White gold of Asia for health and harmony or a fasting day on rice

For what we can appreciate rice?

  • Why is rice useful to full people?
  • Contraindications to a fasting day on rice
  • Legends and interesting information about rice
  • How to arrange unloading on rice?
  • Excess weight and poor digestion in our time have become more relevant than ever before. Thanks to a busy work day, the presence of a fast food cafe, the habit of snacking on the go, trying to catch everything and everywhere, the health of modern man has been shaken. To help the body take off the shackles of extra pounds and improve the condition, you need to arrange a day of unloading on rice.

    Figs were known even in ancient times
    Why rice is well suited to solve a number of problems, for which it is so valued in countries that have an ancient and rich culture, why it is called white gold, all this will be described below. But, first of all, it is necessary to say the following: if you have various diseases in the body, you feel bad, then never start to carry out various manipulations with your body without consulting a doctor. You may not know about hidden ailments, the causes of the same excess weight, and therefore the consequences can be serious.
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    Why can we appreciate rice?

    We should value the rump for its composition, which is a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins.80% of them are the necessary complex carbohydrates. In rice there is also a protein, which is a building component for our body, it is composed of 8%.There are also amino acids, which are eight.

    Rice helps to lose weight and normalize digestion

    For information! Despite the fact that there is protein in rice, but there is no gluten( complex protein) in the composition. It can cause people allergic reactions, for which the croup is valued even more.

    Of course, one can not help but notice that if you do a day of unloading on rice, then it will be much easier to transfer, because the grain is very nutritious. Such unloading can be available for most, rather than, for example, juice or kefir unloading days. A fiber in the composition helps to improve digestion, which also leads to rapid assimilation of nutrients and purification, and this stimulates the removal of excess body weight.

    Note! Fiber in rice is not so much - about 3%.Therefore, it is best to eat together with vegetables. This will give the body energy and health, harmony. Also rice is recognized as one of the best products for baby food. Of course, rice contains vitamins. And this is one of the most important elements that we need. So, the croup contains a lot of B vitamins. It is this category that helps our nervous system, stimulates it and soothes it. Lecithin improves brain activity. By right, rice can be called food for the mind. Minerals in the composition are potassium, which is necessary for our cardiovascular system, as well as calcium - the structure of the skeleton, the beauty of hair, nails, and dental health. But this is not all, since rice contains also iodine, iron, phosphorus, zinc.

    Why is rice useful to full people?

    People with overweight in the body have a lot of excess fluid. The first attempts to lose weight can give quick results, but this is due to the removal of water. Rice contributes to this elimination of the liquid, because, getting into the body, it comes into contact with sodium( salt) and displays its excess. Namely, salt keeps water in the body. Of course, this ability of cereals can help those people who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary tract.

    Rice will return harmony and starve

    Also, rice is indispensable for those who have stomach diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers, increased acidity. Due to its enveloping ability, the croup acts gently on the diseased organ, stimulates its proper functioning. This leads, in turn, to a smooth cleansing, does not allow to linger over unnecessary harmful substances, which for the organism are intoxication, fatty deposits. And, of course, rice is nice, it is delicious, hearty, and the feeling of hunger does not come long, if you use cereals in the diet and for a rice-free day.

    Warning! Rice strengthens the intestine if it is used in excessive amounts, so you can not eat it if you have frequent constipation. But the rice broth will help to cope quickly with diarrhea and diarrhea.

    It is also worth noting that many people who have decided to lose weight face other problems. And the feeling of hunger is not the main one. The fact is that the appearance begins to suffer, the nails get spoiled, hair can fall out, the skin becomes dull, the muscle mass goes along with the fat. As a result, stretch marks, flabbiness, and tissue sagging may appear. The consumption of rice and vegetables plus training helps to avoid all these negative manifestations. Muscles and tissues are held in a tone, the body is full of energy, the skin acquires a healthy shine. At the same time, a person does not want that does not lead to stress, which can also cause problems with digestion, skin, and provoke various diseases, aggravate chronic ones.

    Contraindications to a fasting day on rice

    As mentioned above, you can not arrange a rice day and eat constantly the product for those who suffer from constipation. For the same reason, it is not possible for those who suffer from hemorrhoids, which provoke constipation. You can not arrange unloading without the knowledge of the doctor and those who have different diseases in the chronic stage. You can provoke an exacerbation.

    Unloading can not be done by all

    Pregnancy and lactemia are not contraindications, but again a woman at this stage of life should not be lured by self-medication, sit on diets and arrange unloading days, perform other manipulations with health, without first consulting specialists.

    Important! White rice is a croup processed. It is useful, but not as dark rice or steamed. Therefore, for treatment and for weight loss, it is better to choose species that have undergone minimal treatment, namely they are of maximum benefit to our body.

    Legends and interesting information about rice

    Rice is a very old culture. Different sources say that there are very old mentions of croup, which some scientists date to the Stone Age. There are also relatively earlier information, which are 2800 years before our era, and they are in the valuable ancient writings of China. The homeland of rice is called by different sources and China, and Indonesia, and Thailand, and Korea, and even Siberia.

    Culture was previously included in the number of sacred, as well as wheat, soy, millet, barley. Rice was called in different ways - "Food of the Gods", "White Gold", "Saracen millet".In our technocratic world, groats are one of the main products for 70% of the world's population.

    Even the ancient people composed the legends about the croup

    Of course, there is a beautiful legend about rice. Precisely to say no one can, where such a legend originates, but the essence of the legend is as follows. Once the sky was lower to the ground. The gods could easily come to mortals, and people, especially enlightened people, could visit the heavens. And then one day a young man got to heaven from the ground. A simple mortal was treated with boiled rice, why he came in delight.

    The young man realized that the people of the land should also eat this valuable product, but here the guardians of the heavens said that this food is only for the gods. The young man was upset and returned to earth, but the idea of ​​giving rice to people did not leave. Then he noticed that there were many cracks on his feet, and he again went to heaven, and with the help of these very cracks on the soles brought grain to fertile land. Since then, people have eaten the food of the gods.

    How to arrange unloading on rice?

    So, it's time to move from words to deeds. Next, several options will be presented, which are considered one of the best and most effective among all rice unloading days for weight loss.

    Options for unloading on rice are many

    Option one: rice and kefir

    • Breakfast is a rice decoction, which is prepared from a glass of rice and water. Decoction is also a drink in a glass. Then drink the same kefir. It is best to take 1%.Kefir is not more than 750 grams per day. You can have breakfast for breakfast and just rice porridge on the water, with cinnamon and a spoonful of tea honey.
    • Lunch - you can eat a little rice, drink a rice broth, to which add greens, caraway seeds or garlic.
    • Dinner - should be no later than seven in the evening. There is a possible next dish - put a glass of yogurt, four tablespoons of boiled rice and some vanilla. After that, everything is whipped and eaten. Also for a day you need to drink a lot of liquid, supplement the diet with the remaining volume of kefir.

    Option two: Water and rice

    • Breakfast - steamed rice, which for the day you need to eat no more than 400 grams. Therefore divide the reception into equal shares. In the groats you can add coriander or parsley. Water should be drunk as much as possible, but not with food, so that the gastric juice is not diluted.
    • Lunch - rice soup is made on onion-garlic broth. Rice should be taken no more than 2.5 spoonfuls. You can pour the groats into broth.
    • Dinner - again rice. The remaining volume. Spices are also placed here, which will accelerate metabolism. Also drink a lot of water. For a day you should drink from 2 to 3 liters.

    Variant the third: unloading on milk and rice

    This is a very effective day for slimming, as milk will promote quick, yet gentle cleansing. The bottom line is simple: you need to cook rice in water, enough for five servings. You will eat them during the day. Milk is taken for a day in the volume of liter, but necessarily low-fat. The maximum percentage is 2.5.At the same time, milk is not drunk during the day as a drink, but poured into them cooked rice, that is, a liter is divided into five equal parts.

    Also during any unloading days you can drink water in any volume without adding sugar, you can drink a decoction on herbs or green tea. Rice with milk can be served in the form of a casserole, which is made in the oven. Breakfast - cook rice in apples. For this, two apples and two spoons of rice are taken. We take out the fruit from the fruits and put the groats there, after which we bake for 7-10 minutes. Put the rice into the apples slightly boiled. You can also pour cinnamon here.
  • Lunch - rice is combined with apples in the form of a salad. You can add other fruits and berries. Rice in ready form we take about a glass. As a seasoning, you can take lemon juice.
  • Dinner - two apples bake and mash.100 grams of rice cook. We connect the ingredients and put a little ginger and cinnamon.
  • Variant the fifth: unloading on rice and vegetables

    • Breakfast - take rice and vegetables in a 1: 5 ratio. We prepare the casserole. That is, you can make tomato paste and pour boiled rice, add greenery, stewed eggplants here. You can eat everything and separately.
    • Lunch - a glass of boiled rice and a salad. For him, you can take cucumbers, rukkola, avocado and pour a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
    • Dinner - stuffed with rice pepper. To do this, take two peppers, put rice, greens, carrots, garlic in a crushed form. The dish is in the oven for 5-7 minutes. After that, a green onion is added.

    Each of these unloading days on rice and related products have a good effect, because lactic acid products have a good effect on digestion and intestines, fruits and vegetables purify cells, rejuvenate and saturate the body and skin. Doing once a day for a week of unloading, you will notice the results already in the first month.

    Unloading days are necessary for our body, as we infect it with harmful food and drink day in and day out. To the body did not fail, and the body does not begin to grow stiff, purification is necessary. And these five recipes are a great option.

    • Mar 21, 2018
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