Fasting is the basis of health( III)
Vegetation does not end with pollination of the leafy part. Medical research has shown that herbicides and other agricultural chemicals penetrate the soil, staying there for many months and gradually rising up the growing plant. Eventually, the poison penetrates into the flesh of the vegetable, into the very part from which it can not be removed. Do you think that the peeled skin or removed outer layer will destroy the sediment of toxic substances? And do not expect!
Chemicals are not derived from vegetables even when cooking. They will not take any antidote. The only way to remove poisonous substances from the human body is starvation. After a few days of starvation, everyone will be able to see some of the poisons emanating from their own body.
The organism itself tries to get rid of the disease, but we, by contrast, use drugs to drive the disease inside and remove the external signs of the disease. To maintain normal life processes in the body, he needs a certain amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Unfortunately, all these products leave acidic by-products, as a result of metabolism, in tissues. This means that if a person lives mainly at the expense of this type of food( which happens to almost everyone today, as the vast majority eats large amounts of white bread, sugar, boiled potatoes and meat), then the body accumulates in the course of timewith acid reaction, and thus the soil is prepared for the excess acidity of blood and tissues, and this is the first and the main cause of diseases.
Since the time of the ancient physicians it is known that "if the body is not cleaned, the more you feed it, the more you will harm it"( Hippocrates).Periodic unloading, especially for chronic diseases, is necessary for a person.
Medical fasting can be short( up to 3 days) and long. At home, it is safe to fast for up to 5 days, and after mastering the technique and especially methods of getting out of starvation, and a little longer. The well-known popularizer of curative fasting, the author of the book "The Miracle of Fasting" Paul S. Breg writes: "I starve 7-10 days 4 times a year."