In order to understand the cause, due to which the nerve is inflamed, it is necessary to deal with the dental structure. The outer layer of the tooth is enamel, which protects against damage and germs. Under it is the dentin. In the center is a pulp with a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels.
The number of large nerves is similar to the number of root processes. In the pulp, small nerve fibers are collected in a peculiar tangle. For this reason, if the nerve is chilled, acute pains occur. They say that a serious health problem has arisen, which can not be delayed.
Contents of
- The nerve does not tolerate excessive exposure from outside
- Causes of inflammation
- Symptoms of the chilled nerve
- Assisting
- First aid at home
- Preventive measures
Nerve does not suffer undue exposure from outside
With adverse effects of external factors on the dental nerve and colds of the tooth, a numbercomplications, for example, there may be pulpitis - inflammation of the nerve.
Disease occurs when pathogenic microorganisms enter the pulp. It is they that cause inflammatory processes, accompanied by severe pulsatile pain, which increases with mechanical or thermal impact on the affected area.
Often pulpitis spreads beyond the tooth root. Then there is a periodontitis - an inflammation of tissues surrounding a tooth.
In addition, the chilled nerve can affect the onset of periostitis.
Flux is accompanied by:
- cone with pus in the gum area;
- acute pain, spreading not only to the affected tooth, but also to the entire jaw, neck and head;
- swelling of the cheek, lower eyelid, lips;
- worsening health;
- temperature increase;
- with reddening of the gums.
Causes of inflammation
When closed, the internal tissues of the tooth are practically sterile. When there is damage to the tooth enamel, sterility is compromised.
Inflammation of the nerve can begin because of a number of external factors and accompanying pathologies of the tooth surface. The main ones are:
- Caries , in which the dentin is destroyed before the pulp. This occurs in neglected cases.
- Injury to tooth of mechanical nature. These are: chipped, broken, fractured.
- If the tooth is not sharpened during the installation of the orthodontic construction.
Symptoms of a chilled nerve
The most common symptom for a cold of the tooth is pain. It is characterized by an intolerable, spilled, tearing character.
Sometimes it is not possible to determine the location of the localization. The pain becomes more intense with mechanical impact on the tooth.
Pain syndrome is due to severe swelling of the pulp. It is he who squeezes the nerve.
Like any pathological process taking place in the body, a cold nerve is better treated by a specialist.
In case if during self-diagnosis a person makes wrong conclusions and carries out independent incorrect treatment, the disease, the symptoms of which are similar to the symptoms of a chilled nerve, will only progress.
It is impossible to cure a serious illness with ordinary rinses or to endure it with anesthetic. In addition, it should be remembered that not always can help warmers and dental drops. In some cases, these funds can only cause harm.
Folk remedies, which are so loved by many, can only be used after consultation with a specialist. Only a doctor can correctly assess the situation and choose the right direction in treatment.
Dentists strongly recommend not resorting to some remedies that can only damage the damaged nerve and tooth in general:
- Do not use warming compresses , they can exacerbate the situation and cause harm. With severe pain, can bandage the cheek with a toothache with a woolen shawl. The heat that he will give will be enough to relieve the pain.
- Do not take antibiotics .An inflamed nerve is not a disease in which antibacterial treatment is required.
- For a couple of hours before admission to the dentist , you should refrain from using painkillers .These drugs make diagnosis difficult.
First aid at home
It is best to seek help from a dentist who will choose the most effective method of treatment. If, for some reason, there is no way to contact a doctor, you can use some of the methods of alternative medicine to ease the condition.
So, what can be done at home to relieve symptoms if the tooth becomes chilled:
- Make a small ball of , moisten it with alcohol and attach to a sick tooth .It is necessary to try, that cotton wool was located exclusively on the tooth surface, without getting on the gum. Otherwise, you can get a burn.
- Another very effective folk remedy is fat .You can use both a salty and fresh product. On the area near the patient tooth must be applied a small piece of fat. Keep it should be about 20 minutes. After a while, the pain will subside.
- Add five drops of Chlorhexidine to a glass of warm water. Rinse the mouth with the resulting composition three times a day.
- To relieve the pain, take a fresh sheet of sorrel and chew it.
- Take 25 grams of birch buds and pour them with 100 grams of alcohol. Insist the drug is recommended for about 10 days. After that, in the obtained composition, moisten the cotton wool and put it on the sore spot.
- Cut the garlic head in half and apply one piece to the gum of the aching tooth. This procedure is very unpleasant, after it can burn the gums, but the pain disappears almost immediately.
- Add to a glass of boiling water chicory spoon .Let it brew for 10 hours. When a toothache occurs, rinse the mouth with this remedy.
- Carnation and oil based on it very often used in dentistry as a natural anesthetic drug. If the tooth has no visible damage, the cotton wool soaked in oil is applied to the gum, if there is a carious cavity, it is placed directly in it.
- Make a decoction of several tablespoons of sage. Allow the medium to cool. Before use, the formulation should be diluted with warm water. The best result can be obtained by treating the oral cavity every half hour. Sage can calm pain, remove discomfort, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.
- Add to the boiling water five teaspoons of crushed willow bark .Dilute with water before use. The procedures are carried out once every two hours. Willow has an analgesic effect, and also removes inflammation.
- You can rinse your mouth with an aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution .This tool will not only help eliminate germs, but will also stop the inflammatory process and remove the bacterial plaque.
- In tepid water dilute a teaspoon of soda. This remedy should be treated with the mouth about 5 times a day.
- Grind dried plant cat's foot .Make a roll of cigarette paper, pour in powder from the plant. Burn and draw smoke into the mouth. Do not inhale it into the lungs. When tightening, the smoke should be in the oral cavity for as long as possible. After a while, the pain will decrease significantly.
Preventative measures
In most cases, the symptom of a chilled tooth is a complication of caries. This is explained by the fact that any negative factor begins to directly affect the nerve, provided that the tooth is broken integrity of the tissues.
That is why the best preventive methods in the fight against this disease will be timely treatment and periodic examinations at the dentist. You also need to carefully monitor the hygiene of the mouth, use a floss to remove food debris from the teeth. This will help prevent the development of caries.
In addition, it should be remembered that it is possible to catch a nerve even under adverse weather conditions. Cold weather and wind often become the cause of this problem.
That's why it's so important to carefully choose clothes that will fully protect from bad weather.