Malignant tumor of the tongue is found mainly in older men. However, cases of disease in people under the age of 40 are not uncommon.
As an oncological disease, the cancer of the tongue requires rapid and qualified treatment, which is prescribed on the basis of the stage, form and location of the tumor.
- Causes of the disease
- Classification of the disease according to various signs
- Symptomatology of the pathology
- Diagnosis of the disease
- Therapy methods
- Proper nutrition
Causes of the disease
Like most cancers, the cancer of the tongue can not always be diagnosed in a timely manner. Symptoms of oral cavity oncology are similar to other non-oncological diseases, including dental or catarrhal symptoms.
Among the main causes of cancer of the tongue are the following:
Infectious diseases of a specific nature. These include HIV infection, herpes, etc.
- Hereditary predisposition of .The presence of cancers in parents does not always mean the occurrence of tumors in children, but in the case of oncology in the family, systematic examinations should be conducted to help prevent the disease or detect it at the earliest possible stage.
- Injury of the oral cavity .As a rule, we are not talking about one-time trauma, but about regular mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue, which can be a consequence of friction against the denture or the sharp edge of the tooth with an incorrect bite.
In addition to direct causes, there are provoking factors:
- Harmful habits of .Smoking of tobacco and narcotic compounds adversely affects the condition of the oral cavity. In the process of burning, toxic and carcinogenic substances are released, which provoke cancer. With the simultaneous use of alcohol, the risk of cancer of the oral cavity increases several times.
- Use of spicy in large quantities. Spicy food irritates the tongue. With the regular use of this kind of spices, the mucous membranes of the tongue constantly experience a kind of trauma, similar in effect to the mechanical one.
- Work on the Harmful Production .Interaction with carcinogenic products of production significantly increases the risk of cancer.
Danger also represents some form of flat lichen and papilloma in the mouth.
Classification of the disease according to various signs
Depending on the location of the neoplasm, the following cancers of the tongue are distinguished:
- back injury;
- tip tumor;
- root cancer;
- cancer of the lateral surface of the middle part.
Oncology of the lateral surface of the tongue is much more common than other cancers. Depending on the duration of the disease, the following forms of cancer are distinguished:
- I stage - no symptoms or other manifestations. The size of the affected area is not more than 20 mm.
- II stage - tumor size does not exceed 40 mm.
- III stage - it is referred to as large neoplasms without metastases, and small tumors with metastases on the affected side. Usually, with unilateral oncology, there is metastasis of cervical and submandibular lymph nodes. Distant metastases are absent.
- IV A stage - characterized by the presence of metastases with a size of not more than 60 mm. Possible spread of the tumor in the tissues of the oral cavity, maxillary sinuses.
- IV In stage - accompanied by metastasis in nearby tissues, the tumor at this stage can spread to the pharynx and other head tissues.
- IV With stage - accompanied by distant metastasis. The disease extends to any organs that are not directly related to the lesion.
There are other ways of classifying cancer. In particular, the structure of the neoplasm is distinguished by:
- Adenocarcinoma , which involves the glands of the body. Can be hollow or dense. Depending on the production of substances, adenocarcinoma is secreted serous and muco-secretory.
- Squamous , which affects the epithelium with possible germination in the muscle tissue.
The tumor can grow in different directions. In connection with this, the following forms of disturbance are distinguished:
- exophytic - the tumor spreads into the lumen of the oral cavity;
- endophytic - the neoplasm germinates directly into the thickness of the organ.
There are other ways of classifying cancer of the tongue. Depending on the manifestation methods, the following types of disease can be distinguished:
- papillary - the tumor acts as a cone-shaped growth with the papilla;
- ulcerative - occurs against the background of erosions of the mucous membrane, accompanied by ulcerative bleeding;
- infiltrative - represents a thickened tuberous formation.
Symptomatology of pathology
Like many oncological diseases, the cancer of the language in the initial stage is asymptomatic.
To detect the disease at an early stage is possible only with the passage of planned examinations. People at risk should be checked regularly for neoplasm.
Symptoms will vary depending on the stage of the disease.
Common features include:
- appearance of spots of light or brown color on the mucous membrane of the tongue;
- increased salivation;
- pain when swallowing;
- increase in facial lymph nodes.
At the initial stage, there are no painful sensations. Compaction of the mucosa is observed. Symptoms of the initial stage are often taken for ARVI, angina or dental diseases.
In the long course of the disease, the following symptoms are added to the above symptoms:
papillary growths;
- surface ulcers;
- bad breath;
- impaired mobility of the tongue;
- burning sensation and pain.
Depending on the speed of the disease, metastases of nearby organs can already occur at this stage.
The lymphatic system is more affected. Most often metastasis occurs in the lymph nodes of the neck, occipital region, axillary cavities.
When affected by distant organs, the manifestations of the disease become more pronounced. To them are added new symptoms associated with impaired activity of the affected organs.
Diagnosis of the disease
With external lesions, a physician can diagnose a disease by examining the oral cavity. Determining the degree and form of the disease is more difficult. To do this, use the following diagnostic methods:
blood test;
- biopsy followed by histological or cytological analysis;
- MRI and / or computed tomography;
- Ultrasound of affected organs, including with the purpose of detecting metastases;
- study of smears;
- radioisotope study of neoplasm;
- X-ray examination;
- endoscopy.
Other methods of research are also used, which make it possible to compile a complete clinical picture.
Methods of therapy
Treatment of cancer of the tongue is determined based on the complexity, spread and course of the disease.
The traditional methods of treatment include:
language Surgical removal of .Resection of the tongue is necessary when the tissues of the oral cavity are affected. If necessary, the removal of the tissues of the chin area. The amount of surgical treatment depends on the localization of the primary neoplasm. When metastatic lymph nodes are carried out their removal. With significant metastasis, the Krajl and Banach operations are performed. When the advanced stage of the cancer of the tongue is used, the method of Vanha , which involves the removal of lymph nodes together with the salivary gland.
- Radiation therapy .It is widely used for treatment of various oncological diseases. The main purpose is restoration after surgical treatment. Can be prescribed in the preoperative period. Highly effective method of treatment in the early stages of the disease. Good results are obtained when combined with chemotherapeutic methods.
- Chemotherapy .It is most effective in the treatment of exophytic tumors. Good results allow to achieve therapy with the use of platinum drugs and traditional cytotoxic drugs.
After surgical intervention, the patient is shown constructive therapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, phytotherapeutic methods are used, in particular, during the recovery period, the patient may be recommended to take calendula, sage, thyme decoctions.
The highest efficiency was shown in plants with a high content of alkaloids, but their use is unacceptable without agreement with the attending physician.
Proper nutrition
Given the fact that tumors in the mouth impede normal digestion, patients with a cancer of the tongue are recommended a special diet. First of all, food-irritants are excluded from the diet, which include sharp, fried, sour and hot dishes. Food should be a kind of mashed potatoes.
Protein products are offered in the form of minced meat. Products with coarse fibers are especially useful. This is almost all vegetables except potatoes. They are served in a boiled form and, if necessary, ground.
It is necessary to refuse such products:
- yeast baking;
- fatty foods, including broths, milk and cheese;
- smoked and canned food;
- drinks containing caffeine and sugar;
- dishes with the addition of vinegar.