EuroMeidan 2014: pride for the Ukrainian people or the cry of the soul!

Today I want to share with you my thoughts, my pain and my pride for my country, for my Ukraine, for my Ukrainian people!

The events that are happening in Ukraine today can not leave anyone indifferent. ..

When I watch my people bravely, fearing death, proudly and fearlessly goes against everything to just get the long-awaited freedom - I can not hold back tears. .. tears of pain..left of pride! !!

Yes, I am very proud of my people, who, no matter what, defends their rights, their freedom for a better future!

You know the saying: "My hut on the edge - I do not know anything!", So I want to tell you with 100% certainty - this is not about the Ukrainian people!

Everyone became a clear witness of what is happening in Ukraine now!

And as we recall, it all started with the brutal beating of peaceful students and demonstrators in the center of Kiev by the militia and eparchists. .. who simply stood for the improvement of their lives, for the future of their children, for freedom and independence. ..

instagram viewer

Also we witnessed when a millionUkrainians FINALLY, the patience broke and we all got up from the knee to start the fight against injustice! !!

We have suffered a long time, but if we have already started to fight, then only until the end, until we get a HAPPY VICTORY! !!

I will say with full confidence that our Ukrainian Euromaidan is already standing not for entry into Europe and tembolee not for joining NATO!

We are not for Tymoshenko, not for Yanukovych and not for Yatsenyuk. ..

We just can not live in SHOVEL!

It hurts to look at the fact that our pensioners do not have money for a regular analgin, but our politicians ride on new Mercedes with a leather salon!

We are frightened by the fact that our militia rapes our women( remember Vradievka)!

We are sick of giving bribes to doctors, police, housing offices, taxation, universities!

Where do our taxes go?

Is not it clear!

Taxes go into the pockets of our power, which at the expense of us build their own penthouses in exotic corners of the world, buy their yachts, instead of building additional hospitals, repair roads!


We want to live worthily in retirement age! We want hospitals to be provided with the necessary medicine. We want our government to stop stealing, but to work to improve our future! We stand on the Maidan for order in the country, for justice, for the development of Ukraine and for respect for each of us! We are for everyone to be equal to the laws!

We demand and will demand all of the above from the authorities!


Each of us can spit on everything and go home to lie on the couch and watch the news, BUT NO!

Our strength of will, our courage, our sense of responsibility for the future of the nation - does not allow us to do this! We are all brave, with hope in our eyes, go to the meeting of danger, nothing fearing. ..

Here, with what delight one Russian wrote about us:

"Looking at all this, they simply can not be disregarded.

This causes not even respect, but something more - a worship of their will and desire. These are not slaves or slaves.

Admiring the Ukrainians, I regretfully realized that this is impossible in Russia.

No, I, of course, really want to believe that we are capable of this, but the desire to believe this is one thing, and looking around is another.

Yesterday I saw that it turns out that there is something before the gang is powerless.

And the Ukrainians understood this. They have an orientation toward inner freedom, the dignity of all and everyone.

They love their country as their homeland, and not as the estate of their master, as in Russia.

If fate allows them to immediately move to rebuilding the country, they like bees will quickly make it blooming.

Now I believe that these people will be able to do everything! "

One of the sayings will be relevant here:

" One for all - and all for one! "And it's unquestionably about the Ukrainian people! !!

Every day I pray for my country, for my people and I believe that we will achieve all that we stand for!

And nothing else!



Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

Be sure to watch the video,

where the unity of the Ukrainian people is shown. .

. .. joint performance of the anthem of Ukraine!

  • Mar 20, 2018
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