Dry and exudative exfoliative cheilitis on the lips

Damage to the lips can be caused by various diseases, some of which pass by themselves, others require prolonged treatment. Exfoliative cheilitis is one of the pathologies that require long-term medical care.

This disease proceeds in a chronic form, the red border of the lips is exposed. Mucous and skin around the mouth are not affected. To a greater extent, the disease affects a female half of the population aged 20 to 40 years.

The first time pathology described in 1900, then it was called persistent desquamation of the lips.


  • Causes of disorder
  • Symptoms depending on the form
  • Diagnostic approaches and differentiation
  • Provision of medical care
  • Preventive measures

Causes of violation of

As a result of multiple studies, scientists concluded that the main reason for the development of cheilitis of this form is related to a violationwork of the central nervous system, which is characterized by nervous overstrain, the presence of phobias, depressive and apathetic condition.

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In addition, some experts are inclined to believe that this disease can manifest itself as a result of existing abnormalities at the genetic level or allergic reactions. It is possible that the cause of the disease may become and lower immunity.

In some cases, this type of cheilitis is promoted by problems related to the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as increased vascular permeability.

Despite all the assumptions, the pathogenesis of this disease has not been fully studied so far.

Symptomatic depending on the form of

In medicine, exfoliative cheilitis is divided into two types:

  • , the dry form of has a less favorable prognosis, develops against the background of depressions, is more often detected in women at a young age;
  • exudative - mostly middle-aged and elderly people suffer.

The manifestation of the disease is accompanied by a sufficiently pronounced symptomatology, which allows the patient to identify it himself. Both lips are affected at once, but more often the pathological process affects only the lower one.

Dry form is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • reddening of the skin along the rim;
  • dry lips;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • formation of scales on a border of gray or brownish color;
  • repeated crust formation within 6 days after their removal.

For exudative, such manifestations as:

  • edema and painful sensations of the affected area;
  • intensive growth of crusts, up to the point that they begin to hang on the chin;
  • is a thick exudate that impregnates the scales;
  • redness of the lips to the middle of the mouth.

In addition, in the presence of large scale scales, difficulties occur during meals. The patient's mouth is often in a semi-open position. Signs of intoxication and fever in patients, as a rule, are absent.

Diagnostic approaches and differentiation

There are no special difficulties when diagnosing a diagnosis. Since exfoliative cheilitis has a pronounced symptomatology and manifestations on the lips, even the patient can determine it.

First of all, the doctor interviews the patient for complaints, examines the history and results of clinical examinations.

As a result of physical examination with a dry form pathology, the dentist discovers a large number of scales, the location of which becomes the lips. When the crusts are removed, a hyperemic zone appears on this place.

With exudative form of cheilitis, there is swelling of the lips and pain.

In the mucosa, on the skin around the mouth and in the corners, as a rule, pathological symptoms are not observed. During palpation, regional lymph nodes are not probed.

In addition, this disease must be differentiated from other types of cheilitis:

  • atopic;
  • contact allergic;
  • meteorological;
  • is eczematous;
  • exudative actinic;
  • erosive-ulcerative form of lupus erythematosus.

Only then it will be possible to put the correct diagnosis.

Medical care

Exfoliative cheilitis is difficult to treat and is not prone to manifestations of remission. Its flow can be noted on the for several decades without any visible improvements.

The choice of therapeutic measures will depend on the form of the disease, but in any case, an integrated approach is needed.

With a dry type of pathology, sanitation and professional oral hygiene are mandatory. In a home environment, it is also important to carry out hygiene procedures in a qualitative way. Correct prosthetics will ensure rational treatment of the disease.

In addition, appoint applications using keratoplastic drugs. They are recommended to stand for at least 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day. Prescribe vitamin A and E, Tezan, paste KF, sea buckthorn oil, Karatolin, ointment Unna and others.

Before going outside, the patient needs to lubricate the lips with cream or ointment. Often use children's cream and hygienic lipstick. Some patients may be injected with a blockade. For this purpose, novocaine and aloe juice are used. You need to inject every day.

To cure exfoliative cheilitis caused by neurological causes, for the shortest possible time, a general treatment is prescribed, which involves the use of tranquilizers( Seduxen, Fenazepam, Relanium, Sibazon, Trioxazine), neuroleptics( Sonapax, Melleril) and antidepressants( Amitriptyline and Meliprapine).

In addition to drug treatment, psychotherapy is also possible. This includes:

  • relaxation;
  • hypnosis;
  • auto-training;
  • electrosleep.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, multivitamins and trace elements are recommended.

In the treatment of exudative form of cheilitis, professional hygiene and sanitation are also used. In addition to using keratoplasty applications, Solcoseryl is also prescribed. In this case, apply dental adhesive paste and corticosteroid ointments. The procedure should last about 30 minutes.

Treatment is also carried out with the help of blockades. In this case, apply a solution of lidocaine or Trimekain.

Among the drugs the most effective are:

  • Pyrogenal - increases the body's reactivity;
  • Anaprilin, Obsidan - belong to the group of vodnikoblokatorov.

As an additional therapy, reflexotherapy or exposure to Beech rays may be used. To obtain a positive result, it is also necessary to regularly perform ultrasonophoresis with the use of hormonal ointments.

With correctly selected therapeutic measures and timely treatment started, the prognosis will be favorable.

It is not recommended to engage in self-medication, because in this case a positive result will not be achieved, and the disease will develop over many years.

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of cheilitis, a number of simple recommendations must be followed, which include:

  • daily oral hygiene;
  • refusal from smoking and alcohol;
  • the correct diet;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • regular passage of the vitamin course, especially in the autumn-winter season.

In addition, females should use lipsticks as often as possible, including lanolin, as they can clog pores, dry their lips and often provoke allergic reactions.

Exfoliative cheilitis is not a very pleasant disease, therefore, at the first symptoms it is necessary to immediately contact a dermatologist or dentist who will prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

  • Mar 21, 2018
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