- What is the problem?
- We take drastic measures
- Little subtleties of
Comedones - many people face this problem when they achieve puberty. Already at the age of 12, boys and girls have to turn to a dermatologist, who always gives an unambiguous answer - even points will disappear after the maturation of the body, when the hormonal background returns to normal.
But often this problem does not disappear even after reaching 20 years. So what to do, how to get rid of black spots and can this issue be solved at home? Can! And this will be discussed in this article.
What is the problem?
To begin with it is worth to find out what black dots are and why they appear. Comedones arise from the clogging of sebaceous ducts, in other words, it is a common dirt that accumulates in the enlarged pores due to the fact that the sebaceous glands work too intensively. They look like white knots with a dark "cap", which we see and call black dots.
Most often, comedones are formed in the so-called T-zone: on the chin, forehead, nose and its wings - exactly where the skin is greasy. But sometimes they can spread all over the face, while in some they will be quite small, almost invisible, while others are quite large, making the face look unhealthy, the skin becomes "loose" and unattractive.
Note! There is an opinion that black dots on the face appear only in the owners of oily skin. In fact, this is not so. Comedones can also occur on dry skin due to accumulation of dirt and dust. In some cases, their appearance can provoke a normal cream, which contains a large percentage of bismuth and mercury.
We take drastic measures
There are many ways that you can remove the black dots at home. Here we have collected only proven recipes that can help you cope with this problem without incurring serious cash outlays.
Using tar tar soap
The tar soap from black dots helps as follows:
- normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, significantly reducing their activity;
- solves the problem of insufficient hygiene, being an excellent cleanser;
- narrows the pores;
- and finally prevents the subsequent formation of comedones.
The way of its application is very simple: it is necessary to foaming soap in the palms and massaging movements to distribute it on the skin of the face. After that the agent is washed off with ordinary water. This procedure should be done every morning.
Tip! To achieve the best result, soap foam can be mixed with ground coffee. As a result, you will well clean the skin of contaminants and at the same time hold peeling.
But using this tool requires certain rules.
- There is a risk of aggravation of the activity of the sebaceous glands, so you should first make a trial cleaning in one area of the face, for example, the chin.
- It is not recommended to use it more than once a day.
- If rash, irritation, or signs of dehydration of the skin appears after use, these procedures should be discontinued.
- Tar soap should not be washed constantly, because the components that make up it, can activate the aging process - eliminated comedones and set it aside, until the moment of urgent need.
- After applying this remedy, the skin must be moistened with cream.
- With an abundance of black dots, an integrated approach is recommended - along with tar soap, you should use other natural remedies, such as aloe, honey or herbal mixtures.
Choose the lemon
Now consider how lemon helps with black dots. This product contains a lot of nutrients that nourish the skin, smooth out its hue and significantly improve the complexion. Lemon is considered an ideal remedy for problematic and oily skin. It helps to clean and close pores, are an excellent cleansing and tonic.
Lemon against black dots is used as follows:
- Citrus cool in a common compartment of the refrigerator;
- cut into two halves;
- to grease one of them with a small amount of liquid honey( literally a couple of drops);
- grease the skin with a lemon, paying special attention to areas with a lot of black dots;
- after 5-7 minutes wash with cool water.
You will see the result after the first procedure: the skin clears, the pores narrow, and the complexion becomes more even. After 10 days, the number of black dots will become noticeably smaller.
Important! Remember that with sensitivity to lemon juice, use this remedy with extreme caution and not more than once a week. In other cases, this procedure can be done 2 times in 7 days.
For help, we refer to honey
Actually, honey has been used for a long time in the field of cosmetology. It helps to overcome many problems: to suspend the aging process, smooth existing wrinkles, cleanse the skin, remove inflammation, etc. And of course, honey can get rid of black spots. It will open the pores and gently remove the accumulated dirt.
. What needs to be done:
- combine honey and warm water - a mixture that resembles a thick lotion;
- wash hands, face steaming;
- apply the mixture on the skin and massage gently;
- after 15 minutes rinse.
Apply on face oil
Olive oil is a very effective remedy against black points. It contains a record amount of vitamin E, which is considered an excellent antioxidant, protecting the skin from the action of free radicals, as well as oleic acid, which has rejuvenating and regenerating properties. Especially good is it cares for the sensitive type of skin.
Start cleansing:
- fingertips moisten in oil and spread it on the skin;
- massage your face for one minute;
- take a piece of gauze or cotton cloth and soak it in warm water;
- apply the received compress on the face and leave it to cool down completely;
Note! This technique helps to open the pores and ensures the penetration of substances contained in olive oil into the deep layers of the skin.
- when gauze cools, it needs to wipe the face to remove oil and dirt;
- compress can be changed several times until the oil is completely removed;
- rinse face with cold water and apply moisturizer if necessary.
Take note! This procedure is more convenient to conduct in a hot bath, so the compress can not be imposed.
We go to the pharmacy for aspirin
Acetylsalicylic acid has excellent cosmetic properties. About this very few people know, but it really is. Aspirin is a very effective tool in the fight for a healthy complexion and can be used in the procedure for skin cleansing from black spots. The components that make up it suppress the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which helps to eliminate inflammation and prevents the formation of comedones.
Aspirin is used as follows:
- 3-4 tablets crushed into powder;
- dilute it in 5 ml of warm water;
- should be spread over problem areas of the skin and left for 10 minutes;Rinse
- with warm water.
But when using acetylsalicylic acid from black dots, it is necessary to remember several rules.
- Acquire tablets without coverage.
- If discomfort occurs during the procedure, the compound should be washed off immediately.
- The procedure is recommended to be done before bedtime, so that the skin can rest for a night - after all, aspirin is a chemical preparation.
- If you perform the cleansing in the daytime, then before going out to the sun, the skin needs to be "creamed" with a cream with a high level of protection against UV radiation, since aspirin increases the susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation.
- Use only freshly prepared mixture - aspirin mask is not to be stored.
- Do not exceed the recommended mask face time, otherwise peeling may occur.
The most important thing! For very dry and sensitive skin, do not use aspirin!
We take from the perch a fresh egg
The egg is considered a real find and an ideal "ally" in the fight against black dots. Its action is similar to the action of cleansing bands - quickly eliminates comedones, eliminates sebaceous plugs and redness, and also significantly improves the complexion.
We proceed to create a cleansing agent:
- the protein is separated from the yolk and placed in separate containers;
- whip each component with a fork or a whisk;
- with a brush or fingers apply on the face of the protein;
- top cover with paper napkins;
Important! It is necessary to take the usual thin napkins, which "came" to us from the USSR.If they were not found, then modern ones can be used, but since they have several layers, they are previously "disassembled".
- further cover the napkins again with protein and expect complete drying of the mask;
- after the necessary time, remove the mask.
The effectiveness of the protein from the black points will be immediately apparent. All comedones remain on the inside of the mask. And after it is removed, just rinse your face with water, apply the yolk and wash after 10 minutes. The
comedones. The result will be noticeable after the first use of this remedy - egg white will remove the black spots, and the yolk will make the skin soft.
Making oatmeal
Oatmeal is often included in various home skin care products. It is considered a very effective cosmetic ingredient, as it gently cares and cleanses the skin. And of course, oatmeal will help get rid of black spots.
Make the following:
- 3 tablespoons of oatmeal is ground into flour;
- add to it 100 ml of warm boiled water, mix;
- pour 5 ml of lemon juice and mix again;
- apply the formulation to the problem areas and stand for about 10-15 minutes;
Important! The mask must be completely dry!
- wash off the mixture with cool water and wipe the skin with a toning agent.
You can carry out this procedure as needed. Oatmeal mask is ideal for problem, oily and combination skin - it exhibits anti-inflammatory, cleansing and drying properties.
Kefir - all ingenious is simple!
Kefir itself is an ideal remedy for black spots. It does not need to be confused with anything. It is enough to apply kefir on the skin and after 10 minutes to wash off with scarcely warm water. High efficiency is due to the presence in its composition of special acids, which quickly dissolve the accumulated dirt and sebum. In addition, yogurt perfectly narrows the pores.
Be sure to try this method, and you will understand that there is nothing easier than to get rid of black dots with kefir. This procedure can be done three times a week and be sure that your skin will be perfect.
Small details
To ensure that your skin always shines with health and cleanliness, it is recommended:
- drink 1.5-2 liters of purified water daily;
- to minimize the consumption of coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks;
- to avoid stressful situations and get enough sleep;
- harmful food replaced by natural products - abandon fast food and pay attention to fresh fruits and vegetables;
- clean the face in the morning and in the evening - never go to bed with make-up on your face!
Follow these recommendations and be beautiful!