Vicasol with monthly

Critical days do not always pass, as in the textbook. Sometimes the cycle needs to be adjusted. Vikasol with monthly for this purpose is used for a long time, this is an old, proven drug. And although there are already more modern means, some experts prefer to assign it to patients.

Contents of

  • 1 Some information about
  • 2 A little information about
  • 2 Why use Vikasol on critical days
    • 2.1 Vikasol as a means of restoring the norm of discharge during menstruation
    • 2.2 Termination of menstruation
  • 3 What else is in the instruction for Vikasol

Some information about the preparation

The action of vikasol is based on liver stimulationto the development of prothrombin. It is a component that promotes the formation of a fibrin clot in the blood. The latter is necessary for its coagulation. But its role is not limited to the reduction and cessation of all kinds of bleeding, because in fact the drug is an analogue of vitamin K, involved in a variety of reactions occurring in the body. And because vikasol, when used for menstruation for different purposes, is considered safe in the sense of the consequences for the reproductive system.

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The product exists in tablets and liquid form. In the first case, its effect is slower, it begins only 12 hours after admission. The solution of vicasol works faster in the body, as it enters into it in the form of intramuscular injection.

Why use Vikasol in the critical days of

Menstruation depends on the state of the reproductive system, disturbing its diseases. If they go too long, intensely, this is an absolute threat to health. Vikasol indications for use with menstruation has the following:

  • Abundant discharge caused by the presence of fibroids, endometriosis, endometritis. With them, the uterus of the uterus is hypertrophied, the number of menses withdrawn from menstruation is greater, respectively, and the woman loses a lot of blood;
  • Prolonged menstruation due to hormonal disorder. Excess of some substances also leads to abnormal thickening of the endometrium, which is renewed unevenly and for a long time;
  • Intensive discharge due to poor blood coagulation. Often the fault is the vitamin K deficiency;
  • Strong and long lasting menstruation due to inability of the uterus to contract. Here, vikasol is designed to replenish blood loss and is used in addition to basic therapy;
  • Dysfunctional bleeding from the genital tract. Vikasol is used to eliminate the symptom, but not the cause, although it helps along with other means to stop them.

In all these cases, the active substance of the drug forces the blood to clot more quickly, contributing to an increase in the number of platelets in it. Therefore, vikasol with monthly effects gives in the form of a decrease in the number of secretions. The loss of blood also decreases.

The drug is usually administered together with other agents that can support hemostasis: aminocaproic acid, calcium chloride, ascorutin.

Use it and as an "ambulance" for bleeding in addition to other means, and if necessary, just moderate the intensity of menstruation.

Vikasol as a means of restoring the norm of excretions during menstruation

Vikasol with plentiful monthly women use quite often. Due to the increased synthesis of prothrombin, caused by the action of vitamin K, there is a thickening of the blood, it does not so easily leave the damaged vessels. In addition, this substance is involved in the process of formation of new components of a biological fluid. That is, Vikassol also helps in restoring general health, eliminating weakness, drowsiness, pushes the risk of anemia.

Use the drug as a basic momentary treatment makes sense when it's just about copious monthly. If it is bleeding, vikasol is not exactly suitable for its immediate stopping, but can be used as part of a comprehensive therapy. The drug does not contain vitamin K in its pure form, but only a substance that turns into it later. And before that, for 12 hours, bleeding can continue.

Vicasol tablets with monthly take usually no more than 2 per day. If a woman has malaise associated with absorption of the intestine, the drug can only be assimilated, then the expected impact will not. The doctor will take into account this feature, appointing him in injections or increasing the dose. Follow the coagulability of the blood will be necessary in any case.

Termination of menstruation

To stop monthly with vikasol is a more realistic task. Especially it is easily solved with excreta, which can not be called intense. Due to the blood thickening, the vessels that make up a significant part of the replaced layer of the uterine mucosa are damaged to a lesser degree. Menstruation is limited to 2-3 days of scant excretions.

In achieving the effect, the last thing that matters is how to drink Vikasol to stop the menstruation. To do this, you can start taking pills from their first day, 2 pieces per day, diluting the use of time. You can replace them with a daily injection of the drug solution. Finish taking the medicine at the end of the critical days. Faster will be able to stop them by those who are deficient in vitamin K. In this case, the use of the drug will be completely physiological and safe.

But in general, vikasol for stopping menstruation should not be made a habitual remedy. It has contraindications, side effects and is potentially dangerous to health if used without any reason.

The very violent completion of menstruation can adversely affect the reproductive system as a whole, lead to hormonal disorders, delays, appearance of thickened areas on the mucosa of the uterus.

Menstrual blood, which was to be released in this cycle, when left in the uterus cavity begins to oxidize and decompose. This can cause an unpleasant odor and an inflammatory process, which then will have to be disposed of for a long time.

We recommend that you read an article on other haemostatic drugs with heavy menstruation. You will learn about the causes of menstrual irregularity, the drugs recommended by doctors.

What else is in the instructions to Vikasol

It's always worth sticking to the principle that only a doctor can prescribe medications. Not an exception and vikasol, instructions for the use of tablets with monthly prohibits taking those who have:

  • The tendency to thromboembolism;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Increased risk of blood clots in women who exceed the daily usual dose of 60 mg or makes more than 1 injection of the drug solution.

Those who are going to use vikasol, the instructions for use with monthly warns of possible side reactions in the form:

  • Allergic rashes, redness, causing itching;
  • Swelling of tissues. Especially at this risk women with bronchial asthma are at risk, in whom vicasol can cause a spasm in the respiratory system;
  • Decreases in blood pressure and, as a result, weakness, dizziness, fainting.

And this is another reason why you do not need to take a remedy without the doctor's blessing.

Vikasol, used with menstruation, can make their flow more comfortable, quicker. He will warn the decline of strength, the development of anemia, help the body to quickly restore blood reserves. So it will be when the drug is really needed. If you use it for the immediate need to quickly stop menstruating for reasons of comfort, you should not resort to the method more often than once a year.

  • Mar 21, 2018
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