Clay for the skin of the face: what from what, recipes

  • Varieties clay
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Useful properties of clay
  • Terms of Use
  • Application kaolin
  • Recipes of blue clay
  • Using green mineral powder
  • Recipes from red clay
  • Application pink clay
  • Recipes from yellow clay
  • black clay in the home of cosmetology
  • Application of gray mineral powder

Clay is an ancient cosmetic product. Different types of it differ not only in color but also in properties. The composition of this product includes minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin condition. Clay for the face is very popular, because it deeply cleanses, moisturizes, restores the structure of the dermis, smoothes wrinkles. In order for its best properties to manifest themselves in full, it is necessary to choose the right version of it and combine it with other components.

Kinds of clay

To know exactly which clay to choose, it is necessary to have information about its mineral composition. Visually the powders differ in color, this is due to their origin.

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Types of cosmetic clay:

  1. White( kaolin).Composition: kaolinite, silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium. This is the most popular variety, it perfectly cleanses and whitens. Softly operates, does not scratch an integument, therefore a powder often add in children's cosmetics. Kaolin takes as a basis for the manufacture of masks for cleansing, whitening, drying and nourishing the skin. From it create medicinal ointments and pastes, add it to dry deodorants and powders.
  2. Blue. The main components are cobalt, cadmium. Also, the powder is rich in silicon, calcium, nitrogen, phosphate, magnesium, potassium. The hydrogen index is 7.2.The main purpose in cosmetology: purification, disinfection, stimulation of local blood flow.
  3. Green( glauconitic).The main component is iron oxide. In addition, the powder is rich in silver, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper phosphorus, molybdenum and cobalt. Properties: purification, normalization of metabolic processes.
  4. Gray. This is a very rare species that has a unique mineral composition. The main functions are cleansing and whitening.
  5. Black. In this clay a lot of magnesium, iron, strontium, potassium. The main purpose - the establishment of fat metabolism, purification.
  6. Red. This variety is rich in iron oxide and copper. Softly acts, removes irritation, restores.
  7. Pink. The main substance is silicon. Excellent nourishes, moisturizes, disinfects.
  8. Yellow( bentonite).Ingredients - iron oxide, potassium, magnesium, etc. Tones, smooths the color.

Indications and contraindications

Cosmetic clay has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves its appearance. Clay, problems and varieties of minerals used:

  • Acne rash( kaolin, blue, yellow).
  • Pigmented spots( blue).
  • Oily skin, wide pores( kaolin, blue).
  • Dry skin( glauconitic, gray, red).
  • Sensitive type( red).
  • Mimic and deep wrinkles( kaolin, blue, glauconite or red clay).

For a beneficial effect on the epidermis, select the clay, taking into account the type of skin and the problems present.

Clay is a natural, natural substance that does not in itself cause an allergic reaction. Contraindications, rather, refer to the additional components that are part of the cosmetic. And therefore, first of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition of the powder, and if there are components that cause allergies, do not use the remedy. Before use, test the sensitivity.

Useful properties of clay

To determine which clay is better for the face, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties. Minerals have different effects on the epidermis, it depends on their composition.

Kaolin( white powder) has such properties:

  • absorbs excess fat, dries the skin;
  • reduces the wide pores;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • brightens the face, fights freckles, pigmented spots;
  • tones up;
  • smoothes, tightens.

The blue powder is rich in mineral salts and valuable elements, due to which it:

  • eliminates inflammation;
  • deeply cleans;
  • absorbs excess fat;
  • levels the complexion;
  • tones up;
  • rejuvenates;
  • removes pigmentation spots and freckles;
  • regulates skin metabolism;
  • stimulates local blood flow.

So, if the question arises, what clay is suitable for oily skin of the face, then it is better to choose the blue one.

Properties of a green mineral powder:

  • restores the hydrobalance of dry and stiff skin;
  • tightens the contour of the face;
  • softens, smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves local blood flow;
  • levels the color of the epidermis.

Green clay can be mixed with blue. In addition, they can be mutually replaced, since their properties are very similar.

Red powder is indispensable for owners of sensitive skin type:

  • relieves inflammation when skin peels, blushes and itches;
  • softens, tones up;
  • saturates with useful substances;
  • regulates the hydrobalance;
  • smoothes, tightens;
  • removes excess fluid from the intercellular space;
  • improves blood circulation and cellular metabolism;
  • the contour of the face becomes more clear.

Properties of pink mineral powder:

  • smoothes, rejuvenates, tightens;
  • softens, nourishes;
  • moisturizes.

Yellow clay - the best option for combined or fatty type of dermis:

  • removes toxic substances from the intercellular space;
  • deeply cleans;
  • eliminates inflammation( acne);
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • tones up, refreshes;
  • rejuvenates.

Functions of black clay:

  • absorbs toxic substances, impurities;
  • reduces pores;
  • absorbs excess fat;
  • eliminates acne.

Black - nourishes dry skin, dries greasy.

If the skin is of a dry type, then it is worth giving preference to gray clay. Its main properties are humidification, enrichment, nutrition.

Terms of Use

  1. Metal tableware is not suitable for mixing a clay mask, the mixture will spoil a few minutes after cooking. Use for mixing glass, ceramic or plastic dishes.
  2. The consistency of the mask should be creamy, use clean, cool water to dilute it. Make sure that all the lumps are dissolved.
  3. Before applying the mixture, wash your face with warm water and soap to allow the pores to open.
  4. Apply clay mask to dry skin.
  5. Make sure that the mixture does not fall on the area near the eyes, since the skin is thin and there is very little fat on it.
  6. If you have a dry type of skin, wash off the mask after 5 minutes, if normal or sensitive - after 10 minutes, and if greasy, then after 20 minutes.
  7. To rinse out the mask, moisten the skin with warm water, gently remove the remnants of the mixture with a cotton swab or napkin. Apply a good moisturizer to your face.

cream. If you have oily, normal or sensitive skin, then repeat the procedure every 7 days, and if dry, 1 time in 2 weeks.

Application of kaolin

Often this white mineral is used for the epidermis of fatty type.

  • To prepare a classic mask, take 20 grams of clay and boiled water, stir the powder to the density of sour cream. If the pores are wide, then instead of water, use tomato juice.
  • To remove pimples, use aloe juice and mineral water as a liquid component( in half).
  • For bleaching skin, dilute 20 g of clay in the juice of cucumber or parsley. The mask can be enriched with lemon juice.
  • If you have a fatty type of epidermis, take 20 grams of clay, 50 ml of curdled milk, a couple of twigs of parsley, 5 ml of lemon juice. Chop the parsley, mix the ingredients to the consistency of sour cream, apply to the skin. Make sure that the layer is loose.
  • With acne, dilute 20 g of kaolin in 30 ml of vodka and 5 ml of an extract of aloe.
  • Mask for dry skin type: take 20 g clay, the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, 45 ml of milk. Mix the ingredients to a creamy consistency.
  • Tightening mask: dilute 20 g of powder in milk, add 5 g of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly, treat the skin.
  • To feed and moisturize the normal type of epidermis, you need to prepare the following mixture. Ingredients: 120 g banana puree, 20 g clay, a little sour cream and any vegetable oil. Mix until the sour cream is thick, if the mass is too thick, add a little water.

Recipes from blue clay

  • Deep Cleansing: Take 40 grams of clay and the same amount of rice flour. Sift the dry ingredients, dilute with boiled water.
  • To remove acne, take 60 ml of a classic clay mask( 20 g of powder diluted with water until the density of sour cream), 30 ml of vodka, 5 ml of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients, treat the face with a mixture.
  • Mask for normal skin type: 60 g clay, 30 g oatmeal, 20 g starch, 5 g of burnt alum. Mix the dry ingredients, add boiled water until a creamy mixture is obtained. Use only cold water to flush the mask.
  • Mask made of clay for the face from acne. Dilute 20 g of powder in rose water to the density of sour cream.
  • Mask for aging skin.

    Take chamomile, lime, lavender, sage for 10 g, pour boiling water to the consistency of the cream, let it brew, after 10 minutes add clay to get a thick mixture. Divide it in half, heat one part in a water bath and cool the other. Both mixtures must be laid out on different pieces of gauze, folded in half or four times( depending on the density of the tissue).Cover the eyes with cotton wool. First, put a warm mixture on your face, and after 5 minutes - cold, which you need to sustain the same amount of time. Then wash yourself.

Use of green mineral powder

  • Cleansing clay mask for any skin type. Take 25 g of powder, 10 g of dry yeast, 1 medium cucumber. Grind cucumber on grater, add dry ingredients, mix thoroughly. Treat the skin.
  • To clean the oily skin, mix 60 g of powder, 5 ml of hazelnut oil, 5 ml of mineral water.
  • To remove irritation, you need to prepare a soothing mask. Mix 60 g clay, 5 ml olive oil and the same chamomile broth. Suitable for sensitive and dry type of epidermis.
  • To eliminate red spots and acne, dilute 15 grams of clay in boiled water to the consistency of sour cream, add 5 drops of rosemary oil. Lubricate only the problem areas with the mixture.
  • Rejuvenating mask. Mix 5 grams of clay, 40 g of starch, yolk, 20 ml of sour cream, 10 ml of olive or almond oil, 5 drops of vitamin A. Treat the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Recipes from red clay

  • Calm and soften the skin with the following mask. Dilute the clay in milk until the cream is thick, add 5 ml of aloe juice.
  • You can whiten the skin with clay and strawberry. Fold a pair of medium berries, add 40 g clay and 5 ml sour cream. Mix thoroughly, apply on face.
  • Vitamin mixture helps to eliminate the rash, lighten and tighten the skin, make it more radiant. Grind a handful of berries, add 20 g clay and a little sour cream. The proportions can be slightly adjusted so that the mass has a consistency of sour cream.
  • Apricot mask softens, tones, smoothes the skin. Peel, grind a couple of apricots, add clay. Treat the face.
  • Exfoliating mask. Mix 20 g clay with the same amount of flour, dilute the dry ingredients with milk. Apply on the face with massage movements, continue to massage for 3-5 minutes.
  • Food, whitening, rejuvenation is possible with the following mask. Dilute 20 g of clay in cold carrot juice, add 17 g of cottage cheese, 5 ml of honey. Stir thoroughly, treat the skin.
  • Very effective tomato and red clay for the face from acne. Take one medium tomato, peel, grind in a blender, add clay to make a creamy mixture. The mask can be enriched with sour cream. Apply a thick layer on the face.

Application of pink clay

  • The basic mask( clay diluted with water) can be enriched with lemon juice, protein and honey. This mixture will help to eliminate inflammation, deeply cleans epidermis, and even color. For dry skin, mix a classic mask with yolk and avocado oil.
  • If you have normal or oily skin, you can prepare the following anti-aging mixture. Dilute 60 g of clay in water or herbal decoction until a creamy consistency is obtained. Add 4 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid to the mixture. Stir thoroughly, treat the skin.
  • To clean, refresh and tighten the oily skin, dilute 60 grams of clay in yoghurt with a low percentage of fat, add 5 ml of honey.
  • To narrow the pores and deep cleansing, mix 20 grams of clay, 5 drops of lemon juice and rosemary essential oil and protein. Treat a damp face.
  • Rejuvenating mask with vitamins. In the base mixture, add 3 drops of tocopherol and retinol.

Recipes from yellow clay

  • Refreshing and toning mask: dissolve clay in water, add 3 drops of orange and tangerine oil, 5 ml of jojoba oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the paste is thick, apply to the skin.
  • Yellow cosmetic clay for oily skin type. Stir 15 grams of clay, 5 ml of apple essence, 5 ml of lemon juice and honey. Add a little water to achieve a creamy consistency.
  • To soften the epidermis, combine 60 g of clay, yolk, 40 ml of cream and 5 crushed mint leaves. Rinse the skin with a mixture, rinse with warm water.
  • To nourish and moisturize dry skin, stir 20-30 g of yellow mineral powder, 5 drops of tocopherol, 20 drops of jojoba oil and lavender. Apply a thick layer.

Black clay in home cosmetology

  • To improve the epidermis, prepare a mask: dilute 20 g clay in 10 ml apple cider vinegar, add 3 drops of tea tree oil. If necessary, boiling water can be added to the mixture to achieve a creamy consistency.
  • To deeply cleanse and tone the skin, mix 20 g of powder, 15 g of honey, 7 g of dry mustard, add cold boiled water. Apply on face, warm with food tape. It is recommended to stand for 40-50 minutes.
  • For the removal of inflammation and smoothing wrinkles mask mask is suitable. Pour 20 g of gelatin with hot water, when it swells, add 30 g of clay and 5 drops of orange, bergamot or peppermint essential oil. Mix thoroughly, treat the skin.
  • Restores, eliminates inflammation, seals, scars following clay mask. Brew 15 grams of chamomile flowers in 90 ml of water, after half an hour, strain the resulting broth, dilute it with 28 g of clay.

Application of a gray mineral powder

  • To nourish the skin, dilute 20 g of clay in fresh milk to the density of sour cream, add 20 ml of liquid honey, 5 ml of almond oil and 3 drops of lemon juice. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, treat the skin.
  • To get rid of pimples, prepare a classic mask: dilute the clay in cold boiled water until a creamy consistency is obtained. Apply a thin layer on the skin, massage for 3-5 minutes.
  • Connect 20 g of gray powder with 3 g of potato starch and the same amount of talc. Dilute the dry ingredients in boiled water.

Now you know what the properties of different cosmetic clays depend on, and you will be able to choose a remedy for your skin type. Follow the rules for making masks, and your skin will be attractive, healthy and well-groomed! Related Videos:

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