Everyone knows about the benefits of honey bees. Nuts are just a storehouse of biologically active substances and a source of easily digestible vegetable protein. Mixing the nuts with honey, we get a tasty, rich in vitamins and microcells medicine for many diseases.
What is the use of a honey-nut mixture?
So, what are the benefits of nuts with honey? To answer this question, consider each of the ingredients of this mixture separately.
Honey honey consists of 300 components, including easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins, organic acids, minerals, phytoncides and hormones. This delicious treat has the following properties:
- immunostimulating
- anti-inflammatory
- antibacterial
- wound-healing
- rejuvenating
- antitoxic
- soothing
- antidepressant.
Nuts contain a huge amount of minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, proteins and fats. They have the following effects on the human body:
- antioxidant
- immunostimulating
- anti-sclerotic
- restorative
- toning
- anti-inflammatory.
Combining nuts with honey, we will get a unique mixture in its healing effect. Not only that, when mixed, they retain all their useful properties, so they also enhance the positive qualities of each other. Particularly good for health is the combination of honey with walnuts, because it is considered one of the most useful. Those who want to learn more about the healing properties of this mix, we recommend reading the article: Eat honey and walnuts - get health and vivacity without any interference!
What kind of diseases help nuts with honey?
Nut-honey mixture is used in the treatment of the following diseases:
- hypertension;
- anemia;
- atherosclerosis;
- heart failure;
- of liver and kidney disease;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal system;
- decreased potency in men;
- mental and physical exhaustion.
In addition to all of the above, it should also be noted that the nuts with honey are a high-calorie mixture and its benefit in the complex treatment of people who are weakened by the disease is unquestionable.
Tip! Before taking such a mixture for medicinal purposes, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to its individual components. In addition, it is not recommended for gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and some other diseases. It is better to consult your doctor before you start self-medication.
Cooking a mixture of nuts and honey
How to cook nuts with honey? The recipe is quite simple! To do this, simply mix the main ingredients in the following proportions:
- honey - 400 ml;
- walnuts - 50 g;
- cedar - 80 g;
- hazelnut - 80 g;
- cashews - 80 g;
- almonds - 50 g.
Nuts are piled in glass containers layer by layer and filled with liquid honey, making sure that all the air is released from the jar. Then cover with parchment or plastic lid and store in a cool, dark place. Honey is an excellent preservative, due to the high content of sugary substances and bactericidal properties, so the tasty mixture does not spoil for long and does not require storage in the refrigerator.
You can mix honey with nuts, slightly changing the recipe. For example, adding dried fruits. Or use only one kind of nuts.
Pine nuts with honey are very useful. No wonder they are one of the most expensive products. By the number of macro and microelements, these small nucleoli outrun all other nuts. Cedar oil is considered a panacea for many diseases. Prepare a mixture of pine nuts and honey, you can mix them in a ratio of 1: 1.
An interesting fact! The benefits of cedar are known from ancient times. Another such ancient healer, like Avicenna, used tincture from cedar nucleoli with honey to cleanse the blood and vessels of patients.
A little more about the hazelnut-honey mixture
We should especially note the benefits of honey with nuts for men. Being a strong aphrodisiac, this mixture enhances sexual attraction, having the following effect on the strong half of humanity:
- improves blood circulation;
- increases the production of the male hormone - testosterone;
- replenishes energy losses;
- supplies the body with the protein necessary for the formation of spermatozoa.
Honey and nuts are often used to enhance potency in sexually impotent men. In most cases, daily use of this drug returns the former strength, along the way, beneficially affecting the entire body as a whole.
Tip! To strengthen sexual power in men, immature walnut fruits are especially useful, since they contain a high content of vitamins E and R. It is enough to eat 15 nuts per day to keep the potency for many years of life.
Interesting information on the benefits of nuts with honey can also be found by watching this video: