Radio waves have long been used in medicine with a therapeutic and diagnostic purpose, there are various instrumentation generators for this radiation. In the gynecological practice the device "Surgitron" is used, with the help of which it is possible to remove various pathological formations, to cauterize the tissues. The work is based on the action of radio waves on cells, which differs from that of an electric current or laser. The most commonly used "Surgutron" for solving problems of the cervix uteri - removal of erosions, polyps, dysplasia, etc.
- 1 Why the cervical erosion should be removed
- 2 Advantages of the Surgutron device
- 3 Contraindications to cauterization of erosion
- 4 Preparation for cauterization of erosion by "Surgitron"
- 5 How the treatment of erosion "Surgitron" is performed
- 5.1 Procedure procedure
- 5.2 Restrictions after cauterization by "Sulgitron"
- 6 Consequences after cauterization of erosion by Surgutron
- 6.1 Discharge after cauterization
- 6.2 Pain sensations
- 6.3 Can erosion after cauterization remain
- 6.4 Will cervical erosion return
- 7 Prevention of cervical erosion after cauterization by "Surgitron"
Why erosion of the cervix should be removed
Cervical erosion is a pathological ulceration of its surface. In gynecological practice, this term is also often used to mean ectopy, cicatricial deformity, erosive ectropion, and some other pathological foci. The tactics of keeping all of them approximately the same. Ignoring any such problem can lead to serious, even oncological diseases afterwards. Some require years to develop, others several months. Of the main effects of erosion, the following can be identified:
- The continuous presence of an inflammatory process on the cervix ultimately leads to leukoplakia, dysplasia, polyps and cancer. These processes can be combined or transformed into more malignant forms.
- Chronic inflammatory process on the cervix will provoke permanent colpitis( for example, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, etc.).
- During erosion, bloody discharge may occur during or after sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that the vessels and cervical cells are subject to all kinds of influences. Even non-bullying intimate relationships will further injure the surface.
- The risk of contracting HIV from a partner, hepatitis and other similar infections in girls with erosion is higher. And in the opposite direction as well - from man to woman. This is because microbes and viruses do not have to pass through the barrier - a healthy epithelium that does not exist. They immediately fall into the blood.
- In childbirth, the risk of injury and rupture of the cervix with erosion is an order of magnitude higher than that of a healthy one.
- A constant inflammatory process in the cervical canal can cause infertility. Infection can penetrate further - into the uterine cavity, appendages, leading to new complications and diseases.
We recommend reading the article about the consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion. From it you will learn about what happens to the neck after erosion elimination, the time necessary for healing, and also about the rehabilitation period.
And here it is more detailed about when it is better to cauterize erosion.
Advantages of the Surgutron device
The operation of the Surgutron apparatus is based on the radio wave effect on the cells. With this radiation, the tissues begin to resist, giving off a large amount of heat. As a result, the intracellular fluid evaporates and the cells "fall off".This is the process of dissecting( cutting) and removing pathological foci. And radio waves do not spread deep into the tissue, so nearby structures are not injured.
The main advantages of this treatment are the following:
- Extremely low thermal tissue damage.
- Healthy tissues remain intact.
- Moxibustion on the apparatus "Surgitron" is not very painful. This is due to the fact that the radio waves simultaneously coagulate the nerve endings, and the impulse no longer comes from this place.
- This effect leads to the death of the pathogenic flora in the outbreak, which is extremely important for the subsequent healing. This is a kind of local sterilizing effect.
- After cauterization by radio waves, there is no coarse rumen left. Therefore, the method is suitable even for girls who have not yet given birth or are planning a pregnancy. The probability of ruptures and injuries of the cervix after treatment with "Surgitron" is minimal.
- The risk of bleeding during and after the procedure is extremely small, as there is a coagulation of the vessels during the cauterization.
- The procedure takes a little time - about 15 - 20 minutes.
- Operations using radio waves can be performed on an outpatient basis with minimal analgesia and preparation.
Look at the video on the procedure for cauterization "Surgitron":
Contraindications for cauterization of erosion
As with any other method, the implementation of radio wave treatment should be approached with all indications and contraindications. The main limitations are as follows:
- Do not burn the erosion or other manipulations with Surgutron if there are any inflammatory diseases in the cervix and uterine cavity, the vagina. On the eve of the procedure, a comprehensive examination is conducted: a smear for flora, PCR and ELISA for STIs and others.
- It is necessary to take into account the technique of conducting radio wave cauterization and not to be performed in patients with pacemakers.
- Moxibustion should not be carried out with a pregnancy suspected or during pregnancy. That's why the manipulation is planned in the first half of the cycle.
- Caution is necessary to carry out the procedure if dysplastic elements are found in a biopsy or in smears from the cervix. In this situation, radio wave treatment can be used only after a thorough examination.
- Moxibustion should not be carried out during exacerbations of chronic diseases, as well as in ARVI, etc.
Preparation before cauterization of erosion by "Surgitron"
In order for the manipulation to take place without any complications, it is necessary to undergo a certain volume of examination on the eve of moxibustion. Approximately it includes the following:
- General gynecological examination for the detection of concomitant pathology.
- Colposcopy study to clarify the pathology and determine the boundaries for removal.
- Smear for cytology or PAP test to exclude dysplasia, leukoplakia, cancer.
- STI screening. The minimal spectrum is chlamydia, myco-and ureaplasma, HPV and HSV.
- Smear from the posterior vaginal vault to the flora on the eve of the moxibustion.
- In certain situations, there is a need for biopsy. For example, if you suspect or detect dysplasia to clarify the depth of the process and exclude cervical cancer.
- From general surveys, you may need a blood test, urine, biochemical profile.
How is the treatment of erosion "Surgitron"
The procedure for treatment with radio waves takes an average of 7 - 10 minutes. It can be carried out both out-patient and in-patient. To influence "Surgutron" on the cervix follows in the first half of the cycle, preferably on the 5th - 7th day. So until the next month's tissues have time to almost completely heal.
Procedure of
The woman is placed on a gynecological chair, as in the usual examination. In addition, colposcopy can be performed.
Afterwards, the external genitalia and vagina are treated with an antiseptic solution. If necessary, local anesthesia is performed( spray with lidocaine or injections of medication into the cervix). In some cases, intravenous analgesia may be performed, which also does not pose a danger to the woman.
The doctor then selects the attachments necessary for the device( loop, knife, etc.) and performs excision of the tissues. Cone-shaped excision of erosion is often used, when tissues are removed as much as possible from the outside and minimally inside.
Restrictions after cauterization of "Sulgitron"
Radiowave therapy of cervix uteri is a surgical intervention. Therefore, there is a rehabilitation period for the full healing of the cervical tissue, about a month. At this time, the following recommendations should be observed:
- It is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for 30 to 40 days before the full epithelization of the cervix.
- You can not put tampons, perform douches or other similar manipulations.
- It is not recommended to take hot baths for a month, go to baths, saunas, etc.
- Should be limited to the extent possible from physical exertion.
These are the main recommendations. If necessary, the doctor will indicate additional restrictions.
Consequences after cauterization of erosion by Surgutron
Cauterization of the cervix, whatever it is performed, implies destruction of tissues and the formation of a new layer of cells. Therefore, inevitable certain consequences during the rehabilitation period.
Allocations after cauterization
After cauterization, a woman still for 2 - 3 weeks may notice a different degree of severity of vaginal discharge. At first they will be serous-hemorrhagic in nature( with an admixture of blood), gradually acquiring a mucous consistency, possibly with a yellowish or whitish hue.
On the pathology indicates the following:
- Copious spotting. This is a direct evidence of bleeding. In such a situation it is necessary to apply for emergency medical care - it is necessary to put seams to stop it.
- Abundant puffy discharge( yellowish or greenish hue) that appear when the infection is attached.
Painful sensations
The appearance of pain directly depends on the threshold of sensitivity of a woman. Some do not notice any unpleasant sensations at all, while others must constantly take medication. In any case, the doctor always warns about possible pain symptoms in the lower abdomen, lower back, sacrum, etc.
Can erosion after cauterization remain
Many women are worried whether radio wave cervical therapy will help get rid of the problem forever, how many times will it have to be performed. It all depends on the size of the erosion, the experience of the doctor and the equipment. The following options are:
- If the surface of the cervix is almost completely involved in the process. In this case, there is a probability that there will be an erosion site.
- Also part of the focus after burning can be preserved if the cervix has pronounced scar changes, for example, after birth gaps.
- If erosion after cauterization has not completely gone away, most likely, initially the method was not chosen correctly, and it would be better to choose something more radical.
Will cervical erosion return
An exciting question is when it is necessary to do the moxibustion, so that you do not have to repeat it again. Erosion of the cervix can return anew in the following situations:
- After delivery, as new tears and deformations may appear, which will contribute to the formation of erosion.
- After injuries, for example, if curettage, abortion, etc. are repeatedly performed.
- If the entire eroded surface was not originally removed.
Prevention of cervical erosion after cauterization by "Surgitron"
It is not always possible to prevent the re-occurrence of erosion after cauterization. Nevertheless, one should follow the recommendations:
- If possible, the procedure should be followed after all desired delivery. But if a large gap is planned between them, or erosion has a decent size, some complications, treatment should not be postponed.
- It is necessary to undergo regular examinations at the gynecologist and be screened for STIs, to treat the infection on time in case of detection.
- If the birth is due after the cauterization of radio waves, a woman should especially carefully try to comply with all the recommendations of doctors and midwives in the process. This can reduce the likelihood of ruptures and the subsequent formation of erosion.
And here is more about cauterization of the cervix with liquid nitrogen.
Radio wave surgery is widely used in many fields of medicine. This is due to a number of its undeniable advantages. Excision( cauterization) of cervical erosion in this way is an effective, safe and in many cases the preferred method of treatment. But it should be performed according to strict indications and after careful examination by a specialist.