Diet "Lesenka"

This is one of the short-term "hungry" diets, giving quick results. Its duration is only 5 days - everyone can so much hold out, right? During this time, the body weight decreases from 3 to 7 kg, according to those who have already used it. This depends on the initial data: the larger the initial mass of the body, the more it leaves.

Like most other short-term diets, it has a side effect in the form of a rapidly returning back body weight. But, if you need to lose weight quickly to some event, and the long-term effect, in principle, is not interesting, then why not. If you have a lot of time before this event, you can try it out in advance to know what to expect - and what you will see on the scales, and how the body will feel at the same time. Agree, if the girl decided before the wedding to add elegance to her figure, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract brought her to the hospital exactly by the day of the wedding, then this is not the best result of the diet, is not it?

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Rules of the diet "Lesenka"

So, the diet consists of 5 stages-steps:

  • 1 step: purification. On this day you need to drink water - at least 2 liters, there are apples - up to 1 kg and activated charcoal - 6 tablets evenly distribute them for the whole day. The effect of activated carbon, as is known, is that it collects all the substances that poison the body, preparing it for the next stages. Take clean water. By the way, it is necessary to drink with any diets, in order to avoid dehydration. And apples. They also cleanse the digestive tract very nicely.
  • 2 step: recovery. On the second day, stock up on curd - 600 g, kefir - 1 liter and purified water( at least 1 liter).Restoring the intestinal microflora with fermented milk products, you provide an improvement in metabolism.
  • 3 step: we store energy.2 l of compote of dried fruits( you can with fructose, but without sugar), 300 g of raisins and 2 tablespoons.honey. These products will replenish the energy expended by the body from the beginning of the diet and will add strength for the remaining 2 days.
  • 4 step: construction. Chicken fillet or turkey in the amount of 0.5 kg, cooked or stewed. It is desirable with herbs and a small amount of salt. Water is not less than 1 liter. Poultry, thanks to its composition, will not cause additional deposits, in addition, soften the rigidity of the diet, make it more comfortable and prepare for the last day of the diet.
  • 5 step: incineration. On this day you will need 200 g of oatmeal in dry form, 1 kg of any vegetables or fruits. Cook cereal porridge on the water, add to it you can only salt. Vegetables to eat in raw form or in the form of a salad, adding a little vegetable oil, salt. For this day, the maximum burning of fatty deposits occurs. Thanks to the nutrition of the previous 4 days, the body will not be able to extract energy from the food you eat to assimilate cereals and fruit vegetables. Hence, the whole process will be carried out at the expense of its own fat reserves.

Exit from the

diet After any "hungry" diet, there is a natural desire to pounce on food and promptly compensate for the "half-eaten" for these days. And problems with GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT at this - one of the most widespread reasons of negative responses about a diet. In addition, this desire is the reason for a rapid return to the original body mass.

To lose weight, you have been following disciplined recommendations for 5 consecutive days, voluntarily restricting eating? Remember, from the diet you need to go out gently. Another 1 month after the course of an intensive diet should be eaten moderately, while the food should be easily digested, contain a minimum of fat and sugar. Only in this case you can count on a lasting effect. Although in the case of this diet, the compilers claim that immediately after the fifth day, you can go back to the first step and repeat.

Slimness to you and good health!

Weight loss diets
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