So happy for every woman the minutes of pregnancy are often overshadowed by feelings about the health of the future mother and baby.
Any deviation from the normal state causes troubling thoughts that negatively affect a woman's stable emotional state.
Toothache during pregnancy is one of the most harsh and irritating factors.
Contents of
- Why do teeth hurt in pregnant women?
- How to remove toothache without tablets
- Efficiency and safety - the main factor
- Anesthesia in the dentist
- Preventive measures
Why do teeth hurt in pregnant women?
At a time when the body feels a heavy load and divides all the vitamins and minerals received for two, there is a change in metabolism, a decrease in the calcium content( although the need for this mineral increases).This leads to brittleness and fragility of nails and hair, deterioration of the skin, but first of all negative changes affect the teeth.
The main reasons for the appearance of toothache in pregnant women are:
- development of caries and its complications( pulpitis, periodontitis);
- inflammation in the gums;
- increased sensitivity of teeth.
The lack of minerals leads to the fact that the teeth become extremely vulnerable. The lack of micro- and macronutrients in the saliva is the reason for the insufficient remineralization of the enamel during food-free time.
This entails an increased risk of tooth decay, which, if not visited on a timely basis, can provoke acute pain.
Hypersensitivity can be associated with a violation of the acid-base balance, the appearance of cracks in the enamel due to lack of calcium, frequent temperature changes.
How to remove a toothache without tablets
To tolerate a toothache is extremely undesirable, this irritant adversely affects the mood and emotional state of the mother, so many are wondering what to anesthetize.
Nervousness leads to deterioration of well-being and affects the development of the fetus. Feeling the pain, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment taking into account the special position of the woman.
If the pain can not be tolerated, and there is no opportunity to quickly turn to the dentist, you can resort to effective folk remedies for removing discomfort. To harmless methods of getting rid of the pain are:
- Gadgets .To remove a toothache it is possible, attaching to a gum under the tooth a little balm "Asterisk", put on a wadded disk. To the original folk methods of treatment include applying to a sick tooth of garlic or strewing gums with a powder of cloves. Effective way - lotions from the juice of aloe, calanchoe or pelargonium to the source of pain( gum).
- Rinsing of the mouth with decoctions of herbs .A solution of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, plantain and other herbs from the home medicine cabinet relieves a sharp pain. Strengthen the effect by rinsing with soda.
To remove a toothache on your own, means to get rid of the symptoms, but not from the cause. To prevent further exacerbation and maintain the health of your oral cavity, you can turn to a dentist on time.
Efficiency and safety - the main factor
What can women take from a painful toothache during the period of gestation:
- The most mild and safe for the health of the mother and fetus during pregnancy is considered Paracetamol .He not only relieves pain, but also has antipyretic effect.
- Safe and popular drug that relieves pain and spasms is No-spindle ( and its cheaper analogue is drotaverin), but with toothache such an anesthetic is ineffective.
- Nurofen is contraindicated in the last trimester of pregnancy, and in the first and second trimesters it is allowed. Use this tool should be in critical cases, when the harm from its non-use is greater than the reverse situation.
To ensure that medicines do not harm neither the woman in the position, nor the fetus, they should be appointed by the attending physician after a thorough examination.
Can I remove the teeth during pregnancy you learn from this article.
Concerned about bleeding gums during pregnancy? Recommendations for treatment here.
Anesthesia at the dentist
Dental procedures in the specialist's office sometimes require the use of anesthesia. In this case, the doctor selects sparing drugs with a low concentration of vasoconstrictors to reduce the amount of anesthetic penetrating the blood and the placenta.
Anesthesia in dentistry is performed with topical preparations. The application of anesthesia is most safe when superficial anesthesia is applied with a spray or an anesthetic gel.
The most preferred injection anesthetic is Ultracaine or Ubestizin. The action of ultracaine is 2 times more effective than lidocaine, and there are almost no contraindications to use( the drug can also be used in pregnancy).
For the treatment of teeth in pregnant women, according to many experts, the second trimester is best suited. When going to an appointment with a dentist, it is worth remembering that each case is individual, and only a qualified doctor can choose a treatment.
Preventive measures
To reduce the risk of diseases of the dental cavity and the appearance of discomfort, it is possible, observing the basic rules of hygiene and prevention. The necessary actions for this include:
- Timely visit to the dentist .Careful examination every six months - the way to the health of teeth and gums.
- Use of suitable oral cleaners .During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the teeth often increases, the acid-alkaline environment changes and there is an increased risk of caries. Brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day using a suitable paste, using and dental floss maximizes the health of the oral cavity.
- Healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition .Eating whole grain cereal and vegetable dishes, dairy products with a high content of calcium and other vitamins and minerals, reducing the daily sugar rate, it is possible to improve the condition of the oral cavity.
If a toothache caught the woman in position, it is worth immediately coming to see a specialist and warn him about pregnancy. Based on this, a qualified dentist will choose what to treat using drugs that are safe for the health of a woman and a fetus.
How to keep your dental health during pregnancy look in this video.
To prevent the development of diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to regularly apply preventive measures. Proper care of the oral cavity and balanced nutrition are key steps to the health of teeth and gums!