Healthy teeth are always a guarantee of a beautiful smile and good health in general. It's no secret that any disease in the oral cavity and untimely treatment leads to negative consequences: teeth are destroyed, roots rot, mouth mucosa becomes infected and inflammation occurs that affects the entire body.
- Unpleasant but necessary acquaintance
- Inflammation of the periosteum as a complication of other disorders
- Mechanism of inflammation development
- How to determine the possibility of inflammation
- Possible consequences
- First aid and therapy for the disease
- Why is it useful to rinse the mouth?
- Details on the prevention of inflammation
Unpleasant but necessary acquaintance
Inflammation of the periosteum, or periostitis with a medical term, flux in folk, characterized by swelling of the gums around the unhealthy
of the tooth iswith severe pain, accumulation of pus, swelling and fever.
Padding is a connective tissue covering the bone from the outside. It has 2 layers - internal and external, and if it gets infected from the affected tooth, its inflammation occurs:
- If the inflammation has occurred of the lower row of teeth , the swelling and puffiness is more pronounced in the lower submandibular nodes, it can spread into the larynx, then into the bronchi andlungs.
- Inflammation of the periosteum of the upper row of teeth is accompanied by swelling and swelling of the upper part of the face, which swells up the nose and the skin under the eyes, and then the pus that occurs during inflammation can go higher directly to the brain, which is very dangerous for health and liferights. On the spot of the inflammation of the tooth or periosteum, a lump is formed.
Inflammation of the periosteum as a complication of other disorders
Causes of inflammation:
- tooth decay;
- destruction of solid enamel;
- complication after periodontitis;
- complication after tooth extraction;
- oral infection( complications after sore throat, acute respiratory viral infection, penetration into the oral cavity of staphylococcus);
- furunculosis;
- untimely replacement of a temporary seal with a permanent, interrupted treatment.
Mechanism of inflammation development
The mechanism of inflammation build-up occurs approximately as follows: in the untreated patient tooth enamel is destroyed and a cavity appears that affects the caries.
The pulp( the intubital soft tissue) is affected next, the lesion affects the nerve endings and the person begins to experience growing pain. Inflammation increases and affects already the roots of the tooth, where there is accumulation of pus.
Gradually the amount of pus increases and begins to look for an outlet. The shortest "exit" is the periosteum of the tooth.
The formation of the fistula for the exit of pus naturally occurs rarely, and therefore the cone near the aching tooth increases, the puffiness increases, the swelling increases. Urgent intervention of the dentist is necessary.
How to determine the possibility of inflammation
Inflammation of the periosteum has the characteristic symptoms:
- toothache, pain when nibbling and pressing on the affected tooth;
- swelling in the lower or upper part of the face( depending on the location of the affected tooth);
- thickening of the jawbone( especially for chronic diseases);
- fever, general malaise, weakness, dry mouth, headache - these are signs of an organism intoxication;
- swelling of the submaxillary nodes, their soreness with pressure, difficulty in swallowing( severe inflammation).
Possible consequences of
This disease can occur for many reasons, even if a person has been ill with flu or sore throat before a tooth has been removed, complications may occur.
Any virus that enters the oral cavity, for example, through unwashed hands, can cause inflammation of the periosteum.
Pain in inflammation of the periosteum can go to the ears, eyes, head, throat.
In case of untimely treatment of the flux, phlegmon( acute extensive fibrous inflammation) or osteomyelitis( a purulent-necrotic bone process) can form, very dangerous for human health and life. Inflammatory process can pass into acute form. With such complications, treatment is possible only in a hospital surgically.
First Aid and Disease Therapy
The best and most effective treatment for inflammation of the periosteum can only be performed by a dentist, by opening an abscess to give vent to the purulent contents.
After this, the doctor will prescribe a special rinse, drugs that remove inflammation, cure a sick tooth or remove if necessary.
The first emergency help is to open the abscess and create an outflow of pus. For treatment, antibiotics, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs, rinsing are prescribed.
During the spontaneous release of pus, the pain subsides, puffiness and swelling decrease, but these manifestations do not guarantee a repeated relapse of the disorder, unless you consult a doctor and treat the disease.
Then the disease takes on a chronic form and can manifest itself at any time. From the mouth there is an unpleasant smell, the body is gradually poisoned by rotting toxins.
Than it is useful to rinse your mouth?
Use rinsing with such solutions:
- with a weak solution of potassium permanganate ( the solution should be slightly pink);
- with soda solution( 1 tbsp per glass of water), while the solution should be warm, not hot;
- for the preparation of herbal tincture take 1 tsp.sage and chamomile, pour boiling water on a glass( 200 mg), let it brew for 25 minutes, drain;
- for rinsing is recommended also for lemon balm, green tea, oak bark, root of ara, ruta, aair , - the way of preparation of the tincture is the same.
It is good to apply a leaf of cabbage to the flux. Tooth pain reduces and the application of a cold warmer.
Rinse is performed during inflammation, when there is no possibility of a quick reception at the dentist. Also, rinsing is effective after treatment with a doctor, as an inflammatory process is removed, pains are reduced, and the oral cavity is sanitized. You can rinse and sore throat.
What will only harm
What can not be done during an inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth:
- in no case put warm compresses, they will only intensify the inflammatory process, the accumulation of purulent masses will increase;
- self-prescribe antibacterial drugs;
- when going to the doctor to use pain medication, as this will make diagnosis more difficult;
- after visiting a doctor, if an incision was made to expel pus, drink drugs that dilute the blood( eg, Aspirin).There may be a bleeding.
Detail on the prevention of inflammation
Inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth is due to a frivolous attitude towards the state of their teeth, untimely treatment of diseases.
Therefore, in order to prevent dental diseases and possible complications, it is necessary:
- visit the dentist at least once every six months to examine the oral cavity.
- Teeth to be cleaned every day in the morning and in the evening , and after a meal it is good to rinse the mouth. For these purposes, a wide variety of solutions for rinsing and disinfecting the mouth are sold.
- To ensure that does not appear dental plaque , which is a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Delete it in time.
- Use more often natural fresh fruits and vegetables , which strengthen the body's immune system and tooth enamel. Especially useful are fresh apples, since malic acid helps to clean the enamel of the teeth. Important for eating foods rich in calcium and fluoride to strengthen the tooth enamel: eggs( especially useful quail), cottage cheese, milk, walnuts, butter, natural honey.
- Use for cleaning teeth with the products purchased from the pharmacy , and not in a spontaneous market where you can buy a fake. In addition, the market sells goods that can lie for long in the open sun, which causes the product to deteriorate and lose its healing properties.
- Timely treatment of caries .
- For throat diseases, rinse the throat and mouth of the with infusion of herbs or soda solution so that viruses that damage the mucous throat do not cause inflammation of the mucous gums.
It should be borne in mind that the spontaneous release of pus and improvement after this general condition is a temporary phenomenon. The symptoms go away for a while, but the reason remains. Inflammation inside the tooth or periosteum continues, and therefore the hospital will still have to go, and the earlier, the better.
Treatment is effective only when performed by a physician, using complex therapy.