An unpleasant symptom of PMS is insomnia before menstruation, what should I do?

About 70% of the fair sex representatives experienced a premenstrual syndrome at least once in their life. This pathology manifests itself 2 - 3 days before the arrival of menstruation and every woman has a peculiar way. Insomnia before menstruation is considered a specialist one of the main signs of PMS.Many gynecologists consider this painful condition as a preliminary reaction of the girl's organism to the forthcoming blood loss, but most of them tend to the hormonal version of the disorder. For a timely solution of the problem, it is important to understand the cause of its occurrence.


  • 1 Premenstrual syndrome and its causes
  • 2 Reducing manifestations of PMS and insomnia
    • 2.1 What does traditional medicine recommend
    • 2.2 Common means for insomnia
    • 2.3 General advice

Premenstrual syndrome and its causes

This condition of the female body has a clearly defined formulation. Specialized literature gives the following definition: "PMS is a complex set of disorders of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Usually, this symptomatology is associated with future menstruation in women. "

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Symptoms of this condition are usually characterized by increased irritability, physical weakness, discomfort and tenderness in the pelvic area. Possible changes in sexual desire, increased appetite and insomnia with menstruation.

The causes of the pathological deviations from the habitual state are quite diverse:

  • First of all, one should mention the change in the balance in the blood during this period of female sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen. These substances are responsible for the maturation of the egg, and the violation of their ratio can cause a hormonal failure in the female body.
  • It can not be discounted, and with a decrease in the monthly amount of some trace elements in the patient's blood. Basically, this is a lack of calcium. The absence of this substance necessary for the normal life of the organism can cause many diseases and pathological symptoms. In response to the normal functioning of the muscular system, the central nervous system and the blood coagulation system, calcium may cause seizures, pain in the extremities, and marked irritability. Insomnia during menstruation can be associated with a decrease in the level of this trace element in the girl's blood.
  • It is very important to consider a decrease in the percentage of sugar in the liquid part of the blood in a woman. In a normal state, glucose is responsible for the balance of progesterone and estrogens, facilitating the penetration of the sex hormone into the cell. With a low level of sugar in the blood, the content of free progesterone increases, which leads to disruption of the central nervous system in the patient, a symptom of which may be insomnia with menstruation.

It should be noted that with the development of premenstrual syndrome there are changes in various organs and systems of the female body. This is due to a change in the balance of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements in this period.

In order to help the patient overcome these unpleasant signs of approaching menstruation, you can use both medicines and traditional medicine. The main thing is that they help restore harmony in the hormonal sphere, compensate for the loss of vitamins and other nutrients.

In this case, we can talk about completely different pathological processes that simply coincide in time. Therapy of these conditions should be independent, it is desirable not to provoke the cross-effect of various medications and allergic reactions in women.

Reducing manifestations of PMS and insomnia

You can alleviate your condition by using drugs or simply by changing your lifestyle. In each case, you need your own approach, which can be found by a qualified specialist.

What is recommended by traditional medicine

Quite often young girls turn to gynecologists with the question of whether there can be insomnia with menstruation. It should be noted that this disruption of the CNS occurs in 60% of patients with PMS.

When a woman notices that it is difficult for her to fall asleep and wake up during critical days, first of all she associates such a state with the general growing weakness of the organism during this period and possible losses of liquid blood. It is recommended not to engage in self-medication, but to seek help from a specialist.

The doctor will be able to identify the causes of insomnia and prescribe appropriate corrective therapy. Disorders of the CNS are fraught with serious consequences during pregnancy and childbirth for expectant mothers.

If the cause of such a sleep disorder are monthly, to help a woman recommend starting treatment with appropriate medications. The most famous means for insomnia "Veronal" and "Nitrazepam" are currently used in a limited way due to the high toxicity and possible addictive effect.

The chemist's network can offer women purified substances with a wide range of effects. First of all it is Piklodorm and Bromizov. In addition to the expressed hypnotic effect, these drugs reduce the excitability of the nervous system and practically do not cause the patient's body to become addicted.

Modern pharmacology recommends preparations of a new generation - Zolpidexan and Sanval. These drugs affect both phases of sleep, contribute to early falling asleep and have virtually no side effects. For a full-fledged treatment of insomnia with menstruation, it is recommended to use these medications together with melatonin, a hormone that promotes a decrease in progesterone activity.

In addition to all of the above, in the treatment of insomnia should include complexes of vitamins and minerals. The basis of these sets of useful substances should be magnesium. This microelement stabilizes the level of sugar in the blood of a woman, relieves cerebral edema, contributing to this cessation of irritability and sleep disturbance.

The most effective use of magnesium is in combination with the vitamins of group B. When combined, these substances normalize the percentage of estrogens, which allows to reduce the strength of pathological symptoms of PMS.

Folk remedies for insomnia

In addition to various medications, any woman can use and numerous natural factors of sleep stabilization. To begin with, you need to adjust your diet. In the daily diet should not be a place of fatty and fried foods, high-calorie foods, animal fats need to be replaced by vegetable fats.

In these difficult days, a woman, if the work and lifestyle permit, should switch over completely to vegetables, fruits, nuts. Of course, substances that tonic and irritate the nervous system fall under complete prohibition.

Alcohol and nicotine are harmful to any woman, and for a lady with PMS they become the most important enemies. This includes coffee and chocolate. Excessive excitation of the central nervous system will be difficult to stop even after the end of menstruation. The thing is that caffeine is an antagonist of vitamin B6, the beneficial effect of which on the female body was mentioned above.

To stabilize the process of falling asleep dieticians recommend to young women prunes and dried apricots. These fruits increase the content of calcium and magnesium in the blood. The main means for fighting insomnia from fruits is a persimmon. During this period, most women are recommended to use orange fruits in their food.

Good for insomnia and excessive excitability before the monthly soothing teas, where you can add mint, chamomile and melissa if desired. Sweets instead of sugar should use honey, preferably lime or buckwheat.

From vegetables for insomnia, it is best to eat various salads based on celery and parsley. Do not forget about the usual seeds. The vitamin E in them contributes to the normalization of sleep.

We recommend reading the article on how to get rid of insomnia with menopause. From it you will learn about the causes of the pathological condition, how to eliminate insomnia, as well as about the effectiveness of traditional medicine and medication.

General advice

When answering the question why before a month's insomnia, you should pay the patient's attention not only to the physiological aspects of the problem, but also to her lifestyle. If a woman prefers sitting with a book or tablet on the couch, sweet tea and soft rolls, then the probability of PMS and insomnia during this period, it is much more.

Active way of life, physical activity, sports are the expressed measures of preventive maintenance of disturbance of a dream during critical days. Physical training dramatically increases the level of endorphins in the patient's blood. Strangely enough, but the pain in this case is reduced, and such manifestations of central nervous system disorders with menstruation, like irritability and insomnia, practically come to naught.

Problems with sleeping during menstruation require the monitoring of the condition of the young lady by doctors of different specialties, since in this case the problems of gynecologists, psychiatrists and endocrinologists are intertwined. Therefore, any self-medication can lead to the development of complications. If there is a problem, it is better to solve it together with the doctor.

  • Mar 21, 2018
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