Not all women manage to survive menopause without taking medication that normalizes their health. The most effective are preparations with synthetic hormones. But the side reactions caused by them, the potential risks do not allow to take these funds to everyone. When it is necessary to neutralize the effect of lowering estrogens and progesterone, estroel with menopause will be one of the best options.
- 1 Why estroel
- 1.1 Composition of the preparation
- 2 What the drug can do to relieve the climacteric syndrome
- 3 Features of the non-hormonal antidiuretic drug
- 4 Contraindications
Why estroel
The hormonal changes characteristic of menopause are dangerous consequences that this natural feature causes. Violated metabolism, many other processes in the tissues of the body. This causes a deterioration in well-being, threatens to develop in the disease, as it is accompanied by a weakening of immunity.
To restore, to reduce the effect of imbalance of substances, not only components that replace hormones, but also vitamins are needed. The remedy for menopause Estroel is characterized by a high content of the necessary. It contains vegetable analogues of estrogens and progestins, a complex of immunity-inducing components.
Estroel is not seen in provoking unwanted manifestations. It is important that a woman does not have intolerance to its components.
Composition of the drug
The drug for menopause Estroel contains not hormones, but substances that have a similar effect on receptors, vitamins and trace elements:
- Cymifuga vulgaris. The plant is known for its estrogen-like capabilities, that is, the preservation of the elasticity and conductivity of the vessels, the normalization of processes in the nervous tissue. Tsimifuga relieves pain in the muscles and head, slows down the destructive processes in the bones;
- Soy isoflavonoids. These substances are estrogen list, similar in composition to the organism produced. Therefore, they are easily digested, normalizing the hormonal balance, improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Isoflavonoids stimulate the ovaries to more active functioning, slowing down the decrease in the volume of estrogens;
- Bor. This micronutrient enhances the effect of isoflavonoids, spurs your own production of sex hormones;
- Wild yam. The plant has the ability to replace the missing body progesterone. Thanks to him, Estroel is able to protect the endometrium from pathological processes with menopause, to make the menstrual periods in premenopause less abundant. Wild yam also strengthens the walls of the arteries, contributing to a decrease in pressure and the risk of atherosclerosis;
- Indole-3-carbinol. The component levels the imbalance of substances inevitable in menopause, mainly the predominance of estrogens. Thanks to him, the probability of malignant tumors decreases;
- Nettle extract. This is a whole set of vitamins K, B, carotenoids and ascorbic acid that are important for menopause. Thanks to it, the vessels are strengthened, blood circulation in the genital area increases, but the amount of discharge in the premenopause decreases. Nettle works to improve immunity, protects bone tissue from loss of density, removes excess fluid;
- Tocopherol acetate. The substance is necessary for the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, restoration of protective forces and the work of the nervous system. Tablets from menopause Estroel, thanks to him, have all these possibilities;
- Vitamin B6.Stimulates the development of their own hormones, in particular, necessary for an even emotional state of endorphins. These substances help to cope with other symptoms of menopause;
- Folic acid. It restores the body's defenses, normalizes the work of the central nervous system, reduces anxiety. This substance levels and the hormonal background as a whole;
- 5-hydroxytryptophan. The component is a supplement for vitamin B6.Together, they stimulate the production and receptivity of the body endorphins, contributing to the normalization of mental state and reduce any painful sensations;
- Phenylalanine. The substance, being one of the essential amino acids, normalizes the confused metabolic processes and relieves pain.
What the drug can do to relieve the climacteric syndrome
Due to the compatibility of the listed components in climacteric estrovel actively opposes all negative manifestations, slows down the painful processes and stimulates the health-improving. The drug will be useful if a woman is disturbed:
- Pressure jumps inherent in menopause;
- Headaches, including migraine-like and caused by problems with the cervical spine;
- Rapid fatigue or persistent weakness;
- Propensity to negative emotions, excessive nervousness, tearfulness, anxiety, depression;
- No sexual attraction. Thanks to the improvement of blood circulation in the small pelvis and restoration of the vaginal mucosa, the desire returns;
- Friability of bones. In menopause, the density of their tissues first decreases imperceptibly, but in a year it will be 1%.Estroel slows down the process, stimulates the production of osteoblasts.
Features of non-hormonal anti-climacteric remedy
Despite the softness of the effect of the drug, you can not start taking it yourself. Like any medicine, it also has contraindications, dosage can not be arbitrarily chosen either.
How to take estrovel with menopause, in a particular case, the specialist will determine. But the average dose is set at 1-2 tablets per day. Grind or dissolve in a liquid they can not, swallowed whole, washed down with water. It is allowed to do this while eating.
Gentle influence and natural origin do not allow expecting a rapid improvement in well-being. But after 7-14 days the effect will be noticeable, and in 2-4 months the woman will feel it completely.
If there are improvements, but not such as to feel healthy, it is allowed to increase the dose to 3-4 tablets, diluting their reception in time. But this is only on the advice of a doctor.
The general course can last up to 12 months. The interval between him and the next estroel should be at least 4-12 weeks.
We recommend reading the article about taking non-hormonal drugs for menopause. You will learn about the effects of drugs without the content of synthetic hormones on the body of a woman in the climacteric period.
Like all non-hormonal tablets, estrovel is allowed for many diseases that make it impossible to take drugs that are based on synthetic estrogens and progestins. But we can not consider it to be shown to absolutely everyone who is worried about menopausal syndrome.
Estroel is not prescribed for myoma. This tumor is benign, but its growth is dependent on the level of estrogens. The drug, although it does not introduce these hormones into the body artificially, but stimulates their natural production, enhances the blood supply to the pelvic area. That is, myoma when it is used can increase in size.
Another contraindication to the use of estroella is phenylketonuria. In case of a disease, the metabolism, in particular, the amino acids, is lost, one of which is in the preparation. The use of the drug with this diagnosis can result in poisoning.
This is not a magical elixir, but if you start it in premenopause, perhaps some stronger medication will not be needed.