What you need to know before you put skyses on your teeth

Since the earliest times, one of the main qualities for people has been the beauty of what to say about modernity, when a person by clothing is not only met, but also received and escorted.

Therefore, it becomes absolutely normal that more and more people try to co-ordinate and come up with more and more sophisticated ways to become more beautiful. One of such innovations is not so long ago, the so-called Skyses.

Contents of

Contents of

  • The history of
  • Special features of handsome men in the teeth
  • Features of the
  • installation Orthopedic care
  • Asked - we answer
  • Price
  • Satisfied and beautiful

History of the

appearance Skays are rhinestones that adorn the teeth. The history of their occurrence is very old. More Indians of the Mayan tribe grind their teeth, and the niches formed were encrusted with precious stones.

But this is not the only example of a prototype of modern Skys. Representatives of the Borneo tribe bored the tooth across, a nail was placed in the gap formed, which had a different facet. Over time, the nail head, constantly in contact with the surface of the lip and other objects, was polished and became shiny.

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At a more modern stage, instead of nails, the teeth were decorated with real diamonds. Probably, it is not necessary to say why it was popular and fashionable.

Singer Maxim also installed skysys

. However, in order to fix the diamond in the tooth, it was necessary to drill a special bed, which violated the structure of the tooth. In addition, the effect of this inlay was insignificant.

In order for the diamond to shine with an overflow, it needs a special cut and light not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Therefore, it was decided to replace an expensive diamond with artificial crystals, the effect of radiance which did not depend on the angle of light hit or stone cutting, and the price of the matter dropped sharply, which brought such a procedure as the installation of Skays to the broad masses.

It is absolutely deserved to say that the famous singer Madonna returned to the broad masses of modernity skyses, which was adorned with a dazzling smile encrusted with iridescent stone many years ago. Since then, women of different countries have adopted this version of jewelry.

The technology of using precious stones and nails and the essence of the current Skyses has not undergone any changes. Their only purpose is to decorate their owners.

When talking or smiling, such a stone shimmers with hundreds of lights and shines, attracting attention and bewitching everyone around. As a result of this luminescence, an aura is formed over the interlocutor, making communication with such a person more pleasant.

Special properties of handsome men in the teeth

As it was already mentioned, the Skys have undergone quite a wide modernization since the first prototypes appeared. In the most modern version, they are not just ordinary rhinestones.

Their main difference is the presence of a mirror surface on the stone, which gives it the ability to sparkle and makes this light more saturated.

In addition, the surface of the skice facing the tooth has special properties:

  • , the inner surface has a roughness of , which increases the area of ​​contact between the rhinestone and the surface of the enamel;
  • for better fixing, The internal surface of the stone is covered with the chemical adhesive .

In professional circles, encrusting teeth with stones is jokingly called "dental piercing".

Skyses can be of very different external shapes:

  • rounded;
  • are oval;
  • in the form of droplets;
  • squares;
  • of the heart;
  • dolphins;
  • and others.

In addition to enhancing aesthetics as decor elements, they can also be used to mask unevenness, strokes, darkening areas of the enamel, without doing any harm at all.

In addition to the form, the rhinestones can also vary according to the materials from which they are made. So, cheaper options are ordinary glass, crystal. Popular materials:

  • ruby;
  • emerald;
  • diamonds;
  • Swarovski crystals.
But it should be remembered that the installation as jewels of jewels requires better fixation and, as a result, is more traumatic for tooth tissues.

Features of the

Installation Before talking about the installation of Skys directly, you should consider options when toothstrasses are not recommended.

To say that there are absolute contraindications for this procedure is impossible, because in itself it is completely safe.

However, rhinestones are still a foreign material in the mouth, therefore relative contraindications may be:

  • increased sensitivity to foreign bodies;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • presence of abnormal abrasion of the teeth;
  • non-carious defects on the vestibular tooth surface.

Installing Skys - the procedure is fairly straightforward. Most often, crystals adorn the teeth, which are in the line of a smile, that is, the teeth of the upper jaw from the canine to the canine. More traditionally, these pebbles are placed on the lateral incisors of the upper jaw.

Without fail, the entire procedure should begin with professional oral hygiene, where the hygienist uses special tools and preparations to clean the teeth from plaque, after which the tooth intended for inlaying must be isolated from saliva and dried.

After that, a special polymer "glue" is applied to the surface of the tooth and the surface of the rhinestones, most often photopolymerization. This is, in fact, the same material that caries teeth fill.

After application of the polymer and installation of the skice in the desired position, a cold light beam is sent to this tooth, which leads to the activation of chemical reactions and ensures a reliable attachment of the stone to the surface of the enamel.

Care of the oral cavity

There are no special manipulations for the care of Skajs. The patient, as usual, is recommended to brush his teeth twice a day with toothpastes or powders.

The only caveat is the recommendation not to press strongly on the head of the toothbrush during cleaning in the area where the rhinestone is located.

In addition, it will be necessary to pay more attention to their own diets - it is not recommended to chew nuts or other solid objects and food, or at least try to do it on non-encrusted teeth.

Asked, we answer

Perhaps the most popular question related to installing skys is the question of their security.

Skyses, in case they are simple rhinestones - in no way affect the structure of the enamel, do not require additional sanding or preparation, therefore absolutely safe.

Also people are interested in the following points:

  1. How do they take off and remain after the traces of ?Skayses are also easily removed. The surface of the tooth is processed and with the help of dental instruments the stone is separated from the surface of the enamel. After that, the tooth is polished and processed with fluoric substances. No traces, in the case of a qualitatively conducted procedure, do not remain.
  2. Is there any difference when cleaning teeth ?There are no differences when brushing teeth with rhinestones, except that at the location of the strazik it is recommended to reduce the brush pressure on the tooth.
  3. How long does the rhinestone last? This is an individual parameter. At some people it costs years, at some in couple of years can disappear. It depends on the structure of the enamel of the tooth, the composition of the oral fluid, as well as the quality of the materials and the procedure performed.
  4. Does the rhinestone interfere with ?Of course, like any foreign object, the rhinestones in the mouth at first cause a feeling of discomfort, however, after a week or two, no unpleasant sensations remain.

Price issue

The cost of the procedure varies quite widely in the RF, depending not only on the region, but also on what material is used.

If this is the usual price skys, usually is in the range of 1000 - 3000 rubles. If you announce the price higher, then, for sure, it comes to precious stones, then the cost will be strictly individual in each case.

Satisfied and beautiful

Rhinestones on the teeth - it's possible and beautiful, which is confirmed by the numerous reviews and photos of beauties with skays in their teeth.

Installed the Skaris crystal Swarovski six months ago. The effect is very satisfied, everything keeps well. When talking and smiling, especially in the light, it is beautifully poured. There were no problems in getting used to, I clean my teeth as well as before.

Alina, 24

I installed Skyse already a year ago. No discomfort was felt during the procedure, or after. It looks incredibly beautiful and gentle. When talking and smiling, everyone is paying attention and asking to smile more often. So, I'm very pleased. I recommend. Do not be afraid, there is nothing terrible in this.

Larissa, 31

Skys on the tooth I was installed about three weeks ago and already, unfortunately, disappeared. I'm to blame for this myself, something is hooked pretty much. But I can say that there were no traces of his stay on the tooth. Very upset, I think I will definitely do it again.

Valya, 27

If you want your smile to be not just beautiful, but dazzling, and everyone paid attention to you, then boldly proceed to install the skysa. In addition, this adornment can appeal not only to adults, but also to teenagers and children and will be an excellent gift option for any fashionista.

  • Mar 21, 2018
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