Doctors recommend keeping a bottle of linseed oil at home, which should be taken in the morning in a teaspoonful. It has great benefits for the whole body, and also has a therapeutic effect against many diseases. To get the best result, you need to be able to choose the right linseed oil, store it properly and use it in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.
- chemical composition
- Useful properties
- Preparation How to store
- How to take
- Children
- Adults
- Recipes
- application When constipation
- When
- diabetes Slimming
- eczema
- mask for dry skin
- Hair Mask for growth
- Scrub offcellulite
- Harm
- Contraindications
Chemical Composition
Flaxseed oil contains the following substances:
- vitamin E;
- vitamin K;
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- zinc;
- unsaturated fatty acids: omega-3( linolenic), omega-6( linoleic) and omega-9( oleic);
- folic acid;
- palmitic acid( refers to saturated, is considered harmful);
- stearic acid;
- phytohormones.
At the same time it benefits from the content of unsaturated fatty acids in other vegetable oils.
Useful properties
Flaxseed oil can benefit the body both when used inside, and when used externally. It has the following properties:
- has a diuretic effect, helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
- helps to regulate metabolism, improves metabolism;
- prevents blood viscosity increase, fights with elevated cholesterol;
- increases the elasticity of the walls of the vessels;
- reduces the risk of stroke, blood clots, the development of a heart attack;
- helps to clean the liver, improves its performance;
- thanks to calorie content( 900 kcal) and unique composition is a valuable dietary product, vegetarians can replace it;
- has an anthelmintic effect on parasites;
- improves the state of the stomach with gastritis, helps in the treatment of this disease;
- eliminates heartburn;
- has an antioxidant effect, reduces the risk of cancer;
- helps the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy;
- relieves pain during critical days;
- provides an easier flow of the menopause period;
- improves male potency( the use of linseed oil for men is scientifically proven);
- normalizes the hormonal background;
- helps treat eczema and herpes zoster;
- moisturizes and softens dry skin;
- nourishes and strengthens the hair;
- helps to soften calluses and corns;
- treats seborrhea;
- smoothes fine wrinkles.
Method of preparation
Flaxseed oil can be obtained in 2 ways: by cold and hot pressing. In the second case, a technical product is obtained, which is used in the manufacture of oil paints, linoleum and other products for repair.
To consume oil inside or in cosmetology take unrefined cold pressed oil. It is obtained as follows:
- raw materials are cleaned of husk and foreign impurities;
- is then frozen to make it easier to squeeze out the oil;
- after defrosting stabilize the moisture content of the raw materials and send it under the press;
- press cake is pressed again, because with repeated extrusion, you can get even more product;
- the finished oil is filtered and bottled.
Doctors studied the benefits and harm of unrefined flax oil most of all, since only such a product is able to cope with various diseases, strengthen immunity and improve the tone of the whole organism.
In the store you have to choose bottles in the dark glass, because in the light of the storage period significantly decreases. The shorter the time from the production date, the better. It is important to monitor and ensure that the storage conditions on the counter are fulfilled, which are necessarily indicated on the package.
to contents ^How to store
House linseed oil should be stored in a dark cool place, in a refrigerator or on a shelf in the closet. The plug must be properly twisted to avoid excessive contact with the air. The optimum temperature is from +5 to +22 degrees, so in hot summer days it is better to remove the bottle from the kitchen cabinet in the refrigerator.
In the first oil it is better to buy a small bottle with a volume of up to 250 milliliters to check how quickly it will end.
An alternative to oil from a bottle can be special capsules that are sold in a pharmacy. They are created in the same way as cod-liver oil, but most often they are not sold in bulk in a jar, but in the form of tablets in a solid blister. This form of oil should also be stored in a dark and cool place.
The advantage of this additive is that it will be stored longer due to lack of contact with air, and it is convenient to take such oil with you on trips.
to contents ^How to take
Flaxseed oil is taken on an empty stomach in the morning when they want to strengthen the immune system and compensate for the lack of unsaturated fatty acids. But its special features are in children and adults, as well as in the treatment of specific diseases.
To children
For children there is a norm according to the amount of flax oil per day, which increases depending on the age:
- from 1 year - 0.5 teaspoon per day;
- with 3 years - 1 teaspoonful;
- from 7 years - 1 tablespoon;
- from 13 years - 2 tablespoons per day.
As the oil has a pronounced taste, which may not be to everyone's liking, it is best for young children to give flaxseed oil in capsules. In both cases, take it in the morning on an empty stomach or during the day, both alone and in cold salads of fresh vegetables( in the case of ordinary oil).
The use and harm of flaxseed oil in capsules is the same as that of a normal product, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, you can safely include them in your daily diet.
to the table of contents ^Adults
Adults can consume up to 3 tablespoons oil a day, but it is better to limit 1-2.With excessive use of oil, you can heavily load the liver and gall bladder, and in the presence of other diseases in the form of ulcers and gastritis, such a number can only aggravate the situation. From 1 tablespoon of harm will not be, but will have a pronounced therapeutic effect. If desired, liquid oil can be replaced with capsules, as well as children, since the taste of oil is not liked by all adults.
The benefits and harm of cold pressed linseed oil are well studied, and nutritionists are advised to drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Wash down with water, oil should not be, since the liquid reduces the absorption of nutrients. After waking up, it is best to immediately eat 1 tablespoon, then wait 15 minutes, drink a glass of water, and after half an hour resort to breakfast. If a person uses oil as a filling for food, then in this method you should do without additional fluid.
Some buy in the store the oil, which is written without cholesterol, but it is not already in any vegetable oil, so this is only a marketing move. The benefit and harm of flax oil against cholesterol is one of the reasons why people resort to its use. If you regularly have flax oil, it blocks the flow of glucose into the blood, which can lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the walls of the vessels.
to contents ^Recipes for application
Recipes for the use of linseed oil depend on what kind of goal the person pursues. If a woman wants to lose weight, then for her there will be a separate scheme of using the remedy. If a person wants to normalize the blood sugar level - another. But anyone who resorts to the help of flaxseed oil, in any case, should be patient, as the result will come very slowly.
to table of contents ^For constipation
Regular linen oil should be used 2 times a day: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. The course should take at least 6 weeks, even if a person gets rid of the problem after 7 days. Flaxseed oil should help to consolidate the effect and adjust the intestinal peristalsis.
to table of contents ^With diabetes
Harm and use of linseed oil for diabetics are well studied in the laboratory. Doctors say with confidence that a regular intake of this product can reduce the incidence of neuropathy that is inherent in this disease. You can eat up to 2 tablespoons of oil a day, but in equal portions. It is best to eat half a spoon for 45 minutes before each meal.
to table of contents ^For weight loss
To improve the digestion of food, accelerate metabolism and allow excess kilograms to go faster, flaxseed oil should be consumed slightly during the day. To do this, eat 1 teaspoon of this product before each meal. Do this for 40-45 minutes before eating, after 20 minutes, drink a glass of water, and after 20-30 begin to eat.
The use and harm of linseed oil for weight loss is that although it helps to lose weight, but with unlimited use can lead to the opposite effect. Vegetable oil is high in calories and loads the liver, if you do not limit the dosage, you can not only gain excess weight, but also worsen digestion.
to contents ^From eczema
- olive oil and linseed oil - 2 teaspoons;
- essential oils of pine and tea tree - 3 drops each.
Ingredients are mixed and slightly heated in a water bath no higher than 40 degrees. Then the mixture is applied to the affected area, covered with a cotton cloth on top and wrapped in a film. After half an hour, the remnants of the mixture are wiped with a paper towel, do not wash the skin. Application is done every day until full recovery.
to the table of contents ^Mask for dry skin
- flaxseed oil - 1 tablespoon;
- fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
- sour cream - 2 tablespoons.
Cucumber rub on a fine grater, mix with sour cream and butter. Apply on face, neck and decollete skin 2 times a week, hold for 20 minutes. After the mask, the skin is lubricated with a nutritious cream.
The benefits and harm of linseed oil for the face were carefully checked by cosmetologists, but before using it is better to conduct an allergic reaction test. To do this, apply a drop of oil on the inside of the elbow and fold and look at the presence of redness after 15 minutes.
to contents ^Mask for hair growth
- flax oil - 20 milliliters;
- castor oil - 15 milliliters;
- kefir - 50 milliliters.
All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. Then the head is warmed with a towel, leave for 30 minutes and rinse with shampoo in a few shots. The use of flaxseed oil for women is mainly that it is actively used in house masks for skin and hair.
to contents ^Cellulite scrub
- linseed oil - 1 tablespoon;
- ground coffee beans - 0.5 tablespoon;
- essential oils of lemon, orange and grapefruit - 1 drop.
Ingredients to mix, then steam the skin on problem areas and grind with a stiff washcloth. Further, with massaging movements pass these areas once again with the help of a scrub. It is necessary to move from the bottom up, from a foot upwards on legs, from a bottom of a stomach to a breast, from a waist to shoulders. Each site should be massaged for at least a minute to get a good result.
After the procedure, rinse the body with warm water, apply anti-cellulite cream to enhance the effect. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a week in a period of low solar activity.
to the table of contents ^Harm
The harm that can be caused by the intake of flaxseed oil or its use externally can be associated either with improper storage of the product or with excessive use. The consequences can be as follows:
- with excessive use( more than 1 tablespoon at a time), oil exerts a burden on the diseased liver;
- when used on the face skin this product can cause various rashes, as it is poorly suited for oily skin;
- oil, which has expired or that has been stored incorrectly, can lead to food poisoning, exacerbation of ulcers, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Contraindications to use of this product may become the following diseases: - pancreatitis in the acute stage;
- diarrhea;
- inversion of the intestines;
- ulcerative colitis;
- stones in the gallbladder;
- duodenal ulcer.
You should also consult your doctor during pregnancy, breastfeeding and taking hormonal medications.