Each parent expects the child to have the first teeth.
This is undoubtedly a joyful moment for adults, which is hard for the child to tolerate.
It's impossible to say for sure how many months the teeth begin to be cut, because this process is individual.
Contents of
- What influences this important process?
- What will indicate that the teeth are chopped?
- Normal timing of the appearance of teeth
- Atypical timing of the appearance of teeth
- Can teeth be cut in 2-3 months?
- Late Teething Teeth
- No Teeth Whitened
- Newborn with Teeth
What influences this important process?
The onset of the process depends on several factors:
- the heredity of the child ;
- imbalance of nutrition , it is important that the children's body receive enough calcium and vitamin D;
- sex of the child , according to statistics before the teeth appear in girls;
- climatic conditions , - in the hot terrain teething occurs earlier, which is associated with enrichment of vitamin D from sunlight, and therefore better absorption of calcium.
What will indicate that the teeth are chopped?
Determine when the first teeth are cut open easily, because the behavior in babies varies greatly. The main symptoms of teething include:
- increased salivation;
- loose, swollen gums;
- the kid will begin to pull his hands and foreign objects into his mouth;
- sour smell from the mouth, which is caused by the death of particles of the mucosa;
- swollen cheeks;
- increased irritability and tearfulness.
Since the immunity of the child is still badly formed, and the first teeth are stress, the process of teething is accompanied by a number of other signs:
- diarrhea;
- runny nose;
- elevated temperature;
- the appearance of bubbles on the gums in the areas of teething;
- restless sleep;
- lack of appetite.
The normal timing of the appearance of teeth
Which teeth begin to be cut in children first and when it happens:
- usually teething begins on the lower jaw ;
- at the age of 6-9 months in infants from below climb the central incisors, later appear upper, by the year all incisors usually already grow;
- , chewing teeth should appear to the sixteen months of , four more months later - fangs;
- to three years on each of the jaws should form a dentition consisting of ten teeth.
Despite the fact that dentists mention the timing and order of the appearance of teeth, in practice, not everything is so orderly. Each child is an individual and a teething can pass according to his own scenario.
No need to worry if the tooth on the upper jaw comes out first. This is absolutely normal phenomenon, with which you do not need to run to the dentist and immediately take a picture. The main thing is that the first tooth should appear in the first year of life, the rest will grow.
Atypical dates for the emergence of teeth
As mentioned earlier, there are unique cases that deserve attention. Often they are not signs of having problems, so do not panic if teething has occurred in a way that is not in accordance with the plan.
Can teeth be cut in 2-3 months?
If the first tooth is cut at 3 months, do not worry - this phenomenon is called early teething, and most likely due to the fact that the mother during pregnancy, and also during lactation used vitamin complexes, rich in calcium and vitamin D, andate dairy products.
The kid has accumulated enough minerals to the teeth for the three months, so that the teeth will form properly.
If the teeth are climbed even earlier, for 2 or 3 months, it is worth a test. Possible causes are metabolic disorders or hormonal failures.
After examination of the thyroid gland and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, as well as on the basis of analyzes, it is possible to draw a correct conclusion as to the cause of early appearance of the teeth.
Late Teething Teeth
As a rule, the first tooth before the year should appear, but there are situations with late eruption. There may be many causes of this condition, among which:
- rickets;
- frequent infectious diseases;
- disruption of the endocrine system;
- improper power supply;
- premature delivery;
- problems with digestion and absorption;
- genetic predisposition;
- adentium.
Absence of tooth rudiments
A year in the absence of teeth a child is likely to be directed to an X-ray to exclude the possibility of adentia - the absence of tooth rudiments. The causes of such a pathology may be:
- toxic effects during pregnancy or in the neonatal period;
- is a strong inflammatory process;
- endocrine disorders;
- heredity.
If the rudiments of the teeth have resolved, then the only solution will be prosthetics, which is prescribed for 3-4 years of life.
Newborn with teeth
There are times when a child is born with teeth. It can be as a dairy cutter, and additional, in addition to the proper series. More often such phenomenon happens at girls, and it is caused by genetic predisposition.
If this happens, the baby needs to show the dentist, make an X-ray, to decide the fate of the tooth.
The additional ones are usually removed in order to avoid their entry into the lungs. Milky teeth that are firmly seated in the jaw are left in the event that they are correctly placed in a row, do not have chips and sharp edges.
Teething is an important step in the formation of the baby. The quality of milk teeth depends on the health of the indigenous. But you do not need to worry too soon if the eruption started not in accordance with the generally accepted term.
Each kid is a unique human being, in the body of which hundreds of processes take place. His internal clock knows when the time comes for the first tooth to appear, and it's not so easy to influence it.