The use of the yarrow broth in medicine is so widespread that it can be called an elixir that can heal almost all diseases. They treat colds, intestinal, heart and other ailments, including diseases of the reproductive system, as well as metabolic disorders.
Such a wide range of activities is provided by the rich chemical composition of the plant and its medicinal properties.
Yarrow composition
The decoction prepared from the stem and leaves of the yarrow contains the following substances:
- vitamins
- minerals
- tannins
- essential oils
- esters
- alkaloids
- polysaccharides
- flavonoids
- glycosides
- amines
- are organic acids.
Of vitamins, yarrow is most rich in vitamin K, carotene and ascorbic acid. Mineral substances are mainly represented by copper. The percentage of essential oils content can reach 0.8%.
Curative properties of broth
Yarrow broth has the following medicinal properties:
- astringent
- diuretic
- diaphoretic
- cholagogue
- hemostatic
- anesthetic
- antipyretic
- anti-inflammatory.
Also, the decoction of the plant is able to lower blood pressure, which is successfully used in the treatment of hypertension, accelerate metabolism, stimulate the digestive process, increase blood coagulability. Women with painful menstruation, he will help get rid of the pain, as well as reduce the manifestation of symptoms of PMS, ease the course of menopause. Breastfeeding mothers show the reception of yarrow broth to enhance lactation.
Nutritionists recommend to include the decoction in the curative fasting scheme, as it effectively removes slags from the body, promotes the breakdown of fats. In addition, it has a restorative and tonic effect, which is important in the diet period.
An interesting fact! In the days of Suvorov, all soldiers were obliged to have dried yarrow grass with them as a first aid kit in case of injury.
Application of
The use of yarrow broth in medicine is quite widespread. It is used for colds, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, nervous and skin diseases. It is also used in some diseases of the reproductive and urinary system.
Indications broth yarrow:
- bronchitis asthma
- gastritis ulcer
- hypertension
- hemorrhoids
- abscesses
- psoriasis eczema
- enuresis
- colitis
- cold
- cholelithiasis
- cystitis
- varices.
And this is not a complete list of diseases in which a yarrow broth is applied. It is also used in cosmetology as part of tonics, lotions against acne, cleansing and vitamin masks. In the food industry it is used in the preparation of certain beverages.
Tip! Since the yarrow contains alkaloids, an overdose can cause poisoning. Therefore, before use, specify the amount of decoction and the duration of its application to the doctor.
Methods of application
Yarrow broth is usually used inside with gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and nervous diseases. In the treatment of skin diseases it is used in the form of lotions and washings. Sometimes the broth is a part of ointments, liniments.
With eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases apply baths with decoction. Gynecological problems are solved by douching. As a hemostatic agent, grass powder or fresh plant juice is usually used, but the decoction can also be used. They wash the surface of the skin and use it for compresses.
An interesting fact! Yarrow has a deterrent effect on insects, so on a summer picnic it is better to choose a clearing, where there are dense thickets of this plant.
Contraindications to
Contraindications to the use of yarrow broth are the following diseases:
- hypotension
- Thrombocytosis
- Individual intolerance
- Acute cholecystitis.
Pregnancy should be especially careful, since the yarrow can cause contraction of the uterus and miscarriage. Also, do not take it before giving blood tests, because it can change the biochemical picture. Prolonged use may cause dizziness and headache. Children under 12 years of age are also contraindicated.
You can find interesting information about yarrow from this video: