Dietary food for insomnia

Insomnia can occur absolutely in any person. Most often, the cause of sleep disturbance is the nervous tension that occurs when a person experiences difficulties at work or in the family. Therefore, the easiest and quickest solution to this problem is the use of special drugs and antidepressants. However, balanced nutrition is also a good way to get rid of insomnia.

Many nutritionists believe that the daily diet of a person affects the quality of sleep. Excluding just a few products from your menu, you can regain a healthy, sound sleep at night.

Products that prevent sleep

Everyone knows the invigorating effect of caffeine. Therefore, beverages containing caffeine in its composition are completely excluded from the diet. These drinks include: coffee, tea and Coca-Cola. Instead, nutritionists are advised to drink ordinary mineral water, juices or a home-made compote.

A good invigorating property is also possessed by hard sorts of cheese, as they contain a substance that provokes the production of natural melatonin. Therefore, in case of sleep disturbance, you should limit the use of cheese in the evening.

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With high emotional arousal it is extremely difficult to fall asleep. This effect is often caused by sweets, as they contribute to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, from sweets for insomnia should be abandoned. Same as salted food.

Bad habits have a very negative effect on the person's well-being and on the quality of his sleep. With insomnia, smoking further exacerbates the situation, since tobacco has a tonic effect on the body. The most useful and important step on the road to recovery will be the abandonment of alcohol and cigarettes.

Proper diet for insomnia

When you fall asleep to the body it is very important to feel comfortable, so that it is easy enough to go into the stage of passive rest. A feeling of heaviness in the stomach or acute hunger can interfere with this process. The combination of proper nutrition and good habit to go to bed after two or three hours after eating allows not only to keep a slender figure, but also to normalize the sleep regime.

To quickly cheer up in the morning, you do not need to drink at least one cup of strong coffee. Instead of this drink on the table should be a full breakfast, which can consist of a sandwich with cheese or a plate of oatmeal. For sweets in the porridge you can add pieces of fresh fruit. In any case, the morning meal is necessary for the body. Regardless of whether a person suffers from insomnia or not.

Lunch is the best time to reinforce the body, saturating its extra energy with food. Hunger in the course of the day has a negative impact on the general well-being of a person, and also causes him great stress. To prevent this from happening, the menu should include foods containing B vitamins: lean meats, offal, cheese, mushrooms, nuts.

Dietary nutrition for insomnia, like any health diet, includes a full dinner on the menu. As mentioned above on an empty stomach is very difficult to fall asleep. To solve this problem, it is enough to drink a glass of warm milk with honey during dinner. For lovers of fruit, a banana cocktail is perfect.

All the above recommendations are applicable in the life of anyone, even an absolutely healthy person. After a healthy, sound sleep is always the best way to relax after a busy day.

Therapeutic diets
  • Mar 20, 2018
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