Than to treat a cystitis at women quickly at home: the best medicines

It is difficult to confuse cystitis with another disease. With a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and burning in the ureter are familiar to many women. Ladies are much more likely than men to suffer from inflammation of the bladder because of the anatomical structure of the organ. The female urethra is wider and shorter, which provokes infection.

Treatment of cystitis in women at home

The disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococcus or E. coli. They penetrate the urethra into the bladder, provoking inflammation. Begins cystitis with acute form: a woman every 15-20 minutes feels the urge to urinate, pain, burning in the lower abdomen. With hemorrhagic cystitis in the urine, blood is detected, body temperature rises. If the disease is not treated, then over time the inflammation passes into a chronic form and lasts for years or all of life.

To cure a woman cystitis, you need to undergo a test, then identify the cause of the disease. As a rule, the doctor after the laboratory tests appoints a course of antibiotics, phytopreparations and antispasmodics. In the process of cystitis treatment, women are recommended to:

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  • drink a large amount of water, herbal decoctions, to quickly "wash" the pathogenic microflora from the bladder;
  • to comply with bed rest;
  • strictly control the purity of the genitals;
  • sit in warm water with a decoction of herbs that remove acute pain;
  • remove from the diet fried, fatty, spicy dishes, alcohol, coffee;
  • use low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits.

Antibiotics for cystitis

Antibiotics are needed to kill the infection. Tablets from inflammation of the bladder to women appointed after the precise establishment of the pathogen. Separate antibiotics from cystitis into 3 groups:

  1. Tetracycline - "Tetracycline", "Minocycline", "Doxycycline."
  2. Penicillin - "Amoxicillin", "Ampicillin", "Cephalexin", "Cefaclor".
  3. Sulfonamide - "Sulfamethoxazole", "Sulfisoxazole", "Sulfamethizole".

Strong antibiotics have recently been widely used in the treatment of cystitis - Monural, Levofloxacin, and Nolitsin. The length of the course of therapy depends on the form and course of the disease, and the treatment lasts no more than a week. If a woman takes antibacterial drugs for a longer period, then side effects may occur as a violation in the work of the digestive tract. With great care, you should take antibiotics for patients with diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy, menopause, during lactation.


What else is cystitis treated in women? Effective phytopreparations on a plant basis. These include "Kanefron", which contains an anti-inflammatory combination of herbs. The drug reduces the pain and pain in women with cystitis and urethritis. From inflammation of the bladder helps to get rid of the natural herbal remedy "Monurel".Tablets from cystitis with an extract of cranberry berries prevent reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the epithelium of the urinary tract due to the high content of proanthocyanidins.


For effective treatment of cystitis in women and girls, doctors use antispasmodics. These include drugs that can remove muscle spasms of internal organs. When a painful recurring spasm passes, the woman feels relieved. Medications of this group remove the symptom of frequent urination, relaxing the sphincter. The advantage of antispasmodics is their speed, and the disadvantage is side effects during treatment in the form of dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness. Than treat cystitis in women( antispasmodics):

  1. «No-shpa».
  2. "Drotaverina hydrochloride".
  3. Drotaverin.

Treatment of cystitis at home with folk remedies

Exacerbation of cystitis in a woman requires the appointment of antibiotics. To antibacterial medicamentous treatment it is possible to add folk remedies possessing a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect. Complex treatment of the genitourinary system includes cranberry or cranberry juice, kidney tea, herbal infusions, decoctions, and preparations.

Herbs from cystitis

Chronic inflammation of the bladder can be treated with decoctions of medicinal plants. Popular herbs for cystitis - bearberry, chamomile, St. John's wort, cowberry leaf, rhizome of the yellow water lily. They are easy to buy in a pharmacy, brew like regular tea, then periodically drink. To prevent disease, herbs can be treated daily for a month.

Another good recipe for traditional medicine against bacterial cystitis is a medicinal infusion of dill. Cut the seeds of the plant to the state of flour, then 1 tsp.brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist an hour, then drink along with the sludge. This should be done during the week on an empty stomach every morning. This method will help a woman to get rid of urinary incontinence.

Diet for cystitis in women

When there is acute inflammation of the bladder, the first task of a woman is to increase the outflow of urine from the body. Such a state can be helped by the inclusion in the diet of low-salted food, alkaline products. In addition, you should drink a lot of liquid. To take food during illness it is necessary four-five times a day in small portions. In case of an acute attack of cystitis, before calling a doctor, you need to resort to the following ways to increase the outflow of urine:

  • drink at least two liters of ordinary water daily;
  • drink a few glasses of green tea;
  • drink herbal decoctions according to the scheme: half a cup every 4 hours.

At the first manifestations of the disease, exclude from your menu products that irritate the bladder: smoked meat, marinades, sweet pastries, coffee, strong tea, spices, spicy dishes, spicy spices. Instead, it is recommended to give preference to the milk-vegetable diet, in which the optimal combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. List of products that are indicated in the treatment of cystitis:

  • vegetables and fruits in fresh form;
  • boiled beet;
  • sour-milk products;
  • boiled meat or fish;
  • vegetable soups, cooked without meat or fish broth.

Than to treat a cystitis in pregnancy

A woman who is nursing a baby or a nursing baby, anesthetize any inflammation should be cautious. Unfortunately, an exacerbation of a cystitis at pregnant woman on a background of weak immunity - the phenomenon widespread. Self-administration of tablets, ointments, suppositories or folk remedies on the advice of girlfriends can lead to undesirable consequences.

At the first sign of acute recurrence or frequent urination, contact the doctor immediately. The specialist, taking into account the form of cystitis, the gestational age, will prescribe the use of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic medications that help to reduce the symptoms individually in each specific case.

How to cure chronic cystitis

Even with the current level of development of medicine, no doctor can give a guarantee to a woman about the complete cure of chronic cystitis. Once you just catch a bladder and not cure the disease, how the inflammation will return after hypothermia, prolonged nervous stress, prolonged use of tampons or sexual intimacy. In addition to drugs, it is important for the prevention of disease and its treatment to move to a healthy lifestyle without alcohol, smoking, with proper nutrition.

To what doctor to address at cystitis

The majority of the Russian women at signs of a cystitis hasten on reception to the doctor to the gynecologist. You should know that the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system is performed by a urologist. The information that this is a male doctor is a myth embedded in the population. For a correct diagnosis and more effective treatment, a woman should be treated with complaints to the urologist.

Video: Treatment of inflammation of the urinary bladder


Olga, 37 years old : Photo by ultrasound revealed interstitial cystitis. I had no idea that this disease may not be of bacterial origin. Especially did not know, than to treat a cystitis at women at such diagnosis. The doctor prescribed me antidepressants and antihistamine drug "Hydroxysin", which caused me surprise. Treatment has helped or assisted quickly - a loin to cease to hurt or be ill; be sick.

Elena, 23 years old : I do not like to be in hospitals for any reason, but when I have severe urticaria in the ureter and irrepressible urge to go to the toilet, I did not fly to the gynecologist, so that somehowto ease the condition. At inspection have found out also purulent educations in a bladder on mucous, therefore treatment took place long.

Anna, 18 years old : After a severe cold, the pains in the lower abdomen began to appear, then the back began to ache heavily. Since I am afraid to engage in self-medication, I immediately called a doctor. After anesthesia, I was taken to a hospital and there I was diagnosed with acute pyelocystitis. We were treated in the hospital for about 2 weeks, so there were no health consequences.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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