Fluid in the lungs - the causes of the appearance, diagnosis and treatment

Fluid in the lungs is a dangerous condition for any person, which indicates the presence of diseases requiring immediate treatment. Before the patient in this case, the question should not be asked whether to consult a doctor: the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lungs can lead to serious consequences, including a fatal outcome.

  • Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • Diagnosis of
  • Treatment of
  • Prevention of

Causes of

All causes of fluid accumulation in the lungs are caused by abnormal air exchange in the tissues of this organ, resulting in a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels or their increased permeability. Such pathology can cause both mechanical and physiological effects, which are provided by the following factors:

  • cardiological problems: weak pulse, arrhythmia, heart failure, cardiac malformations, infarction;
  • inflammatory diseases of lung tissue - pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • trauma of the chest and respiratory organs;

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  • obstructive pulmonary disease - asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD);
  • poisoning by chemical compounds;
  • brain injury and surgery;
  • liver disease: cirrhosis, hepatic insufficiency;
  • kidney failure;
  • malignant formation;
  • pneumothorax - gas accumulation in the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs.
Normal is considered a two-millimeter layer of fluid in the pleura, if it is larger, then it's about pleurisy, that is, about the accumulation of excess fluid, edema.

Its composition may vary depending on the form and nature of the disease.

The cause of the appearance of fluid with blood in the lungs is associated with a severe course of pleurisy, which can be characteristic of cancer diseases. If there is pus in the fluid, this also indicates a strong edema and the presence of an inflammatory process.

The appearance of fluid in the lungs can be affected by diseases that suppress the normal functioning of the immune system. These include diabetes mellitus.

The cause of fluid in the lungs in diabetes mellitus is often pneumonia. Increased blood sugar levels contribute to the spread of infection and the development of the inflammatory process, which is often accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.

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Symptoms of

Symptoms of fluid accumulation in the lungs depend on its volume and localization. The following possible manifestations of this pathological condition can be identified:

  • Shortness of breath. Always occurs when there is fluid in the lungs, its amplification indicates a progression of the edema. Shortness of breath is characterized by difficulty breathing, leading to oxygen starvation( hypoxia).
  • Weakness, a sense of fatigue. This symptom can occur even in a state of rest, rest.
  • Cough. May be accompanied by mucus separation. Cough brings the patient a lot of discomfort: for the morning time, his attacks are typical, he appears during periods of physical activity, increases in stressful situations, causes anxiety at night, interferes with full sleep.
  • Lightheadedness .
  • Rapid heart rate.
  • Fainting.
  • Nervousness.
  • Pain in the side or bottom of the chest. During the cough and movement, the pain sensations increase.
  • Sensation of cold, chills, pale or blue skin. These processes occur due to hypoxia, which is enhanced with increasing fluid volume.
  • Numbness of arms, legs.
  • Hubble and wheezing when listening with a stethoscope.
  • In the case of heart failure, a buildup of fluid in the lungs will be accompanied by an increased pressure in the pulmonary artery.

Even the first symptoms of the appearance of excessive fluid in the lungs are dangerous due to the onset of asthma attacks. This pathology requires immediate medical attention.

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In order to prescribe a treatment, a specialist needs to not only make sure that the fluid has actually accumulated fluid, but also to determine the cause of the pathology.

The first step in diagnosing the disease after the collection of anamnesis of symptoms and general examination is an X-ray, which clearly shows the area of ​​fluid accumulation. After this, the patient is sent to the ultrasound to determine how much fluid is in the tissues of the lungs. Then the doctor goes on to a more detailed diagnosis, which includes:

  • a study of the gas composition of the blood;
  • biochemical study of blood, fluid from the lungs, if it was evacuated, urine;
  • blood coagulation test;
  • examination of the pulmonary artery for increased blood pressure;
  • diagnosis of heart disease, including myocardial infarction;
  • computed tomography.

When the necessary information on the patient's condition is collected and the cause is identified, the specialist appoints a set of measures for the treatment of the disease.

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Treatment of

The main goal in the treatment of pulmonary edema is to eliminate or reduce hypoxia and eliminate the cause. Depending on the latter, the fight with fluid in the lungs can occur as follows:

  • In the case of heart failure, the patient is prescribed the use of diuretics( diuretics) in combination with drugs to strengthen the heart muscle.
  • When the appearance of fluid in the lungs is associated with a violation of the heart rate, the treatment is carried out in a similar way: taking diuretics and drugs that normalize the rhythm of the heart.
  • When pneumonia is used effectively to treat antibiotics to stop the infectious process. It is appropriate to use expectorant and antiviral drugs to maintain the defenses of the body.
  • If the patient is diagnosed with pleurisy, there may be several treatment options. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics, antitussive medicines, hormonal preparations are possible. Effective may be physiotherapy - UHF radiation, massage, special breathing exercises. The specialist may also resort to pleural puncture.
  • In cases of cerebral diseases, the patient may need a portable pressure chamber and furosemide( diuretic) in the form of intramuscular injections. During an attack, it is recommended to breathe through gauze moistened with alcohol. In some cases, with brain injuries, alcohol inhalations and drainage of the respiratory tract are prescribed.
  • The accumulation of fluid in the lungs, caused by a chest injury and accompanied by pneumothorax, is eliminated by drainage. It is important to apply anesthesia to reduce pain caused by trauma. The patient is restricted in drinking and prescribed appropriate physiotherapy and oxygen inhalations.
  • In renal failure, liquid from the lungs is eliminated directly by treating the cause, which consists in applying a characteristic conservative treatment, restoring the water balance, normalizing the level of electrolytes, acid-base balance in the body, adjusting the diet.
  • Liquid accumulating in the lungs due to liver diseases is eliminated by diuretic treatment, drainage of the pleural cavity, and elimination of foods rich in sodium from the diet. If liver cirrhosis is diagnosed, the most effective treatment is a healthy organ transplant. Cirrhosis of the liver causes severe pulmonary edema, which is called hepatic hydrothorax.
  • Intoxication resulting from chemical poisoning is treated with antibiotics and medications that help remove harmful compounds and toxins from the body, it may be necessary to remove fluid from the lungs through a catheter.
  • In especially severe cases, before starting to eliminate the cause of fluid accumulation, the patient is ventilated.
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After passing the course of treatment, you need to try to avoid the dangerous consequences of the transferred pathology( they are created by hypoxia), it is important to prevent the disease.

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One hundred percent guarantee that the liquid will not accumulate again in the lungs, doctors do not give, however, it is advisable to take a number of measures that will reduce the risk of recurrence:

  • People with chronic cardiovascular diseases should undergo at least twice a yearexamination.
  • Allergies should avoid contact with dangerous allergens and always carry antihistamines( antiallergic) with them.
  • Similarly, asthmatics need to be treated: to have medications that can eliminate the attack.
  • It is especially important for workers in chemical production to take precautions to avoid poisoning: use a respirator, if necessary - a protective suit, regularly go for medical examinations.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: do not abuse alcohol, do not load the kidneys and liver with harmful foods and drinks, and quit smoking. Recent scientific studies have shown that compounds from tobacco smoke can provoke pulmonary edema and diseases that lead to it.
  • Regularly undergo fluorography.
  • Take care of your health: do not let the disease run its course, do not ignore the symptoms of the disease.

People who have undergone fluid accumulation in the lungs need to monitor their condition after curing, take care of their respiratory system, and those who have this anemia, it is very important to seek medical help in time to ensure a favorable outcome.

  • Mar 20, 2018
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