problem with the pituitary gland?
The pituitary gland for the reproductive system, its updating is of decisive importance. It produces substances that directly affect the functioning of the ovaries, hence, the monthly and their characteristics.
failed in his work is able to provoke non-arrival of critical days for various reasons:
- hypergonadotrophic amenorrhea is diagnosed when the ovaries give less necessary hormones estrogen and progesterone. The pituitary body, in order to stimulate them, produces an overestimated amount of FSH and LH.Such an imbalance does not allow the development of the ovum and mucous coating of the uterus;
- Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea is detected with a deficiency of FSH and LH, when the pituitary gland "lazy" to produce them. Therefore, the ovaries reduce the production of estrogen. The sex cell matures more slowly, the uterine mucosa almost does not thicken in the middle of the cycle.
When the uterus "fizzles"
False amenorrhoea does not mean that the woman is thinking of this problem. Its culprit is not the inability of the mucous uterus to be renewed, but the obstruction of the discharge of secretions outward. This is the case with stenosis of the cervix, from birth or disease, whole, without a hole to the hymen, that is, due to a defect in the development of the reproductive organs.
Tissue tissue retained inside the uterus or vagina, fallopian tubes. It is fraught with the onset of inflammation, makes you aware of yourself with sharp pains in the abdomen.
In normal operation of the hormonal system, the absence of monthly hormones is not excluded. This is the so-called uterine amenorrhea. This type of the examined state is also found in the absence of mechanical obstacles to the exit of mucus. Endometrium is responsible here, which does not react to changing hormones. This type of condition is found after gynecological diseases or surgical manipulations.
Lack of hormones
As a special type of hormonal amenorrhea is allocated. Actually, almost any of them is due to a failure in this area. But often women themselves make efforts to ensure that they have for a long time disappeared critical days:
- They are starving themselves;
- Do not try to defeat a lot of stress;
- Test the sexual system for strength by physical overload.
This is all capable of knocking down even the ideal work of the pituitary gland, the ovaries, the thyroid gland. As a result, menstruation does not come because of body fatigue, and it can last for a very long time.
Natural causes of non-admission of menstruation
Discontinuation of menstruation for a long time is not always due to illness or abnormal development of the genitals. There is a physiological amenorrhea caused by positions in which, on the contrary, rejection of the basal layer of the mucosa would be an extraordinary and undesirable event. This pregnancy, menopause and breastfeeding.
Among all it is worth highlighting the last state of the female body, in which lactational amenorrhea can be observed. The absence of monthly excretions in the production of breast milk is explained by the composition of hormones other than that of unkempt women. Among others, prolactin, which has the property of suppressing production of FSH and LH, predominates. That is, menstruation can not come because of the lack of ovulation.
This method of the organism of the nursing mother is based on the method of lactational amenorrhea, as a method of contraception. But it is not effective for everyone, but only on the condition that the baby is breast-fed every 3-4 hours during the day, interrupting for 6 hours at night. Otherwise, the level of prolactin will decrease, a new egg will ripen, and pregnancy will become quite probable. To be protected in this way will not be longer than 6-9 months.
Amenorrhea and pregnancy also accompany each other. After conception, the yellow body produces progesterone, which ensures the safety and development of the embryo. And for this he needs a thickened and friable mucosa, which nourishes its membranes and is the place of fixation of the fetal egg. If its upper layer begins to be rejected, pregnancy is prematurely interrupted.
When the absence of a monthly is useful
Sometimes the disappearance of menstruation for a long time is not a negative manifestation requiring treatment, but a boon for a woman. With the help of special tools, as an opportunity for the therapy of gynecological indisposition, medication amenorrhea is prescribed.
It will help when the childbearing system needs rest to restore its functions. The most common reason for doctors to prescribe this method is endometriosis.
We recommend reading the article about the menstrual cycle disorder. You will learn about the norm and the deviations, the reasons for the delay of monthly, possible diseases and methods of treatment of a malfunction in the body.
The main symptoms of
Symptoms of amenorrhea have only one obvious side - a long absence of critical days. Otherwise, manifestations depend on the causes of its occurrence. Detecting the syndrome is easier when there are no menstruation because of anatomical features, that is, with a false type.
The blood accumulated in the cavities of the internal genital organs provokes abdominal pain, nausea, sweating. Speaking more precisely and in more detail about all types, amenorrhea symptoms is as follows:
- Obvious to the specialist defects of the reproductive organs in the primary character of the syndrome caused by chromosomal abnormalities;
- The flow of milk-like fluid from the nipples in case of problems with the pituitary gland, emotional instability, headache;
- Excessive hair and body weight in amenorrhea caused by PCOS;
- Weakness, hot flashes, heart palpitations with endocrine origin of the syndrome.
The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of amenorrhea. They are divided into three:
- Initial. Lasts for up to a year, does not cause much concern, a noticeably small enlargement of the uterus;
- Average. Stays up to 3 years. Uterus significantly expanded, the patient is vexed with vascular manifestations;
- Heavy. It has been stretching for over 3 years, with changes in the body that are pronounced and irreversible.
Can I Get Pregnant?
One of the most serious manifestations of the long absence of menstruation is infertility. The fact is that ovulation with amenorrhea is excluded, if it comes to hormonal imbalance, as the cause of the appearance of the syndrome. And since there is no mature egg, it is impossible and conception. Restore the childbearing functions will only come after the removal of the main culprit lack of monthly.
But this kind of amenorrhea infertility can be provoked by the fact that the embryo is deprived of the chance to stay in the mucous organ because of the changes that occurred in it. That is, a correction of this state is necessary in any case.
How to detect a syndrome?
For the identification of the syndrome, it is enough to have one indication - disappearing for a long time or not in the adolescent period of menstruation. But to diagnose the causes of amenorrhea, diagnosis is extremely needed.
The examination on a gynecological chair, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, will be indispensable. This will help to establish the existing defects in the formation of the reproductive system. If there is nothing like this, X-rays, CT and MRI of the head are shown to reveal the pituitary neoplasm. Problems with the ovaries require hormonal tests with gestagens and estrogens.
Genetic defects need to study the structure of sex chromosomes. Analyzes for amenorrhea are mandatory:
- Blood for thyroid hormones and sex;
- Blood for biochemistry with the detection of a response to glucose;
- Hysteroscopy of the uterus;
- Diagnostic laparoscopy.
Return of the reproductive system to the norm
With such a syndrome as amenorrhea treatment is mandatory, if it is not caused by natural causes. Otherwise, women are threatened not only by infertility and poor health, there are also increased oncological alertness.
Methods are selected based on the main disease, only by a specialist, often not one. In some cases, the attention of a gynecologist, endocrinologist and neurologist is required. Among the ways of treatment:
- Operation on the uterus with adhesions, tissue adhesion, neck stenosis;
- Removal of pituitary neoplasm or radiation therapy;
- Vitamins for amenorrhea are indispensable for the restoration of immunity, which in this state is not strong enough. Complexes containing folic acid, tocopherol acetate, magnesium preparations are shown. They help the development of estrogen, contributing to the return of ovaries.
We recommend that you read the article about possible reasons for the delay of critical days. You will learn about the danger of failure for the body, provoking its diseases, the need to consult a doctor, diagnosis and treatment methods.
Hormones for recovery
Since the absence of menstruation is caused by a shortage of substances such as estrogens, often in deficiency of FSH and luteinizing hormone, amenorrhea always requires elimination by means that stimulate their production or substitute.
Drugs are prescribed for a long time, and in some cases, reception is necessary before the onset of menopause. This method of therapy is as follows:
- Duphaston in amenorrhea, like its counterparts, Utrozhestan, Norcolut, is used in the absence of progestogens in the treatment of primary and secondary types;
- PCOS forces gonadotropin-releasing hormones, as well as oral contraceptives containing estrogens and gestagens at the same time( Janine, Diane 35);
- In adolescents with inhibited sexual development and with endocrine problems interfering with the performance of the ovaries, the main manifestation that causes amenorrhea, estrogen deficiency. To replenish this type of hormones appoint Proginova, Estrofem, Divigel;
- When ovarian hyperstimulation is required, Clomifen suppresses estrogen as the basis of therapy.
Phytheoreps for the restoration of the function
Folk treatment of amenorrhea is allowed, as an additional, allowed for use if the condition is caused by stress, a diet. It requires:
- Parsley. The seasoning is ground, 3 tbsp.put in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. You can take 10-12 hours 3 times a day for 100 ml.3 weeks of use will suffice;
- Onion husks. A handful is placed in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cooked over low heat until the broth darkens. Drink three times a day for half a glass for a month;
- Boron uterus.1 tspherbs are placed in 400 ml of boiling water, keep the closed dishes with the composition of the day. Infusion, straining, drink 100 ml 40 minutes before meals 3 times. After a 5-day course, take a break for 2 days, then resume treatment. The course will take a month.
When treatment is successful
Monthly after amenorrhea returns quickly enough if the case is not started. It is possible that ovulation will not occur immediately in the first cycle. The nature of the discharge depends on the level of regeneration of the tissues of the ovaries and the uterine mucosa.
An important role in this is the basic diagnosis. More often the allocation can not be called plentiful, but in general they are comparable with the norm.
If you have a syndrome in the absence of objective reasons for it, you should not wait. Procrastination can deprive a woman of childbearing function, make diabetes, cardiac ailments, cancerous lesions more likely. A "caught" in time disease increases the chances of its disappearance without negative consequences many times over.