Chicken Diet. Menu for 5 days, for every day. Videos and reviews

Features of the chicken diet, its advantages and disadvantages. Menu for 3, 5, 7 and 9 days for quick relief of excess weight.

Contents of

  • Features of chicken meat for chicken diet
  • Advantages and disadvantages of chicken diet
  • Requirements for diets for chicken diet
  • Types of chicken diets: detailed description of diets
  • Diet on chicken breast for 7 days
  • Chicken breast diet for 9 days
  • 5day chicken diet on eggs
  • Chicken and vegetable diet
  • Diet on chicken broth
  • Exercise: exercises
  • Chicken diet: reviews
  • Video: Duck Diet. Baked chicken breast with vegetables

The fastest and most reliable way to lose weight in just a few days is to sit down on a chicken diet. It is simple, easy, and most importantly - tasty and useful. Using chicken in a diet according to a certain scheme, you can lose up to 3-7 kg without any special efforts.
The main ingredient is simple enough so that everyone can cook various dishes from it, which not only does not appear on the figure, but also helps to get rid of excess centimeters on the waist and hips. The desired result will not take long to wait, but only pleasantly surprise!

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Features of chicken meat for the chicken diet

Like any other staple product of various diets, chicken meat has its own characteristics, because of which it is fond of nutritionists. Among them we can distinguish:

  • low calorie content;
  • high protein content( very important for muscles) and collagen;
  • availability of useful B vitamins, micro- and macro elements( potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc).

Advantages and disadvantages of the chicken diet

Before you start a diet, you need to learn all its advantages and disadvantages. It should not adversely affect the health of a person, but only help to get rid of a few extra pounds.

Advantages of the chicken diet:

  • with its help you can lose up to 7 kg of weight;
  • does not have a strict nature( the only restriction is the observance of the calories of the dishes used);The
  • diet can be combined with exercise;
  • chicken is easy to prepare, affordable.


  • chicken meat contains insufficient amount of fats, which are so important for the life of the whole organism;
  • diet can be observed only a certain time( 3, 5, 7 or 9 days);
  • the use of dietary meat without the addition of salt.

Requirements for diets for chicken diet

The requirements must be taken responsibly and seriously, as the performance of the diet will depend on their performance, as well as the amount of kilograms lost.

Among them we can distinguish:

  1. The caloric content of the daily ration should not exceed 1200 kcal.
  2. It is necessary that meat take half the daily ration, and the rest of it - fruits, vegetables, greens( except potatoes, grapes and bananas).
  3. Taboo on sugar and salt.
  4. Meat should be cooked only for a couple or boil in water.
  5. The number of meals should be at least 6 times a day.
  6. Daily use of water - at least two liters.

Types of chicken diets: a detailed description of the diets

Among the main types of chicken diets can be identified:

  • on chicken breast;
  • on chicken eggs;
  • chicken and vegetable diet;
  • on chicken broth.

Chicken breast diet for 7 days

This is a fairly simple kind of chicken diet, with its help you can lose up to 5 kg. During its observance it is allowed to use a variety of fruits( except bananas), vegetables( except potatoes) and porridges. The daily ration should include chicken breast meat in the amount of 500-600 g.

Daily ration:

  • breakfast - light salad of fresh cucumber, 200 g of boiled fillet;
  • second breakfast - apple;
  • lunch - buckwheat, 200 g of chicken fillet;
  • snack - light vegetable salad;
  • dinner - baked vegetables, 200 g of breast;
  • 2nd dinner - green or black tea( no added sugar or honey).

Diet on chicken breast for 9 days

During this 9-day diet, only boiled breast, apples and pineapple should be eaten. With their help, you can lose up to 5-7 kg of excess weight.


  • on the first, second and third day you need to eat 1.5 kg of apples;
  • the fourth, the fifth and the sixth - 1 kg of boiled chicken fillet;
  • the seventh, eighth and ninth - 500 g of pineapple pulp and 500 g of fillets.

5-day chicken diet on eggs

This diet will allow you to quickly lose 3-5 kg. Due to the balanced nutrition that underlies the method, you can not only lose weight, but also feel full and alert.

The diet should include: vegetable salads, low-fat fish, dietary meat, fruit, herbal teas without the addition of sugar, juices, fat-free yogurt and cottage cheese.

You can not eat and drink: sweets, flour products, black bread, coffee and black tea.

The daily ration( for 5-7 days) should include:

  • breakfast: 2 boiled( in steep) chicken eggs( or light dairy-free omelette with chopped greens), grapefruit or orange( can be replaced with fresh), glass of green tea;
  • lunch: 1 egg( steep), 150 g boiled chicken fillet, grapefruit, a glass of purified natural water( meat can be replaced with cottage cheese or fish);
  • dinner: 2 boiled eggs, light vegetable salad, orange or juice from it.

Chicken and Vegetable Diet

This method will allow you to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in 9 days. In his diet there are both vegetables and dietary meat. During this diet you can eat: rice, boiled chicken fillet and a variety of vegetables.

Approximate diet for 9 days of diet:

  1. 1-3 day: boiled rice( different grades) in 2/3 cup at a time. During this period, you must drink as much liquid as possible( water, herbal or green teas).
  2. 4-6th day: boiled or baked chicken breast for 100-150 grams at a time. Before going to bed, you must drink low-fat kefir.
  3. 7-9 day: raw, stewed or boiled vegetables( they can also be baked in the oven, on the grill, to make various purees or salads).Water or green tea is allowed from the liquid.

Diet on chicken broth

It is based on the use of a rich broth from chicken. For a week, such a diet can lose up to 9 kg. The only requirement - you can not drink alcoholic beverages and ordinary food.

To prepare the broth, you will need to purchase a carcass of domestic chicken, as regular broiler shops are not suitable for these purposes.

Method of broth preparation:

  • chicken washed under running water;
  • put in a pan, pour cold water( 2 liters) and put on a plate;
  • when the contents of the pan start boiling, remove the formed foam and reduce the fire;
  • is dumpling the chicken for 2-2.5 hours on low heat, then take it out, drain the liquid and use it for a diet.

The daily diet( during the week) should consist of 1.5 liters of broth. It should be divided into equal parts, to drink a glass 5-7 times a day.

Since this diet consists only of the use of liquid, it is necessary to leave it competently, so as not to harm the body.

Approximate food for 7 days to exit the broth diet:

  • Day 1 - in the diet you need to add protein from a boiled chicken egg and 200 g of stewed cabbage;
  • Day 2 - 50 grams of rice or buckwheat porridge without oil and salt;
  • Day 3 - add to the diet orange, grapefruit or apple;
  • Day 4 - the broth should be drunk only at lunch meals, in addition to it you can eat another 50 grams of rice or buckwheat porridge, as well as 100-120 g of stewed vegetables;
  • Day 5 - 200 ml of low-fat yogurt or kefir can be added to the diet; stewed vegetables are replaced with fresh ones;
  • 6th day - add the boiled chicken breast( 150-200 g);
  • 7th day - a handful of nuts and 100-150 g of dried fruits.

Exercise: Exercises

Exercises and an active lifestyle can help you lose weight faster. In the period of compliance with the chicken diet, it is necessary to walk more in the fresh air, do morning exercises, exercise, jump, run, jump, in general - do not sit still. Diet and exercise will accelerate the process of losing hated kilograms, as well as unnecessary centimeters at the waist and hips.

Chicken Diet: Feedback from

To get the desired benefit from the chicken diet, you need to follow all the recommendations of nutritionists and adhere to a simple menu. Of course, it will be difficult to refrain from salt, sugar, favorite coffee or sweets, but you just have to think about your goal, and all thoughts of temptation immediately go to the background. A week is not so much, but a real reward for such work is the arrow of the weights on the desired figure.

Video: Duck Diet. Baked chicken breast with vegetables

Chicken diet is suitable even for the most demanding person. Due to its simplicity and accessibility, it will become a real "wand-rescue stick", when you urgently need to lose extra pounds before any important event. Try one of the suggested options, and you will never regret!

  • Mar 21, 2018
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