Blepharospasm is characterized by reflex contractions of some facial muscles.
With this disease, the eyelids of a person begin to involuntarily twitch, and their eyes are closed.
It is almost impossible for the patient to open his eyelids due to muscle spasm, as well as pronounced photophobia.
Blepharospasm occurs most often in women and girls 20 years and older. Men are much less likely to suffer an involuntary contraction of their respective facial muscles.
In this disease, it is very difficult for a person to lift his eyelids, open his eyes. In some cases, special relaxing medications are required.
In the case of high activity of the muscles of the facial part, blepharospasm does not cause physical harm to the health of the patient. However, if the disease passes into an acute or chronic stage, a person may have mental problems. It is difficult for him to fulfill his professional duties, communicate with relatives and surrounding people.
- 1. Forms of blepharospasm
- 2. How the disease manifests itself and its causes
- 3. Diagnostic measures
- 4. Treatment measures
- 5. Preventive program
- 6. Video
Forms of blepharospasm
For two or three yearsepisodic attacks of the disease formed its chronic form. Spasms become stronger and longer. A clonic type of blepharospasm develops. It is expressed in involuntary frequent flashing, rapid ticking of the
or, conversely, in delayed closure and opening of the eyelids.
Chronic course of the disease threatens with emotional disorders and depression of the patient. It is difficult for him to communicate normally, not only because of problems with his vision, but also for constraining people.
Over time, blepharospasm is complicated by the dystonia of the muscles of the mouth and spreading to the facial muscles.
This is a sturdy, spasmodic closure for a few hours. It happens, it lasts several weeks. In turn, blepharospasm tonic can also be of two kinds - reflex and essential.
Reflex arises with prolonged irritation of receptors in the trigeminal nerve in diseases:
- keratoconjunctivitis( and other eye diseases),
- of the skin in the eyelids,
- teeth,
- of the nasopharynx,
- of the paranasal sinuses.
Reflex type can also be observed after neuritis of the facial nerve with a long recovery of motor function.
Tonic essential blepharospasm is more common among women due to traumatic neurosis, hysteria, etc. It is believed that this form of the disease is associated with age-related changes in the neuromuscular mechanism of the eyelids. But as the reasons can act defeat of a facial nerve, a brain trunk, a cortex of hemispheres.
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How the disease manifests and its causes
Common signs of
The disease is always two-sided. Only at the very beginning of a short time it is one-sided.
Its manifestations:
- uncontrolled flashing of eyelids, their twitching, closing;
- maceration( softening) of eyelids;
- edema of the eyelids;
- impaired tearing. What causes of
Often the causes of the disease are unknown. preceded him by factors:
- reception of neuroleptics,
- Parkinson's disease,
- supranuclear palsy( when the mobility of the eyes and the throat muscles are impaired).
Blepharospasm may appear after irritation due to:
- ingestion of a foreign body,
- blepharitis,
- trichiasis,
- dry eye syndrome.
Common causes of eyelid twitches can be:
- long-term work at the computer,
- systematic lack of sleep,
- intense rhythm of life,
- overwork,
- stresses,
- vitamin deficiency.
Diagnostic measures
Basic diagnostic methods for
The blepharospasm should be investigated by an oculist and neurologist. To diagnose the disease, the following is analyzed:
- electromyography of facial muscles,
- velocity of pulse along the fibers of the facial nerve,
- blinking reflex.
Sequence of examinations
First anamnesis is made:
- what is the lesion - one-sided or two-sided,
- only eyelids are involved or the muscles of the face and limbs are affected,
- what medications the patient took.
Then follows:
- Slit lamp examination to determine the likelihood of blepharitis, dry eye or foreign body syndrome.
- Examination of a neurologist to exclude other co-morbidities.
Differential Diagnosis
A more detailed examination to clarify the diagnosis and highlight other similar conditions:
- The is a one-sided muscle contraction of half of a person that does not disappear during sleep. A magnetic resonance imaging of the cerebellar angle is performed( to rule out the tumor).
- Myotomes of the century - convulsive contraction of the muscles of the eyelids as a result of the action of stress, caffeine, irritation. Usually it passes by itself.
- Syndrome Tourette - involuntary multiple muscle spasm. Accompanied by strange sounds.
- Painful Teeth - trigeminal neuralgia. Characterized by episodic acute pain in the V cranial nerve.
- Slowed dyskinesia .It is often accompanied by movements of limbs and trunk and is a consequence of taking antipsychotic medications.
- Apraxia opening of the eyelid .Parkinsonism often accompanies. Blepharospasm is distinguished by the absence of spasm of the circular muscles.
Treatment measures
Note that in youth, the disease can occur without cause and also disappear. There are also many cases where the symptoms of the disease go away if you click on a certain point on the face.
Therapy should be directed to a major disease that causes irritation of the facial nerves.
Reflexive tonic blepharospasm is treated by an oculist or dentist. Essential tonic or clonic is a psychiatrist or neurologist.
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Medication Therapy
The main treatment:
- psychotropic,
- sedative,
- , metabolic adjustments,
- affecting the microcirculation in the central nervous system,
- reflexotherapy.
A good result is muscle relaxants( relaxing muscles), auto-training, psychotherapy.
Sufficient effect in the treatment of blepharospasm is achieved using anticholinergic drugs, for example, benzenexol.
Scheme of its administration:
- on the first day of 1 mg,
- increasing the dose to 5 mg every 8 hours.
An effective help is provided by agonists, in particular:
- bromocriptine,
- dopamine,
- L-dopa.
Effective procedure of
The modern method of treating the disease includes botulinum toxin type A. The minimum of this drug is introduced into the circular eye muscle, which allows you to get temporary flaccid paralysis of the muscle. The toxin binds to the peripheral nerves, suspending the release of acetylcholine. This procedure sometimes restores sight.
This potent drug does not lead to serious complications. Provided it is used correctly, neither the muscle of the eye nor the entire body is harmed.
The effectiveness of the procedure is several times higher than antipsychotics and anticonvulsants, reaching almost 100% of the result. The drug lasts from three to six months. Then, if necessary, repeat the injection.
Traditional medicine help
Medicinal plants can be used to maintain therapeutic measures and prevent attacks of spasmodic flashes in the following composition:
1. Treatment of chronic trigeminal neuralgia. Take an infusion twice a day for a third of a glass an hour after eating.
First collection: bitter wormwood( 1 part), goose gazeb herb( 2 parts), root of medicinal valerian( 2).
Second collection: herb of ordinary motherwort( 1), flowers of heart-shaped linden( 1), grass of white mistletoe( 2), grass of fragrant rue.
2. In the case of functional disorders of the central nervous system, the infusions are taken in the same way:
The first collection: in equal shares the root of the medicinal valerian, the grass of the common yarrow, the grass of ordinary oregano, the kidney of ordinary pine.
Second collection: in equal quantities peppermint leaves, five-lobed motherwort herb, root of medicinal valerian, cones of common hops.
3. For insomnia, neurotic conditions, take three times a day with 0.5 cups of infusion of peppermint leaves( 1), herbs of ordinary heather( 2), leaves of medicinal balm( 2), valerian root( 4).
Prevention program
To prevent blepharospasm, as well as getting rid of symptoms at the very beginning of the disease, it is recommended:
- When working with a computer, lower the eye strain: take breaks with simple gymnastics for eyelids, purchase modern monitors with a protective screen.
- Ensure that the duration of sleep is not less than 8-9 hours.
- Reduce the use of energy, coffee and other exciting drinks.
- To conduct courses of vitamin therapy. After breakfast in the morning take a pill of folic acid.
- Eat foods that are high in magnesium( it is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain).The content of magnesium is known: sea fish, bananas, nuts, beans, bitter chocolate, raisins, watermelons, etc.
- Develop a scheme of feasible physical exertion.
- Because sensitivity to sunlight can lead to illness, it is better to use sunglasses on clear days.
Blepharospasm is not considered an acute condition. But in case of severe form, the patient can become functionally blind. It is very important to diagnose the disease in time and not to delay treatment. Otherwise, it will become a stable symptom of a severe neurologic disease.
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