Since ancient times, classical fortune-telling has enjoyed immense popularity among different Slavic peoples. A special magical attribute, without which it is impossible to imagine any ritual is a simple candle. This object from wax accompanies us all life - at a christening, wedding, on funeral.
Guessing on wax
Perhaps the most ancient and well-known way to learn about your fate is fortune-telling. This occupation was any entertainment of girls of different classes during the holy week. At this time it was possible to find out their future, to look at the face of their beloved man, etc. As a rule, they guessed at church candles, they supervised the whole process of nannies and experienced sorcerers. During the fortune telling they melted the wax and poured it into a vessel with water, and then deciphered the meaning of the bizarre figures.
How to guess
Candlelight candles can be held not every day, it is better to do it in a special time: the full moon in the week before Easter, after the Trinity, after the Nativity of the Virgin, at Christmas Eve. Divination with wax became popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. For the purity of the ritual, you should choose not paraffin candles, but wax ones, becauseOnly they possess energy-specific special properties. It is also desirable for fortune-telling to take thawed or baptismal water, the structure of which can be modified under the influence of freezing.
On wax and water
Casting or fortune-telling with the help of wax is a classic method of fortune telling, known since antiquity. The method is accessible to any person, and it does not require special training. Choosing objects for the ritual, you need to be more careful. The candle should be taken large, so that it burned for at least an hour. Only from such quantity of wax mass it is possible to receive the optimum information. In addition to candles for doing divination, you will need:
- matches or a lighter;
- dining room spoon;
- wide capacity or cup with cold water.
Carrying out the ritual:
- Rubbing the candle on the grater.
- Take a small handful and put it in a spoon.
- Pour cold water into the container. We light a match or lighter.
- We do not strong fire.
- Preliminary formulate the request.
- Melt the wax correctly until liquid and sharply pour into the water.
- There will be wax figures, which will be the answer to the question.
- We consider what happened in the water, and look for the meaning of the symbols.
- For greater effect, you can put a small mirror on the bottom of the vessel. It is necessary to pour water over it. Mirror will not give information to disperse in different directions, the figure will be clear.
On the mirror and candles
Fortune telling with mirrors is considered the most terrible, it can only hold a brave girl. Before the battle you need to remove all the extra from the table. Fortune-telling must be one. By midnight for this purpose it is locked in a room or in a bath. In the twilight of the mirror surface, with such a ritual, one can consider the face of one's sucker. For fortune-telling on a candle with a mirror, you will need:
- two or three large mirrors;
- two candles;
- matches.
Carrying out the ritual:
- It is necessary to take mirrors for divination and install them one against another.
- We light the candles.
- We illuminate the mirrors with candles from one and the other edge.
- It is better to keep one mirror opposite to two lighted ones so that a long corridor is formed.
- It is necessary to stare fixedly in the mirror, aiming your gaze at the end of the corridor.
- It is believed that in this galley you can see your man.
Meaning of figures and the interpretation of symbols
Symbol of divination | Meaning of |
elephant | warns against errors you will regret |
turtle | happy family life |
flower | a good sign that symbolizes harmony or a joyous event |
duck | sign symbolizing luck in all matters |
heart | new novel, marriage, love |
rose | love |
bear | symbol that in life it's time to change something |
lion | confidence, strength, reliability |
swan | serene coexistence |
cat | betrayal of a friend |
horse | symbol of internal strength, excitement, determination |
snake | talks about danger, about insidious enemies |
hare | unpleasant situation |
dragon | will willpower if it is - then everything conceived will come true |
tree | ifbranches are turned upwards - joy;if down - an unpleasant event |
fungus | is a good sign that heralds a surprise |
embryo | new stage of life: pregnancy, relationships, new work, hobbies |
female | instability |
protein | need to make cash reserves |
angel | harbinger of good news |
dog | you have a loyal friend who can be trusted |
fish | warning about betrayal or possible pregnancy |
bird | good news |
butterfly | happy luckene in life |
rope | difficulties in life |
fork | traitor in close environment |
apple | material prosperity |