No, we do not argue: the love for your own homemade cotyake Vaska is a sacred thing, because he will even piss on your ear, and run for candy wrappers, and lie down next to you while you try to figure out all the cobwebs of the detective.
But there are so many interesting animals and plants in the world! Those of them who are on the verge of extinction and see them - a great success, are listed in the Red Book.
Plants and animals listed in the Red Data Book of Russia are under state protection, and therefore the maximum that you can afford is to photograph them for memory. Well, "husky" in social networks and then to collect - as without this? !
5 interesting facts about the Red Data Book
The red book is a kind of "SOS" signal from the plants and animals that are threatened with extinction:
was first published in 1963 by the decision of the IUCN( International Union for Conservation of Nature).
The scientists wanted this book not only to inform "Chief, everything was lost!", But also called for studying nature and treating it carefully;
is international, national( for example, Russia) and even regional editions of the book.
Hmm, can I release the Red Book of my apartment and bring in it not only the cat, but also the practically manual spider Bodiu, whom you occasionally try to drive out from under the cupboard?
for preparation of the first international edition of the book with information on endangered species of animals and plants took 11 years!
Do you still think that five years of studying at a university is a longing for death and punishment?
is updated by the Red Data Book of Russia every 10 years, based on the results of scientific research on endangered species.
And surrenders to us that as soon as to any animal or plant from the book ceases to endanger danger and it is deleted from the "black" list, biologists happily clink glasses with diluted alcohol;
if the first edition of the Russian book included only animals and plants, then in the following added birds, fish, amphibians and other living creatures.
Straight Noah's Ark!
Plants and animals listed in the Red Book of Russia: an amazing number!
From their beauty, the spirit captures: 7 of the most luxurious plants listed in the Red Book of Russia
Of course, violets, geraniums, cacti and other habitual plants will add comfort to your house, but behind this exotic, listed in the Red Book, you need to go further:
You can see it only in the Far East, next to mysterious Asia. And it disappears not so much because of eating herbivorous animals, but because of the fact that it is to the taste of connoisseurs of Chinese cuisine and is considered a delicacy;
- lily-leaved ashlar in the wild enjoys its flowering of Chinese and Japanese, residents of the Russian Far East. The stunning "predatory" coloring of the plant made it a welcome prey for poachers;
saffron is beautiful.
And this name says it all! Yes, saffron is not just a bag of spices, which lies quietly and peacefully in your kitchen cabinet;
tulip dwarfish.
And this plant from the Red Book is not at all the "misfortune" that gloomy muzhiks give to their wives on March 8;
snowdrop flat-bottomed.
The plant is found in the Russian regions bordering North Ossetia and Georgia. It seems that the Georgians have everything - mountains, songs, flowers;
the Martyanov cell.
A modest Tatiana Larina among plants listed in the Red Book;
rhododendron of Schlippenbach.
His homeland chose the south of Primorye. The plant is perhaps the most beautiful member of the Vereskov family in Russia;
Single piece: 10 of the rarest animals listed in the Red Data Book of Russia
If you meet in the wild nature of one of our top 10 rare animals listed in the Red Book of Russia, the honor and respect of zoologists are provided to you:
an Amur tiger.
A stunning beauty animal. It does not spoil even a five-centimeter layer of fat on the stomach, which protects against cold. And no step aerobics and morning runs!
Asian cheetah.
Just think: there are only 10 such animals left in Mother Nature. Another 23 live in zoos in Russia and abroad;
Amur( Far Eastern) leopard.
Leopard print on the dress - a very controversial thing, but in nature - this "lyers".Elegant animal!
a white-necked dolphin.
It is found in the Barents and Baltic seas of Russia. Well, everything - we went to review once again the film "Free Willy" and wipe the tears with a white handkerchief;
sea lion( eared seal).
A sort of kind rubbish, brought in the Red Book, which you are so similar to the weekend, when you decided to rest passively;
Atlantic walrus.
This animal, listed in the Red Book of Russia, does not differ in presentable appearance, but it will amaze you with its size and power;
Caucasian mountain goat( West Caucasian tour).
Looking at this handsome man who has warmed himself on pebbles, we think that they do not offend the enraged wives of their faithful by insulting them with this animal;
Amur Goral.
Outwardly, this animal of the Red Book of Russia resembles a cross between Bambi from a Disney cartoon with an ordinary goat of some grandmother Agafia - very cute!
horse Przewalski.
It turned out that this rare animal, listed in the Red Book of Russia, feels much better without human "care" - several specimens released in the Chernobyl zone have perfectly taken root and gave offspring;
red( mountain) wolf.
The trouble with this animal is that many hunters in Russia take him for a fox and can not tell Patrikeevna from a rare species of wolf listed in the Red Book.
All animals and plants of the Red Data Book of Russia, which are in danger, can be found at the link https: //
15 animals listed in the Red Book that can be seen in Moscow
To the Red Data Book of Moscow( yes, yes, there is one), listeda lot of animals, meeting with them for terry townspeople will be a real adventure:
forest ferret.
If any "wizard forest Olesya" these animals are not surprised, then the native Muscovite - easily. Quickly get your smartphone out of your pocket!
hazel dormouse.
Small animal, not too different from the ferret;
a hare-hare.
It is this eternal hero of Russian folk tales that is listed in the Red Book of Moscow;
a white hare.
Unlike his brother, a hare, he is a real "blond";Brandt's night-nurse and water-maid.
Bats of small size: to harm - they will not harm, but they can scare an impressionable young lady;
- water vole is a close relative of hamsters that are sold in pet stores;
- redheaded vesnitnitsa - another bat that can spoil the nerves of a dark Moscow night;
- forest bat bladder - another "beauty", listed in the Red Book, from the family of bats;
water shrew.
If you do not have weaknesses for mice and moles, then this animal is unlikely to cause emotion in you;
forest mousetrap.
Also does not shine with beauty, but a very rare animal;
brown ears.
A bat with big ears, like a curious neighbor;
two-tone leather.
Mouse volatile, which tries to become "mimic" due to the classic black and white color, but it does not come out very well;
Yeah, the very animal that is funny puffing and will not give up milk. You can choose a foggy morning in the park and shout, scaring the dogs: "Hedgehog, where are you?";
Yes, this animal, listed in the Red Book, beautiful fur, but do not mentally let him on the fur coat. And in general - ecomech( read - artificial) is now in vogue;
So, you should not dream of a fur coat from a poor animal: you are not Madame Gritsatsueva, trying to keep Ostap Bender beside herself.
Plants and animals listed in the Red Book: how are they protected by law in practice?
History No. 1. Withering beauty
Every spring, familiar to the author of the article, begins his annual crusade against grannies selling snowdrops near the market: trying to explain to them that the plant is from the Red Book, tearing it up - this barbarity, and printouts fromInternet tetenkam pokes in the face, where the amount of the penalty for violation of environmental legislation is indicated.
The final chord of this event is a call to the police!
But the guards order only for half an hour disperse traders of rare plants and leave for their terribly important cases. Aunties again sits to trade.
"I remind myself of Don Quixote fighting with windmills, but I can not do it any other way: I want my daughter to see both the snowdrop and other endangered plants, not only in photography, but also walking through the forest" ,- sighs Katya.
From this video you will learn about 10 rare
animals from the Red Book of Russia, which should be taken care of:
Story 2. "Smile, you are removed!"
Another way was the ecoactivists in the Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod: they started publishing photos on social networksonly dealers of plants listed in the Red Book( snowdrops, individual varieties of sage, etc.), but also those who buy such goods.
"A couple of times after we post pictures and videos on which these plants are bought by officials from the city administration( whether to their wives or mistresses), the business of the traders went into recession: who wants to be photographed for buying bannedcolors? And there is no demand - there is no offer, " - rejoices the first successes in the struggle for plant conservation activist Vyacheslav.
Now you can say with the connoisseur's connoisseur that in order for to see plants and animals listed in the Red Book of , it is not necessary to buy a train ticket and rush into a remote taiga - enough on a free evening to trade laptop for a walk somewhere along the parkzone of Moscow and look carefully around.
Believe me - the real life is steeper than even the coolest documentaries from "National Geographic".