The use of Hexetidine in modern dental practice

Medicament Hexetidine( according to the new nomenclature Hexetidine) is widely used to treat various diseases of the oral cavity, throat, nasopharynx.

The medication eliminates fungal and inflammatory bowel diseases that often occur in colds, as well as in infectious and inflammatory processes.

Especially effective in candidiasis.

The medication is available in three forms:

  1. In the form of a solution with a dosage of 0.1%, which is intended for external use. The solution is placed in 60 and 200 ml vials.
  2. As a 0.1% solution for external use. It is placed in a 40 ml spray vial.
  3. In the form of an alcohol tincture with a dosage of 1%, which is placed in 200 ml vials.

In the form of all forms the same active substance - hexaethidine.


  • Pharmacological properties
  • Scope
  • Limitations for prescription
  • Application features
  • Side effects
  • Practical experience with
  • Purchase of a spray and its analogs

Pharmacological properties

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The drug has antiseptic and antifungal effects. This drug refers to antagonists of thiamine, which has an overwhelming effect on the oxidation processes provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of the active component, complete destruction of the bacterial cell membrane is observed, a process of synthesis and reproduction of new ones is disrupted.

The drug has an active effect on fungi Candida, Proteus spp.and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as gram-positive bacteria. Has local enveloping, hemostatic, analgesic effect. Has a deodorizing effect. The drug does not show resistance over time.

Adhesion of the main element of the drug occurs on the mucous layer, there is no penetration into the systemic blood flow area.

After a single use, the remnants of the drug can be detected on the mucous layer within 64 hours, and on the surface of the teeth and plaques - within 13.


Hexetidine is recommended in the following cases:

  • in the complex in the treatment of infectious, inflammatory and fungal infections of the oralcavities - gingivitis, thrush, angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, glossitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • is used to treat stomatitis;
  • effectively fights with periodontitis, alveolitis, periodontitis;
  • eliminates bleeding gums;
  • can be used after operations in the larynx and oral cavity;
  • is often used as a deodorant and a hygienic agent for bedridden patients;
  • for the prevention of secondary infectious lesions in ARVI, colds, acute respiratory infections.

Restrictions for prescribing

The instructions for the drug state the conditions for which the medication should not be used, so the following conditions are contraindications:

  • pharyngitis in atrophic form;
  • should not be used to treat patients who are allergic to certain components of the drug;
  • is not recommended for children under 8 years of age;
  • is contraindicated to use the drug during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Application features of

Use of Hexetidine is recommended in accordance with the instructions for use. It is also advisable to consult with your doctor.

The solution is used as a rinse or for rubbing. In the first case, 10-15 ml of medicament is used, and this amount of solution can wash the throat cavity within 30-60 seconds.

The drug can also be applied to the affected area with a cotton swab. Alternatively, the spray is sprayed onto the surface of the affected areas.

It is used 2-3 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening after eating. In some cases, more frequent use of the drug is recommended.

The medicine is allowed for pregnant women. But, before using the medicine during this period, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

During the period of breastfeeding, you can also apply the drug, but in the most extreme cases.

Side effects of

During the course of treatment, unpleasant symptoms rarely appear in the form of the following negative reactions:

  • allergic rashes on the surface of the skin;
  • sensations of itching and burning on the mucous membrane;
  • may cause nausea and vomiting if swallowed.
  • with prolonged use may impair the taste.

Practical experience of using

Hexetidine is not as popular as, for example, Geksoral, but there are adherents of this drug.

When ulcers in the oral cavity began to feel a strong discomfort, in addition to pain and severe inflammation, the temperature also increased.

Well, the wife immediately called a doctor, when I was examined, I was prescribed a remedy for lowering the temperature, and Hexetidine was prescribed to eliminate ulcers. Pain and inflammation were already on after three days of use. I used the medicine for a week and all the unpleasant symptoms completely disappeared.

Yaroslav, 28 years old

My daughter had stomatitis, probably because she constantly puts dirty objects in her mouth. For a long time I could not find an effective remedy for eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. But then we were recommended to use Hexetidine in the form of a spray at the reception of a children's doctor. The drug was used for a week. Pain sensations and inflammation were already on the third day of use. True, the solution has unpleasant taste.

Tatiana, 39 years old

I have been bleeding gums for a long time, about 15 years. How many have tried to eliminate this problem, but none has helped.

Even decoctions of herbs used to rinse, but still bleeding remained. And then I was recommended by a doctor to use this spray. At first I somehow did not think about the positive result, but I was wrong.

Used the drug for about 7-8 days. Indeed, bleeding has disappeared. A year has passed, and the blood on the gums has not appeared, really forever?

Ekaterina, 42 years

Purchase of a spray and its analogues

Price of a single spray bottle of Hexetidine 200 ml is from 240 to 300 rubles. Vials with a volume of 30-60 ml cost from 170 rubles.

Store the medicine at room temperature in a dry place, which is protected from sunlight.

The following drugs have a similar effect:

  • Metroent;
  • Hexoral;
  • Angie Sept;
  • Stomatidin;
  • Stopangin solution;
  • Parodontocid;
  • Maksispray;
  • Maksikold Lor.
  • Mar 20, 2018
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