Almost every woman knows the state of depression and even depression on the eve of menstruation. Everyone has this in different ways: someone for two to three days before menstruation with minimal symptoms, and in others - for two weeks and in a pronounced form. In medicine, this condition is clearly delineated and is called premenstrual syndrome( PMS).One of its manifestations is tearfulness at monthly, on the eve and sometimes even even after their onset. What are the reasons for this condition? How to reduce the flow of tears?
Causes of tearfulness
- 2.1 Sexual hormone level violation
- 2.2 Avitaminosis
- 2.3 Psycho-emotional overload
How does crying
Many people know how difficult it is to restrain themselves: do not scream,do not cry, do not get angry. And if to analyze, then in most women, similar changes occur just in the second phase of the cycle, sometimes it is closer to the monthly or during them. Tearfulness is one of the frequent manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, and it can manifest itself in different ways.
Some women feel oppressed, abandoned. Approaching the mirror, their external appearance only causes bewilderment. I feel sorry for myself, my mood goes down, and tears start to pour in the hail. Attempts to comfort a girl can end with an even greater strengthening of crying, which makes her and the "calmer" and herself uncomfortable.
There is also another option. Part of the girls on the eve of the monthly become aggressive, sharply react to any criticism, ready at any moment to fight and defend their opinion. But as soon as events begin to unfold, such an "offensive" mood is replaced by a sharp transition to a loud, sometimes even demonstrative crying. All these moments of behavior are also more closely related to the changing hormonal background.
Doctors and scientists can not come to a common opinion why there is tearfulness before the monthly. Preference is given to a combination of several factors at once: imbalance of hormones, deficiency of vitamins and microelements, as well as the impact of external environmental factors, primarily stress and psycho-emotional stress.
Violation of the level of sex hormones
The most vividly similar changes can be tracked by those girls who have some kind of disturbances, for example, estrogen deficiency or an excess of androgens with all the clinical manifestations. When the doctor tries to restore balance, the girl marks a sharp change in her behavior, mood and attitude towards others. Sometimes it is excessive emotionality that is the reason why treatment is not carried out any more. This is especially evident if oral contraceptives are used as a source of sex hormones.
Inadequate intake of vitamins and trace elements into the body caused by a season or some diet can also lead to an aggravation of the severity of premenstrual syndrome, including tearfulness during menstruation or on the eve of them. A special role is given to magnesium and vitamins of group B. Therefore, it is recommended to take complexes with these components as a treatment.
Magnesium participates in the relaxation of smooth and skeletal muscles, soothingly acts on the nervous system, to some extent regulates the work of the intestines and increases resistance to psycho-emotional overload. Its deficiency can lead to fluid retention in the body, which is what happens in the PMS period. All this can increase the lability of the nervous system, cause headaches and heaviness throughout the body.
Psycho-emotional overload
Stress is an integral part of a modern woman's life. However, the body must learn to get rid of its negative influence. Otherwise, chronic fatigue and persistent stressful situations, especially against the backdrop of deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, will lead to a significant aggravation of manifestations of PMS.
How to reduce the flow of tears
There are many recommendations and instructions on how to remove tearfulness after the monthly, on or before them. It is not necessary to resort to the use of medicines, although in some cases, antidepressants are indicated. How to change yourself and your lifestyle:
- Proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins and trace elements, will help to eliminate the deficiency of magnesium and other important substances. If necessary, special complexes or even separate components can be adopted in the second phase of the cycle. For example, the drug "Time-factor", serotonin and others.
- Regular physical activity, especially with the practice of respiratory and relaxing gymnastics, will do their bit. Useful in this regard are yoga, meditation, swimming, aromatherapy, etc.
- Regular sexual life, a sense of intimacy with the sexual partner - all this will help to correct the hormonal background in the direction of restoring balance.
- A full, at least eight-hour sleep will also save you from sudden mood swings.
- Since the middle of the cycle, it is possible to take various medicinal plants, for example, a red brush, etc.
Tearfulness as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome is typical for many women. However, this feature should not lead to violations of relationships in society. Training in self-control, meditation, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle will help to cope with this problem.