The reasons for which elevated platelets with monthly

Platelets are red blood cells responsible for stopping bleeding in the body with tissue damage. Normal boundaries vary within fairly wide limits. The number of platelets can vary with different conditions of the woman's body, for example, during pregnancy or during critical days. Thrombocytosis is a situation in which the number of red blood cells increases for various reasons. This can be both a pathological and a physiological state. Elevated platelets with monthly, for example, should not be normal. This indicates a high risk of thromboembolic complications and the presence of some deviation.


  • 1 What tell platelets
  • 2 Normal values ​​
  • 3 At that increasing values ​​indicate
    • 3.1 primary thrombocytosis
    • 3.2 secondary thrombocytosis
      • 3.2.1 Thrombocytosis resulting inflammation
      • 3.2.2 When anemia
      • 3.2.3 Pathology spleen
      • 3.2.4 Damage to
      • 3.2.5 Tumors
      • 3.2.6 Medical preparations
  • instagram viewer
  • 4 And if the indices are reduced
    • 4.1 HELLP-syndrome
  • 5 Does the monthly for diagnostic data

What is the storyt

platelets Platelets are among the blood cells and serve important functions. In size, they are several times smaller than red blood cells and leukocytes, also have a completely different form: they are more similar to the electron microscope on plates, whence they received their second name.

Platelets are constantly circulating in the blood. They are formed in the red bone marrow in bones, but are destroyed in the spleen. Accordingly, any violations of the functions of these organs lead to a change in the number of red blood cells.

The main and vital task of platelets is participation in the formation of thrombi. Any damage to the vessel or tissues( here they go along with the blood plasma), leads to activation of the process. Thus, the body "patches" the damage.

Normally, in the absence of any damage, platelets freely circulate through the bloodstream, without colliding with each other and not activating in any other way. With an increased number of red blood cells can "stick" one to one and to the wall of the vessels, causing the formation of blood clots inside the vein or artery. As a result, strokes or heart attacks develop.

With a reduced number of platelets, women suffer from permanent bleeding, including uterine, haematomas and other similar complications.

Also on its surface, these shaped elements carry different receptors responsible for various processes in the body.

Platelets release growth factors that promote the healing of a damaged site.

Normal values ​​

The gold standard is the content in the blood of an adult woman from 160 * 109 to 400 * 109 in one liter of blood. However, there are a number of conditions where the physiological indices are shifting in one direction or the other in the norm. These include:

  • Pregnancy. In this case, in the first and second trimesters a slight decrease in the number of red blood cells is observed. The lower limit of the norm in this case is 90-140 * 109 / l. This condition develops so that the formation of the blood vessels of the placenta and the blood supply of the fetus are correct. This is also due to the relative dilution of the blood of the liquid component of the plasma. On the eve of childbirth, there may be some increase in the number of platelets and coagulogram indices( shows the coagulating properties of the blood).This is provided by nature to ensure that during childbirth a woman lost as little blood as possible. Indications above 450 * 109 in one liter of blood are already considered a pathology.
  • In women, significant fluctuations in platelet levels occur during the cycle. The highest values ​​are observed during the ovulation period, and the moment coincides with the maximum basal temperature. When approaching critical days and during them, the number of red blood cells is significantly reduced, at times becoming less than the norm limit. Platelets during menstruation even reach 120 - 140 * 109 in one liter of blood.

As indicated by the increase in the value of

An increase in the number of red blood cells occurs in the following main cases:

  • with an increase in their formation in the bone marrow;
  • with a decrease in their destruction in the spleen, for example, when it is removed;
  • for certain functional states, during which local blood accumulation takes place.

Primary thrombocytosis

This pathology develops when, for some reason, excessive formation of megakaryocytes precursors of platelets occurs in the red bone marrow. As a result, the number of red blood cells also increases in the peripheral blood. For a long time the disease may not manifest itself particularly. Sometimes women are concerned about headaches, unmotivated red color of the skin, especially the face and upper body. The diagnosis is established after the delivery of a general blood test, if necessary, bone marrow puncture is performed.

Primary thrombocytosis is dangerous due to an increased risk of blood clots in all organs, which leads to strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism. In the presence of this disease, platelets with menstruation will also be increased, despite the fact that they should be physiologically minimal during this period.

Secondary thrombocytosis

This pathology occurs when the level of red blood cells rises in the course of some diseases, for example, with infection, spleen pathology, and the like.

Thrombocytosis as a result of inflammation of

An increase in the number of these form elements can be provoked by both a viral and bacterial infection, as well as fungi. As a result of the body's response, the level of not only red blood cells, but also other components of the blood, for example, various fractions of leukocytes, increases.

Also, autoimmune diseases can cause thrombocytosis. For example, with rheumatoid arthritis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis and other pathologies.

With anemia

When the level of hemoglobin and iron in the blood decreases( reflects the ferritin index), a reactive increase in platelets is observed. The mechanism of this phenomenon has not been studied.

In the pathology of the spleen

This organ is involved in the destruction of platelets that have performed their functions. When the spleen is atrophy, in the case of its removal or disruption of work, the number of blood red plates artificially increases. The platelets after the menstruation and during them will always be above normal.

Damage to

Extensive injuries of both the skin and internal organs can lead to a protective response of the body, and as a result, an increase in the number of platelets. Such conditions can develop after operations, fractures, etc.


Most malignancies lead to anemia, increased red blood cells and white blood cells. As a result, tumors increase the risk of vascular thrombosis.

Medical preparations

Some drugs as side effects can affect the process of platelet formation, increasing their number. A similar action can be observed in analogues of hormones of the adrenal cortex, sympathomimetics and some others.

And if the indicators are reduced

Thrombocytopenia is manifested by increased bleeding, frequent hematomas and spontaneous bleeding. Most often with various autoimmune diseases, excessive destruction of red blood cells occurs, which causes a decrease in their level. Also, some viral diseases can provoke such conditions. Thrombocytopenia occurs with hepatitis, HIV, herpes, ARVI, and the like.

Reducing the number of red blood cells below 20 * 109 / L is critical for the health of any woman, in such situations, treatment should be performed in a hospital.

An independent disease with a decrease in the level of these elements is thrombocytopenic purpura, the trigger mechanism for which are various infectious pathologies.


At the end of pregnancy, sometimes a pathology is observed, one of the manifestations of which is a decrease in the number of platelets and an increased risk of developing a DIC syndrome - violations of blood coagulation. With HELLP-syndrome, there is also a decrease in the level of erythrocytes, yellowing of the skin, impaired liver function, and the like. All this leads to fetal suffering and threatens the life of a woman, so the establishment of this diagnosis is an indication for emergency delivery.

We recommend reading the article on the delivery of tests during menstruation. From it you will learn about the cases in which it is possible, and in which it is impossible for a woman to take a blood test during menstruation days, as well as about the possibility of putting urine and conducting an ultrasound.

Does the monthly for diagnostic data

Indeed, there is a relationship between the menstrual cycle of a woman and the basic blood indicators. It is believed that the level of uniform elements, including red blood cells, is affected by the work of the autonomic nervous system, which is also responsible for some behavioral reactions.

Platelets before menstruation begin to fall, reaching minimum values ​​on critical days. That is why any surgery is undesirable at this time, as the amount of blood lost increases.

But not always the lowered values ​​of red blood cells during menstruation will be below the norm. Usually the readings range from 140 - 180 * 109.

Do platelets increase with menstruation? No, their physiological decline may occur sooner. But in a healthy woman, all variations of platelets should be within normal limits, especially since the range is very wide - from 160 to 400 * 109 / L.Any deviation should alarm both the patient and the doctor, since in most cases these serious fluctuations can hide serious pathologies.

  • Mar 21, 2018
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