What salt to choose?

Everyone knows the expression "eat a pood of salt."But which one exactly? Long since salt has been an indispensable ingredient during the preparation of a variety of dishes. According to the recipes, it is even put in sweet porridges, which makes the taste richer. But the salt is different. And this applies not only to the taste or appearance, but also to the chemical composition.

Moderate salt intake is harmless to our body, and often useful. The fact is that sodium is a part of the salt - an essential element, the lack of which can lead to electrolyte imbalance or muscle cramps. If you use very little salt, but at the same time drink plenty of water, then there may be "water intoxication".But excess salt also has negative consequences, including edema, pressure build-up, osteoporosis, etc.

Which salt is more useful?

Along with the low consumption of salt, its correct choice is also of great importance. Ironically, the salt "extra", small and white, is least useful. Of course, it is extracted from the same natural deposits, but then it is subjected to intensive processing, cleansing of various natural impurities. As a result, only sodium chloride remains in it. Pole to all, the salt "extra" often contains a specially added component - potassium ferrocyanide, which prevents the formation of lumps. According to experts, for the body this substance is harmful because of its toxicity.

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Less harmful for us is the salt of coarse grinding. It looks rather unattractive - gray with darker patches, such salt often hardens to a stone state. It is not thoroughly cleaned, and additives are not put in such salt. Therefore, in addition to sodium chloride in a large table salt remain potassium, magnesium and calcium.

And, finally, about the product, which is considered the least harmful. This is a sea salt, obtained from sea water. In this product, thanks to the evaporation technology, many trace elements that are necessary and useful for our body are preserved. In particular, it is magnesium, potassium, sodium chloride, strontium, bicarbonate and bromide. From this follows a completely logical conclusion - when using salt of marine origin a person gets much less pure salt, which is more useful for the body. Also, sea salt contains a small amount of another useful element - natural iodine. Add sea salt to all dishes, similar to common salt. Culinary experts believe that sea salt harmonizes the taste of various seafood particularly harmoniously.

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