Quite often women consultants complain to their doctor about swelling of the abdomen and legs with PMS.Many women use a diuretic with menstruation to counteract such symptoms. The question immediately arises: "Are all modern diuretics suitable for young women during this period?" To successfully prevent such problems, one must understand the causes of edema in menstruation.
- 1 Why there are swelling at monthly intervals
- 1.1 Dependence of the onset of swelling from female sex hormones
- 1.2 What causes swelling during menstruation
- 2 Diuretics with menstruation: what do
- 2.1 say? Arguments of doctors for taking diuretics during monthly
- 2.2 Why do not I recommend diuretics with monthly
- 3 What should a woman know about diuretics
- 4 Folk therapy for edema with monthly
Why do menstruation appearedemas
Everything in the body of a woman is interrelated, and although experts identify two main causes of tissue swelling with menstruation, hormonal fluctuations during this period and the individual physiological characteristics of women need to be taken into account in the complex.
Dependence of the onset of edema on female sex hormones
The two most important sex hormones, progesterone and estrogen, are responsible for the processes of restructuring in the body throughout the female menstrual cycle. It is their ratio in the woman's blood that affects the appearance: the right proportions contribute to the beauty and elasticity of the skin, improve the complexion, help to avoid wrinkles and wrinkles in problem areas.
However, this ratio does not always remain within normal limits. It is the overabundance of estrogens in the female body during menstruation that causes various pathological reactions:
- Women complain of a malfunction in the cardiovascular system. This is manifested by increased blood pressure, fatigue, decreased performance.
- Does not stand aside for a similar hormonal pathology and CNS.Headaches, dizziness, mood changes - all these symptoms occur with an excess of estrogen in the blood of a patient.
- The growth of these sex hormones provokes a disruption in the functioning of the kidneys. There is a stagnation of the filter function, the amount of excreted urine decreases, and the liquid passes into the tissues, which promotes the formation of edema.
But in addition to estrogens, which are in the female body in the appropriate amount are constantly, with menstruation, there is a strong release of another female sex hormone, progesterone. Its increased concentration can lead to a decrease in the effect of estrogens on the female body, including reducing edematous tissue.
Look at the video about the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome:
What leads to edema during menstruation
It is estrogens that cause swelling of the abdomen, legs and face of a young woman during this difficult period. However, the physiological individual characteristics of the patient's body only in 10% of cases are the reason for the increased content of female sex hormones.
The causes of a sharp disruption of the proportionality of estrogens and progesterone in the blood are most often:
- First of all, this is the long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
- A diet with lots of animal fats. They contain many estrogens, therefore, to prevent such a problem, experts recommend to include in the daily diet legumes, pumpkin, tomatoes and carrots.
- All bad habits, especially alcohol and smoking, increase the release of estrogen and contribute to the development of edema during menstruation.
- Women try to solve the problem on their own using diuretics with menstruation. It should be noted that diuretics have a different mechanism of action, and many of them are simply contraindicated for use in PMS.
- Do not forget about stress. Strong physical and nervous overloads lead to hormonal imbalance in the female body, which often affects the onset of edema during menstruation.
The list of the causes of this pathology can be continued, but it is more useful for patients with such problems to seek advice from a specialist. They will identify the cause of edema, advise the necessary diet and appropriate therapy.
We recommend reading the article about swelling before menstruation. From it you will learn about the causes of the appearance of excessive fluid in the body before menstruation, treatment with medications and methods of traditional medicine.
Diuretics in menstruation: what
experts say In medical practice, most drugs that increase the excretion of fluid from the body are called diuretics. The mechanism of their action is based on preventing the return of electrolytes to the tubules of the kidneys, which leads to their percentage growth and contributes to enhanced filtration.
Arguments of doctors for taking diuretics during menstruation
Most often, these drugs are used to combat swelling in heart disease, lower blood pressure and with various poisoning. Specialists note a positive effect on the appointment of these drugs during menstruation.
Diuretics before menstruation remove excess sodium from the body, which helps to reduce swelling. In addition, do not forget that during menstruation decreases the amount of liquid blood, it becomes more dense. It is the reduction of sodium in cells that facilitates the flow of fluid from the tissue into the bloodstream and prevents the formation of blood clots and clots.
Why do not recommend the use of diuretics with monthly
But it's not so simple when using diuretics for stopping edema with PMS.By causing a change in the balance of blood ions, these drugs can also affect the hormonal background of patients.
The literature describes cases when unauthorized use of these medicines, in addition to reducing edema, caused the woman to complete the termination of menstruation. This is associated with a decrease in the production of progesterone and complete imbalance of the entire menstrual cycle of the patient under the influence of diuretics.
Any medicine can be a rescue for the patient, but can cause irreparable harm. Everything depends on the dose and time of their use. Diuretics are no exception to this rule.
Many women try to get rid of excess weight with the help of diuretics. Such a fallacy can lead to disastrous results.
Diuretics do take part in the destruction of cholesterol plaques, which leads to a decrease in the level of this substance in the blood and a decrease in body fat. Some experts put forward the thesis that fat in the body of a woman is 80% water, so diuretics help to reduce body weight. However, a large simultaneous withdrawal of water from the body leads to a thickening of the blood, which during menstruation and so threatens a woman.
What a woman should know about diuretics
In modern medicine, there is a certain classification of diuretics. Specialists identify the following groups of diuretics:
- First of all, these are medicinal substances that prevent the elimination of potassium from the body. These drugs also block the activity of mineralocorticoid receptors. The main representative of this group is Veroshpiron.
- Another large group of diuretics enhances the action of the epithelium of the renal tubules, which leads to increased filtration. This includes "Furosemide", "Chlorthalidone", "Triamteren" and other drugs. Drugs of this group are most often prescribed by specialists for the removal of edema during menstruation.
- Osmotic diuretics. These drugs are most often used to treat acute conditions: heart rhythm disorders, acute poisoning, myocardial infarction, etc. The main representative of this family of diuretics is "Manitol".
In addition to the above classification, for convenience of correction of the patient's condition, diuretics are divided according to the speed and amount of excretion of sodium from the patient's body. The strongest drugs can wash up to 20% of all sodium contained in the tissues and blood of a woman.
Diuretics are considered potent enough drugs, therefore their independent use is fraught with serious complications for health. They can be taken only by agreement with the doctor and under his supervision.
This is especially true for women. For pregnant women, the use of these drugs is generally contraindicated, but maximum caution should be exercised to prevent edema in PMS.
Folk therapy of edema with monthly
To reduce puffiness in women during this period there are a large number of recipes. However, in case of self-treatment, the patient must follow two basic rules:
- With a decrease in the volume of fluid in the body and a reduction in edema, it is necessary to replace the loss of trace elements, especially potassium and magnesium.
- Do not forget the possible allergic reaction. Many plants are capable of causing pathological symptoms in humans, and since a woman's immune functions decrease during a period of menstrual care, one must be careful about the advertised folk remedies to reduce swelling.
Most often folk healers are advised to reduce swelling in PMS include in the daily diet of melon, watermelon, cranberries, cucumbers, pears and celery. All these vegetables and fruits have a pronounced diuretic effect, while retaining a positive balance of vitamins, microelements and other essential substances in the tissues.
In order to help a woman avoid edema of the face, abdomen and lower limbs, experts recommend the following folk remedies:
- Well helps with a similar problem infusion of burdock root.15 - 20 grams of the crushed plant is poured with 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for 12 hours. This amount of drink is enough for a woman for three meals. It is recommended to use infusion for 30 minutes before eating.
- The most effective remedy for edema in patients is infusion of birch leaves and knotweed.20 grams of a dry mixture is poured in 500 ml of boiling water, cooked over low heat for 30 minutes, and then insisted the same time. Apply advise in the morning and evening for 200 grams. The course of treatment is usually 5 to 7 days, but there are no time limits in the literature.
- Well helps in the presence of edema during menstruation and a decoction of the foothills of the forest. The way of preparation of the drink is not very original. The fresh crushed plant is poured with boiling water and held for about an hour. In the future, the product is diluted with boiled water in a proportion of 1: 1 and take 15-20 grams three times a day.
- Do not forget and a popular drink among most patients is green tea. He is an excellent diuretic, especially if used with fennel. Infusion of hips helps in a similar way.
Many women are interested in doctors, whether the diuretic diuretics strengthens. Drugs and natural diuretics reduce the volume of liquid blood, which leads to an increase in its viscosity. Specialists note that the result of the use of diuretics can be the absence of menstruation, so the increase in bleeding with the use of such drugs can be a purely individual feature of a woman.
Any medications used by the patient can affect the menstrual cycle. Diuretics and folk remedies that remove puffiness in the tissues of PMS, can also have a pathological effect on the female body. Therefore, to fight with swelling with menstruation a woman should only under the supervision of her doctor.